cute in his palm

Chapter 627 1 Listen to me

Chapter 627
Hearing Luo Shiyan say this, Luo Shiyang just looked at Luo Shiyan with fixed eyes for three seconds, and then spoke very seriously.

"Shiyan, I don't understand what you're talking about?"

It can be seen that Luo Shiyang just pretends not to understand.

"Anyway, I'm super uncomfortable." Luo Shiyan said her thoughts unceremoniously. Regarding the matter of seeing Jiang Dingcheng and Mu Jiu getting married, she had no other thoughts except disgust and excitement.

Luo Shiyang looked at her, didn't say anything, just sat there quietly.

She thought right now that Jiang Dingcheng's wedding scene must not be destroyed, but he will definitely hold a private banquet at night, and will not invite others except for a few friendly and close friends.

And Luo Shiyan will definitely be invited.

"Today, my parents and brothers all went to the wedding scene, but I just didn't go. They know how much I like Dingcheng, but they still want to go to his wedding. They really don't feel very comfortable." Luo Shiyan sat there aggrieved Said.

Anyway, no matter what Luo Shiyang thinks now, this is how she thinks.

She loves Jiang Dingcheng, and seeing the man she loves marrying another woman makes her feel depressed.

It is also to let Luo Shiyang know that now she will not give Jiang Dingcheng to her again, because she really loves Jiang Dingcheng.

"Of course they have to go, after all, the relationship between the Luo family and the Jiang family is there." Luo Shiyang said lightly.

The friendship between the two families is there, if you don't go, it will be outrageous.

"Of course I know that if they don't go, the Jiang family will definitely think that we did it on purpose, which will affect the friendship between the two families." Luo Shiyan said impatiently.

It is because there are still such friendships, if not, Jiang Dingcheng would not treat her like this, and even Yan Rui might not be able to get in.

"Shiyan, I know you like Dingcheng very much. Of course you are not reconciled to him marrying another woman like this. Now I have a way to help you. This is the last chance. If you don't grasp it well, you will definitely die." I really can't get a commitment." Luo Shiyang suddenly said with a serious expression.

Hearing this, Luo Shiyan hesitated a little, then looked at Luo Shiyang.

As long as she can get Jiang Dingcheng, she will try any method.

'Sister, what method. 'Luo Shiyan asked her impatiently.

Luo Shiyang looked at her, and sure enough, this Luo Shiyan was quite easy to fool.

'Private banquet at night, you should be able to go in. 'Luo Shiyang looked at her and said.

'Private banquet?I don't even want to attend the formal banquet during the day, so why go to a private banquet? Luo Shiyan didn't know why her sister suddenly mentioned it so suddenly, so she asked her.

She was even less interested in asking her to attend their private banquet.

You must know that at the private banquet, they don't have to worry about showing affection. Whether she ate too much or was mentally ill, she went to the private banquet.

"Shiyan, I'm serious. Do you still want to get a commitment?" Luo Shiyang looked at her and said with a look of hatred.

Upon hearing this, Luo Shiyan no longer hesitated.

"Of course I thought about it. He is the man I love the most in my life, the man I most want to be with for the rest of my life, the man who even dreams of being together." Luo Shiyan said very seriously.

Hearing her words, Luo Shiyang was relieved.

Because that's what she wanted.

'Then you listen to my arrangement? 'Luo Shiyang asked, staring into her eyes.

"Sister, I know that you came back to China this time to help me catch up with Dingcheng. How could I not listen to your arrangement? Don't worry, I will listen to what you say, and I will do whatever you want me to do." Do it." Luo Shiyan also made up her mind, no matter whether Luo Shiyang really helps her or not, this is an opportunity, and she must grasp it well, not to miss it.

Anyway, now the Dead Sea can only be used as a living horse doctor.

"Ding Cheng is a very responsible man." Luo Shiyang said pointedly.

Hearing this, Luo Shiyan nodded without hesitation, "Brother Dingcheng is of course a very responsible man. If he has no sense of responsibility, how can he support such a large group. He has all the advantages of a man. Man, so if you can get him, it is equivalent to getting the whole world." Luo Shiyan's special intoxication, although a bit exaggerated, is also 90.00% true.

Jiang Dingcheng's worth is currently the highest among all the men in Huai City, and he is the number one husband that all the women in Huai City most want to marry.

Therefore, it is not too much of an exaggeration to say that if someone really marries Jiang Dingcheng, it is equivalent to gaining the whole world.

Hearing Luo Shiyan boasting about Jiang Dingcheng so exaggeratedly, Luo Shiyang just sneered faintly in his heart. Did this Luo Shiyan adore Jiang Dingcheng a little too much, and she actually loved Jiang Dingcheng like this? It seems that she underestimated Jiang Dingcheng's position in Luo Shiyan's heart up.

However, what she wants is Luo Shiyan like this, the more obsessed she is with Jiang Dingcheng, the better she can help her.

'Shiyan, is Dingcheng really as good as you say? 'Luo Shiyang looked at her with a smile and said.

Hearing this, Luo Shiyan didn't know how many layers of meaning her smile contained, she only knew that if her sister was really willing to help her, she would be able to help her.

If she can really win Jiang Dingcheng smoothly.

Then, Luo Shiyang will be her benefactor.

It's just a premise, Luo Shiyang must help her get Jiang Dingcheng, otherwise everything will be useless.

'Sister, Brother Dingcheng is the most perfect man in my eyes. You must marry someone like him to be the best husband. So sister, you must help me. 'Luo Shiyan took her sister's arm and shook it there gently. This coquettish look was to let Luo Shiyang chase her and Jiang Baocheng well. '

'Don't worry, as long as you do what I say, you will succeed. 'Luo Shiyang said in a firm tone.

"Sister, I will definitely do as you say." Luo Shiyan has made up her mind now, no matter what she asks herself to do, she will not hesitate, and she just nods in agreement.

Everything is to get Jiang Dingcheng more smoothly.

'Well, you must go to the private banquet tonight, and then send me the address. As for what to do next, I will tell you then. 'Luo Shiyang already has a plan in mind.

Usually, although the Jiang family had many enemies, no one would be so bold as to dare to do something on Jiang Dingcheng's wedding day, so Jiang Dingcheng didn't have any bodyguards at the private banquet, only a few friends who had a good time.

Luo Shiyan was no stranger to them, and it was a breeze for Luo Shiyan to take Jiang Dingcheng and Mu Jiu away.

(End of this chapter)

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