cute in his palm

Chapter 613 I Just Love You

Chapter 613 I Just Love You

Shang Jinglu held his breath waiting for Mu Jiu's answer.

If it wasn't because of feelings, he felt that their marriage would definitely have no results, so he didn't need to worry too much, but if it was because of feelings, Shang Jinglu's mood is a bit complicated now.

Shang Jinglu couldn't wait any longer, and suddenly didn't want to hear her say such an ugly answer, so he said it directly.

"Xiao Jiu, if I told you not to get married now, would you be willing?"

Shang Jinglu knew that it was too much for him to suddenly make such a request, but he just wanted to use such an extreme method to prove his status in Mu Jiu's heart.

Is it comparable to Jiang Dingcheng?

When Mu Jiu heard this, she was stunned.

She thought that Shang Jinglu would not make such a request, but she didn't think about it. He finally asked, which really made it difficult for her to answer.

"Ah-li, A-li, where did my pink base layer go? Is it in your room?"

Just when Mu Jiu was silent about how to answer, she heard a woman's voice.

A young woman's voice spoke of a pink base layer.

Mu Jiu could only think of the young woman who threw herself into Shang Jinglu's arms at the airport and hugged him tightly.

Are you living together?
Too many discordant things flooded into Mu Jiu's mind immediately.

After all, she still doesn't know Shang Jinglu well enough.

Why does this man treat her like this? He is already with another woman, but he still wants to prevent her from getting married.

This time, Shang Jinglu answered for her.

"Xiao Jiu, that was just now..." Shang Jinglu wanted to explain something, but Mu Jiu obviously wasn't in the mood to listen.

'Brother Jinglu, I know, you don't need to explain, I will marry Jiang Dingcheng in this marriage. Mu Jiu doesn't want to explain any more now, she didn't marry this marriage for herself, but for her brother.

Only when she is married can my brother go to the United States for surgery with peace of mind.

Everyone thought that she and Jiang Dingcheng would get married happily, so of course they couldn't refuse this marriage at this time.

'Xiao Jiu...'

'Tomorrow's wedding, if you have time, you are welcome to come. 'Mu Jiu invited him seriously.

Shang Jinglu didn't say anything.

'Brother Jinglu, it's getting late, I'm going to bed, goodbye. 'Mu Jiu didn't want to continue talking on the phone with him like this, so she wanted to end it earlier to save trouble.

There happened to be a plug-in phone coming in, and seeing that it was Jiang Dingcheng calling, her mood improved inexplicably.

When Shang Jinglu heard her say this, he just wanted to say more, but he couldn't speak.

"Xiao Jiu, good night."

After Shang Jinglu received the call, he looked at Ni Ya who was standing behind him in a very bad mood. During Shang Jinglu's business trip for the past few days, she has been living in the merchant. As soon as Shang Jinglu came back, she ran over Now, if you want to rely on him not to leave, it doesn't mean cohabitation at all.

Shang Jinglu didn't intend to let her stay here either. After letting her go out, Shang Jinglu called Mu Jiu, but Ni Ya opened the door by herself with the key. When she heard that he was calling Mu Jiu, she immediately Unhappy and intentionally saying that kind of misleading words there.

No matter which woman it is, don't try to snatch a man from her, Ni Ya.

Shang Jinglu is the man she likes.

So she will not allow any woman to take Shang Jinglu's idea and take him away from her, no matter what method she sends.

'Niya, did you do it on purpose. 'Shang Jinglu turned his head and glared angrily at the woman in front of him and said.

Ni Ya looked at him indifferently, "Ah Lu, I did it on purpose, because I don't allow any woman to take you away from me."

What Ni Ya said was very righteous, and she had a domineering look on her face.

She has always been so domineering when it comes to her things.

If a person can't even look after his own things, if he can't keep them, what qualifications do he have to talk about love.

'Niya, you,'

'Ali, as I said, you are my Ni Ya's man, that is, my man. I don't get you now, but one day I will get you. I will let you know how much I like you. ' Ni Ya admitted generously.

A woman who can say something like this without blushing and heartbeat is probably the only one like Ni Ya.

Shang Jinglu has long seen how ruthless Ni Ya's overbearing is, but he did not expect that after coming to Huai City, she would really get worse.

'Niya, why do you do this? 'Shang Jinglu said with some headaches.

'It's hard to buy me happiness, as long as I am happy, this is what I am willing to do. ' Niya said very easily.

Anyway, she is like this, if she makes up her mind, she will definitely follow through.

You don't need to think too much about other people's feelings.

If a person cares too much about other people's feelings, if he can't do this or that, then what's the point of living, you have to work hard for what you like, and hold what you get tightly in your hands.

'I'm not interested in participating in your affairs, but you'd better not bother me about mine. 'Shang Jinglu is not a man with too much temper.

But it happened that Niya suffered internal injuries.

"Ah Lu, I will do my best to love you. I believe that one day you will be moved by me and fall in love with me again. I will wait for that day to come." Ni Ya said confidently .

She has always been very confident and determined about what she wants to do.

Hearing this, Shang Jinglu had only one thought, to hug her down from upstairs.

"Ni Ya, don't force me anymore, you will disappear in front of my eyes immediately, do you understand?" Shang Jinglu said suppressing his anger.

If Ni Ya hadn't been so good at pleasing grandpa and uncle, now that Ni Ya has become their protector, Shang Jinglu really wanted to send her back to the imperial capital directly.

"Then, Ah Lu, you should have a good rest. I'll be leaving first. Remember to call when you miss me. I'll come and bring you breakfast tomorrow morning." Ni Ya blew a kiss at him before walking towards the door reluctantly go.

"Leave the key." Shang Jinglu said mercilessly.

"No, this is the backup key specially given to me by Grandpa Shang." Ni Ya flatly refused.

This pair of keys was left by Shang Jinglu at home for the servants of the merchant, so that they could come and clean it. He had been living in the commercial residence before, but now Shang Jinglu had no choice but to do so because Ni Ya lived in the commercial residence. Moved back to the apartment alone.

Unexpectedly, grandpa even gave her the backup key.

It seemed that he had to find a time to change the lock.

(End of this chapter)

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