cute in his palm

Chapter 629 It's Really Killing

Chapter 629 It's Really Killing

In fact, Luo Shiyan also had a particularly bad idea in her heart.

That is, I really want Jiang Dingcheng to see Luo Shiyang like this, so ugly and scary, it should make Jiang Dingcheng forget her completely from now on.

In the past, Luo Shiyang's perfect and beautiful image in Jiang Dingcheng's heart would also collapse immediately, making Jiang Dingcheng no longer have any thoughts about her.

However, Luo Shiyan has another worry.

That is Luo Shiyang has always been in the position in Jiang Dingcheng's heart, no matter what she did, Jiang Dingcheng will forgive her, even if she is hurt like this now, he will still feel sorry for her.

Maybe, I will feel sorry for her even more than before.

Luo Shiyan was most afraid of something like this happening.

She couldn't let Jiang Dingcheng be with Luo Shiyang again.

In the past, she always yielded to her elder sister, but now Luo Shiyan will absolutely never yield to her again.

'Okay, you go change your clothes, I'll wait for you here. "Luo Shiyang looked at her and said, there are some things she doesn't want to discuss with others anymore, she knows what kind of injury on her face, she knows best in her heart, so there is no need for Luo Shiyan to say it here again and again.
Luo Shiyan took Luo Shiyang to a relatively large and professional salon in Huaicheng.

Usually, the people who come here are the celebrities Dawan and the daughters of famous ladies, so one can imagine how big it is and how comprehensive the service is.

Luo Shiyan likes to come here because the designers here are of a high level, and they really treat you like a princess.

It feels good.

"Sister, it's your first time here today, let's just go to the VIP room," Luo Shiyan led her sister into the salon.

From the moment he entered the door, many eyes stayed on Luo Shiyang.

Because she was tightly wrapped from head to toe, and her face was covered with a black veil, except for a pair of eyes exposed, she really looked like a woman from Afghanistan.

Luo Shiyang really doesn't like other people staring at her like this, like looking at a monster.

This made her feel extremely depressed.

Luo Shiyan also doesn't like people staring at Luo Shiyang like this, because when looking at her sister, they will naturally turn their eyes to her.

"Miss Luo, your VIP room is ready for you, you can follow me now." A waiter led them upstairs.

After arriving at the VIP room, Luo Shiyan looked at her sister apologetically.

"Sister, their gaze just now was really annoying, and you were wronged." Luo Shiyan sat down and said to her sister apologetically.

Luo Shiyang shook his head slightly.

"It's okay, I'm used to it."

From being unable to accept other people's strange eyes at the beginning to getting used to it now, this is a process. Although I still feel a little uncomfortable in my heart, it is much better than before.

If you learn not to pay too much attention to it, you won't feel so uncomfortable in your heart.

This is what Luo Shiyang concluded now.

'Sister, I really feel sorry for you. ' These are Luo Shiyan's sincere words.

"It's okay, I'll do a good look and change clothes later." Luo Shiyang didn't feel that she was wronged or not, because she always knew what she wanted, and then she would come over and hold it in her hand step by step.

If a short-term grievance can be exchanged for long-term benefits, this is nothing to her.

"Sister, I'm relieved to have you here. As you said, you are the one who knows Brother Dingcheng best in this world. You will know what he likes best." Luo Shiyan looked happy. Said.

While waiting for the stylist, the service desk turned on the digital TV in the private room, and then saw the happy and beautiful picture of Jiang Dingcheng and Mu Jiu exchanging rings on the TV screen.

It's really exciting.

Seeing Luo Shiyan was full of anger.

'What are these people doing? I didn't ask them to turn on the TV. There is nothing to watch. 'Speaking of which, Luo Shiyan was about to turn off the TV with the remote control.

As a result, Luo Shiyang stopped her.

"Shiyan, it's okay to take a look, the engagement on the wedding is really handsome. 'Luo Shiyang's eyes were fixed on the TV screen, and then he said in a flat tone, unable to tell what kind of emotion was in it.

Luo Shiyan glanced at the TV calmly, and had to say that Jiang Dingcheng at the wedding was completely different from usual, not so cold, but with a hint of tenderness.

However, his gentle expression was only on Mu Jiu's body, which made Luo Shiyan very unhappy.

'I really miss Ding Cheng's gentle smile at me. 'Luo Shiyang said suddenly with emotion.

If she hadn't left willfully then, it would not be that woman named Mu Jiu who married Jiang Dingcheng now, but herself.

If she wanted to blame, she could only blame herself. She felt that there was a lack of passion, and she wanted to talk about a vigorous love, but she lost her own happiness and love, and the only thing left was burns all over her body.

This is God's punishment for her.

Punish her for being willful back then, and punish her for not caring about Jiang Dingcheng's insignificance.

How nice it would be to do it all over again.

She will definitely be with Jiang Dingcheng well, no matter how peaceful and boring life is.

Hearing this, Luo Shiyan was startled, and then looked at Luo Shiyang who couldn't help but speak. 'Sister, do you still miss Brother Dingcheng? '

Before Luo Shiyang could reply, there was a loud noise outside, interrupting their conversation.

"Miss Su, you can't smash it any more. If you smash it again, it will all be destroyed."

"Go away, I can smash whatever I want, and if I smash it, I just have to pay for it."

Hearing the voice behind, Luo Shiyan recognized it.

It was Su Huan's voice. I didn't expect such a coincidence that Su Huan also came to do the styling today.

So Luo Shiyan got up directly.

"Shiyan, do you know the people outside?" Seeing Luo Shiyan get up, Luo Shiyang asked softly.

"A model." Luo Shiyan said lightly. 'Sister, sit down for a while, I'll take a look and be back soon. '

Luo Shiyang didn't say anything more, just nodded.

Luo Shiyan opened the door directly, just in time to see the door of the VIP room opposite was open, and various noises came from inside, this is the VIP room where Su Huan made the modeling.

"Su Huan, what are you doing?" Standing at the door, Luo Shiyan saw Su Huan sweeping a pile of supplies on the table to the floor.

This eldest lady's temper is really capricious enough, she can lose her temper wherever she wants, and she doesn't know who is so unlucky to provoke her today.

(End of this chapter)

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