cute in his palm

Chapter 604 My sister is the most beautiful

Chapter 604 My sister is the most beautiful
When Mu Yijie said so firmly that she is not suitable for me, Mu Jiu just wanted to laugh.

Only a little older, can you understand feelings and know who is suitable for you?

Even if she has lived for 20 years now, she still hasn't figured out which is the most suitable for her, and now she is married to Jiang Dingcheng for some irreversible reasons.

When they grow up and need to face the world independently and shoulder their own responsibilities on their own shoulders, they will find that too many beautiful things will be defeated by reality one by one.

And often the problems come by surprise, and there is no chance for him to react.

Now that he is still young, it is normal for him not to understand.

Therefore, Mu Jiu doesn't want to talk too much, his life still needs to be experienced and understood slowly by himself.

"I also plan to let Linlin be my bridesmaid tomorrow, and you will be the best man. If you don't want to see her like this, I'm afraid it will spoil the wedding atmosphere." Mu Jiu said a little seriously.

"Sister, are you ready? It's time to take a photo. That stinky girl Guan Linlin is still waiting. I don't want to receive any more calls from her urging her to die." Mu Yijie no longer wanted to mention anything more about Guan Linlin. It's time for something to happen, take a photo for her earlier, and finish it sooner.

'Okay, let's just take two pictures. 'Mu Jiu said somewhat unnaturally.

Although she is a fashion designer and has seen all catwalk shows, she doesn't like being photographed by others, so she rarely takes selfies or anything. Her blog and space are basically just a bunch of clothing photos .

"Come on, sister, stand up and smile." Although Mu Yijie was holding a mobile phone, he showed the demeanor of a famous photographer to take pictures of Mu Jiu.

After taking two pictures, Mu Jiu gradually relaxed from the initial discomfort.

"Sister, you should relax like this. The photos taken are so beautiful, next time your clothes are going to be on the catwalk, you can put them on yourself." Mu Yijie said seriously while looking at the photos taken in the phone.

These words he said were not words of flattery, but real words.

Mu Jiu heard it in her ears, sweet in her heart, even though she knew that Mu Yijie said these words to make her happy.

"Sister, let's take a look. I have passed all these photos to Guan Linlin." Mu Yijie handed the phone to Mu Jiu, letting her take a look by herself.

Mu Jiu glanced at it, wondering if it was because the clothes were too beautiful, or Mu Yijie's photography skills were pretty good, the self he took was really pretty.

Some of them like their own photos.

"Let's pass it on, everything is fine, Mu Yijie, you can be a photographer now." Mu Jiu said sincerely.

"This is a good idea. I will be a photographer in the future, my brother will be a painter, and you will be a designer. Our family is all engaged in art. It sounds like an art family. It's great." Mu Yijie said to Guan Linlin Pass the photo and said with a smile.

"Don't forget, Mu Andong is a businessman." Mu Jiu interrupted his thoughts cruelly.

Not a minute after the photo was sent, Guan Linlin called.

"Mu Yijie give the phone to Sister Xiaojiu, I want to talk to her." Guan Linlin's excited voice came from inside.

Fortunately, Mu Yijie had the foresight to put the phone away, otherwise his ears would not be able to bear it.

"Come on, it's hands-free." Mu Yijie said lazily.

"Sister Xiaojiu, this dress is really beautiful on you. Anyway, I know that you have high-order wedding dresses and dresses to wear when you get married. Let's wear this dress today. I know that at noon, my sister has already I held a bachelor party for you, but it's a pity that I'm not here, if I come back earlier, I can let you wear this beautiful dress." Guan Linlin's voice came out excitedly.

"I know, so it doesn't matter, thank you for the gift, it's really beautiful, I like it very much." Mu Jiu said sincerely.

"Sister Xiaojiu, it's the best if you like it, then I can be happy. You can wear it today, and let my brother-in-law be amazed first." Guan Linlin said with a smile.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu's face turned red.

Do you want to wear such a skirt in front of Jiang Dingcheng? I don't know if he really likes it. It's a bit embarrassing.

Because she never knew what kind of skirts Jiang Dingcheng would like girls to wear.

But for a man like him who doesn't like women, it doesn't matter what he wears.

Sometimes I really want to know what Jiang Dingcheng's reaction is when he sees a most beautiful woman.

"Sister Xiaojiu, did you hear what I just said?" Guan Linlin immediately shouted at her.

When Mu Jiu was yelled at by Guan Linlin, her soul was pulled back, and then she glanced at Mu Yijie.

The dress on her is indeed beautiful, but if she really wants to wear it out, she said that she still has some pressure in her heart. She was used to wearing comfortable and simple clothes in the past, so she suddenly wore it because she was afraid that the people downstairs would not like it. Habit.

"I heard." Mu Jiu said in a low voice.

"Then wear it well, it will definitely impress your brother-in-law, he will definitely say, how did you marry such a beautiful wife?" Guan Linlin thought extraordinarily well.

"Mu Yijie, you have to keep an eye on sister Xiaojiu, and tell her to wear this beautiful dress I gave her today, and it must be carried out. Do you hear me?" Guan Linlin said seriously to him.

Although Mu Yijie didn't like to obey Guan Linlin's orders, but in order to make his sister appear more beautiful in front of everyone, it was the first time that he agreed with Guan Linlin's words so much.

"Don't worry, I will. This is my own sister, and of course I will make her look the most beautiful in front of others." Mu Yijie said seriously.

For Mu Jiu wearing beautiful clothes and showing up to surprise everyone, of course he supports it.

"Okay, that's it. Remember to take a family portrait for me at night," Guan Linlin said seriously.

Mu Yijie expressed his displeasure.

"Our family portrait is none of your business." These were Mu Yijie's original words.

"I just want to see if sister Xiaojiu won't really wear this skirt to go downstairs, who wants to see your family portrait." Guan Linlin expressed a little displeasure at Mu Yijie's attitude.

This Mu Yijie never treats her with a good attitude every time, it's really annoying.

"Sister Xiaojiu, you must be beautiful. I'll hang up first. Mommy called me to eat. See you at the wedding tomorrow."

'okay bye. '

Mu Yijie rushed to hang up the phone.

'Mu Yijie, your attitude towards Linlin like this is not right, sooner or later you will take her anger away, do you understand? 'Mu Jiu said to him very bluntly.

(End of this chapter)

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