Chapter 624

Jiang Dingcheng held her hand very tightly, and when his fingers interlocked, it gave her an inexplicable throbbing and illusion.

She really wanted to spend the rest of her life with this man.

As soon as this feeling flashed in her mind, Mu Jiu quickly shook her head, and drove this terrible astrology out of her mind.

Then he turned his head to look at Jiang Dingcheng at the side, the man's expression was too indifferent.

Mu Jiu let go of her hand indiscriminately, Jiang Dingcheng just glanced at her slightly, and then gently let go of her hand without saying anything.

Anyway, he has taken advantage of it, so he won't force her anymore, so as not to make her feel unhappy.

Originally, Mu Jiu was a person who would get used to hiding her thoughts, and would not let others see her thoughts. She just didn't like to cause trouble for others.

Of course, Jiang Dingcheng is clear about this kind of personality, so sometimes he can force her a little bit to take advantage of something, but he can't do it too much. Once it is too much, it will arouse her rebellious psychology. In the future, just wanting to take advantage of the opportunity will not work.

So, don't be too impatient.

I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

Now that he has let people all over the world witness that he has married Mu Jiu, the next step is to make Mu Jiu willingly become his woman.

This man had already figured out how to eat up his little wife 800 years ago. Although he succeeded last time, what he wants now is that Mu Jiu can willingly sacrifice for him. Own.

Of course, he can only think about this matter in his heart, and he will not tell Mu Jiu now, because he is afraid that she will be scared.

When neither of them spoke, the car was silent.

Mu Jiu turned to look out the window.

She has lived in Mu's house for 20 years, and is familiar with all the roads leading to Mu's house. She has walked through it before, but she doesn't feel as much as this time.

A married daughter will always be sad, even if she will come back.

"Jiang Dingcheng, you haven't said what's going on with the clothes you're wearing. 'The atmosphere in the car was too quiet, that's why Mu Jiu thought of finding something to talk about.

When I was in her room just now, it was because there were too many people, so I didn't ask too many questions.

'As I said, I asked Luo Yang to mend this clothes for Hei Mo, and I can only trust his mending skills, so, do you like this way? Jiang Ding admitted that he really looked at Mu Jiu and said.

'It's really surprising, I like it very much, Hei Mo's technology, but few people can compare, just let him such a big designer to mend such a dress, would he be willing, I feel a little wronged him. Mu Jiu really felt distressed and wronged for Hei Mo.

You know, if the design world is based on seniority, Hei Mo is at least two generations older than Mu Jiu. Although it is rumored that Hei Mo is only in his thirties, he has been in the design world for more than 20 years. .

This kind of designer who usually even makes appointments for custom-made clothes for celebrities, but this time she has to fill holes in the first men's clothing designed by a novice designer like her, there is really no one.

"It doesn't matter, he is willing, let him make up, I think highly of him." Jiang Dingcheng said calmly and indifferently.

To put it bluntly, the one who discovered Hei Mo's talent and allowed him to achieve his current status cannot get rid of Yan Rui's company. Hei Mo can be regarded as one of Yan Rui's earliest designers. He hasn't gotten up yet, but he has always treated the Jiang family as his benefactors.

When Mu Jiu heard such arrogant words, she really had nothing to think about.

There should be no one in the world who would dare to use such a loud tone to ask Hei Mo to mend his clothes.

Although Mu Jiu didn't quite understand what method Jiang Dingcheng used to make Hei Mo do this, it was Jiang Dingcheng's own business anyway.

It's just that Mu Jiu suddenly discovered one thing, that is, Jiang Dingcheng is really extraordinary, his abilities and methods are a bit too advanced.

One is Lisa Weiwei, the internationally renowned chief wedding dress designer, who personally designed her wedding dress, and the other is Hei Mo, a well-known men's wear designer at home and abroad.

In front of Jiang Dingcheng, one of them specially designed a wedding dress for her, and the other patched holes in his dress. No one would believe it.

If she hadn't experienced it personally, and now she was wearing the wedding dress designed by Weiwei Lisa, she would not be willing to believe such a thing even if she was killed.

Really enough.

It's been like this for a long time.

As long as people are alive, they can see anything.

She didn't know how famous Jiang Dingcheng's identity was, and she didn't dare to think about what kind of husband she found by such a mistake.

It's just that she doesn't understand the man who is sitting next to her and is about to enter the wedding hall with her.

Jiang Dingcheng is well aware of her own situation. Regarding Jiang Dingcheng's affairs, she is completely ignorant. Before, she felt that there was no need to understand. Anyway, the two of them are married in a fake way. They will divorce sooner or later. They will not interfere in their private life. It doesn't matter if you don't understand.

It's just that now she suddenly has the urge to find out about the man beside him, how powerful he is, and whether he has such a wide network in the United Nations.

In such an instant, thousands of thoughts flashed through Mu Jiu's mind.

"Jiu'er, what are you thinking about?" Jiang Dingcheng looked at her little face, which turned tense and serious, and knew that this girl was thinking wildly again in her head.

"I was thinking about the relationship between Hei Mo and you." Mu Jiu said calmly.

"Friend." Jiang Dingcheng said two words very calmly.

He had known Hei Mo for more than ten years before he took over the Jiang family, so in fact, he was just a good friend now.

Normally, the two of them don't interact much, but if there is something to do, they will still help each other. Just like this time, if it wasn't for Jiang Dingcheng, Hei Mo would definitely refuse to allow him to mend the hole. Throw it in the trash can.

"Friends? Actually, I'm quite curious. How many big-name friends do you have?" When Mu Jiu heard him say the word "friends" calmly, she might not believe it.

"You can tell me anything you want to be curious about. You will know how many famous friends I have when you arrive at the hotel." Jiang Dingcheng said with a smile.

Mu Jiu couldn't help but roll her eyes at him.

Who doesn't know that many people from the business, government and entertainment circles will come to this wedding, and most of them are here for the Jiang family.

(End of this chapter)

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