cute in his palm

Chapter 611 What do you think

Chapter 611 What do you think
When Guan Linlin heard Guan Xiaotong raise such a serious question, she immediately pouted and looked at Guan Xiaotong seriously. 'Sister, I'm still so young, how can I get married and have a relationship with mother-in-law and daughter-in-law? Don't think too far, it scares me. '

Although Guan Linlin didn't like Qin Kefang very much, she was Mu Yijie's biological mother after all, and if she really wanted to marry Mu Yijie in the future, that would be in the future.

She doesn't need to think about it now.

Because this kind of thing is getting more and more wrong.

My sister talking so much now will only add unnecessary burden and pressure to her.

For a girl like her, it's really too early to worry about mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

'Linlin, go find Xiaojie, he's in the room. 'Mu Jiu doesn't want Guan Xiaotong to bear Guan Linlin for so long anymore, how can an older sister always take pleasure in betraying her younger sister.

Besides, if you frighten Guan Linlin with such a question first, it will frighten her.

'Well, I'll go now. Guan Linlin blushed in embarrassment, then turned and ran out happily.

Seeing Guan Linlin running away, Guan Xiaotong looked at Mu Jiu helplessly.

"It's really a girl who doesn't want to stay. If my uncle sees her like this, she will definitely be heartbroken. She will play with me when she knows that she received your call. As soon as she hears that she is coming, she will go back and change immediately. Really positive enough. ' Guan Xiaotong complained dissatisfied.

'Well, so what are you trying to explain? Mu Jiu sat there and looked at her with peace of mind and said.

'It means that your family's Mu Yijie is so outstanding that Guan Linlin, who is so young, can't hold it back. 'Guan Xiaotong started to be dishonest again there.

Sure enough, he got a punch from Mu Jiu.

'There are some things that cannot be said nonsense, so don't talk nonsense. '

'However, I am really envious of Guan Linlin. At least there is someone who can make her fall in love so recklessly. Life is not long. If there is really someone who can make her do her best to like and love It's also pretty good, right? 'Once Guan Xiaotong became serious, she was not like herself.

Guan Xiaotong like this made Mu Jiu feel very strange.

"Guan Xiaotong, you suddenly look so serious, to be honest, I can't get used to it. 'Mu Jiu looked at her seriously and said.

Hearing the words here, Mu Jiu suddenly fell into deep thought.

Yes, a person who can really let himself put everything aside and be desperate.

She doesn't seem to have encountered it.

Although she liked Shang Jinglu from a very early age, this man Shang Jinglu didn't give her the urge to be with him regardless of everything.

If there was, she wouldn't have missed the opportunity to confess her love three years ago, and he left Huaicheng for three years.

So, now that she seriously recalled this matter, there was a chill in her heart, did it mean that Shang Jinglu's love for her in her heart was actually not as deep as she imagined.

Didn't she love him with all her heart?

"I'm not quite able to adapt to myself like this, but the older I get, the easier it is to be sentimental. This is a fact. I have no experience like this. What about you? Xiao Jiu, you haven't always loved Shang Jinglu so deeply , now you can face up to this question and answer it yourself." Guan Xiaotong suddenly became curious.

Mu Jiu has always liked Shang Jinglu very much, this is something they know publicly.

But how deep the love is, only Mu Jiu knows this matter in his heart.

"Xiao Jiu, have you thought about it? What is Shang Jinglu's position in your heart now, or what is it like from before to now? Do you still have the idea that he must be there?" Guan Xiao Now Tong simply started to help Mu Jiu sort out the feelings in his heart.

It would be best if Shang Jinglu can be successfully driven out of her heart.

Of course, if she can't do it, she will find a way to help Mu Jiu straighten out her relationship slowly.

After all, it was Guan Xiaotong who caused her to marry Jiang Dingcheng in a daze.

It is necessary for her to take this responsibility.

She knew this in her heart.

Therefore, if you can help Mu Jiu within a limited time, help her.

Unless there is really no way to deal with this mess to save everything, then there is a legitimate reason for giving up.

"Don't bring up this matter anymore, I'm getting married tomorrow." Mu Jiu directly avoided this question, because it was really too sharp, and she was a little unwilling to face it.

Shang Jinglu is now caused by a curse in her heart, and she is more at ease if she doesn't worry about it for the time being, but once she speaks out, she will not be able to understand her own heart.

In the end is to love or not to love.

"I know you're married, and it's because you're getting married tomorrow that I want to ask you something, Xiaojiu, do you still have Shang Jinglu in your heart?" Guan Xiaotong looked at her with a very serious face. Mu Jiu said.

Hearing her words, Mu Jiu couldn't help becoming serious.

She couldn't understand this matter.

Really don't know what to say.

But what is certain is that she still has Shang Jinglu's status in her heart, but it has changed a little bit compared to before.

It was reduced, but by how much, she hadn't figured it out yet.

Does it mean that a person's heart is so big, if only one person is put in it, he will be the whole, but when the second person is put in, the space will be reduced, and the newly put in will occupy a larger area, The previous one will have a smaller area, which is a proportional relationship.

If one side becomes more, one side will naturally become less.

Seeing that Mu Jiu just remained silent, Guan Xiaotong spoke up again, since he wanted to ask clearly, he would just take a bite.

'Xiao Jiu, or what I asked a little too directly is, if he says he wants you not to get married now, will you not get married? 'Although this question is a bit exaggerated, and even sounds a bit far-fetched, it is the best way to test her inner thoughts.

Mu Jiu understood this in her heart, she knew better than Guan Xiaotong what the meaning of this question was.

No matter how she answered, she would put herself in a dilemma.

So choose not to answer.

'Xiao Jiu. '

'I know Brother Jinglu would not make such an unreasonable request to me. Mu Jiu knew how much Guan Xiaotong longed for this promise, and the same Mu Jiu also wanted to find out what he wanted.

In the past, the person she had always fantasized about marrying was Shang Jinglu, but the person she will marry tomorrow is Jiang Dingcheng.

This kind of big change, in fact, even now, she herself still can't accept it.

(End of this chapter)

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