Chapter 639 She Robbed Two Men

If it wasn't for Shang Jinglu and his dance partner to dance beside them, Mu Jiu would have danced better with Jiang Dingcheng, but when she met Shang Jinglu's gaze, she would unceremoniously slap Jiang Dingcheng hard on the back of his foot. Stepped on it.

The painful Jiang Dingcheng almost burst into tears.

"Jiu'er, what's the matter?" Jiang Dingcheng was a little surprised, he had been dancing well before, why suddenly something went wrong, and following her gaze, he saw Shang Jinglu beside the two pairs of dancers and his female companion.

That woman, Jiang Dingcheng knew, was another lady of the Tao family, Tao Yue, Tao Mian's cousin.

And Mu Jiu also recognized who that woman was.

She really did not expect that Shang Jinglu would know the Tao family's daughter.

Looking at their familiar eyes, it doesn't look like a temporary dance partner just now, they should have known each other for a while.

"I didn't expect that Young Master Shang would really appreciate our wedding." Jiang Dingcheng said with a smile.

Shang Jinglu is not like Su Yaoting, in order not to see the particularly serious impact of Mu Jiu's marriage on him, he would come to their wedding so calmly.

Shang Jinglu's courage should not be underestimated.

"Jiang Dingcheng, I, I suddenly don't feel like dancing anymore." When Mu Jiu watched Shang Jinglu and Tao Yue dance closer and closer to them, Mu Jiu had only one thought and subconsciously ran away from this place.

Jiang Dingcheng saw that her little face turned pale all of a sudden, and he knew that it was not so easy for her to overcome Shang Jinglu's hurdle in her heart.

Maybe a small part is because of feelings. After all, this man is the first man Mu Jiu fell in love with. He hasn't been with him yet, but it can be regarded as her unilateral first love. Most women will have a special feeling for a man in their first love. He is here, so it is understandable that Mu Jiu would never forget him.

Jiang Dingcheng is not a particularly generous man, especially when it comes to feelings, but he will not force Mu Jiu to pull this man Shang Jinglu out of his heart, he will use his own tender way to slowly get along with him. Bit by bit, Shang Jinglu's position in Mu Jiu's heart was replaced.

Now that he is doing so well, Mu Jiu has unknowingly put him first.

Another major reason is that Mu Jiu felt that she owed Shang Jinglu a huge debt by marrying him, so she was reluctant to see him again. Before she was ready, how would she explain it to Shang Jinglv? when.

Therefore, combining these two points, after seeing Shang Jinglu, Mu Jiu was no longer excited, but just wanted to leave here as soon as possible.

This is Jiang Dingcheng's understanding of Mu Jiu, so he is willing to respect her decision, because it happens that he doesn't want to have a confrontation with Shang Jinglu at such a time and cause any unpleasant things.

A man's face is something that should be paid attention to in big occasions, especially when he meets his love rival at the wedding scene.

It is said that the rival in love is extremely jealous when they meet each other, and there is never a lie in this statement.

If it weren't for Mu Jiu who was so obsessed with Shang Jinglu and couldn't let go, Jiang Dingcheng wouldn't hate Shang Jinglu so much. In fact, a man like Shang Jinglu is good to be a friend or a partner.

It's a pity that for now, they can only be rivals in love.

"Okay, let's go back to rest. We just need to have a good night's sleep. We will also attend a private banquet tonight." Jiang Dingcheng said relaxedly with his arms around her. The luncheon and dance are just passing through, and the private banquet at night is the highlight.

What Jiang Dingcheng cared about was also that one, because that was the real banquet.

However, before they had time to retreat to the dance floor, Shang Jinglu and Tao Yue had already arrived in front of them.

"Xiao Jiu, Mr. Jiang, happy wedding." Shang Jinglu said sincerely.

Although Tao Yue doesn't know exactly what kind of relationship Shang Jinglu and Mu Jiu have, it can be seen that the relationship is not shallow.

Although the Mu family has no further contact with the Tao family because of Tao Shuqin's relationship, Mu Jiu and Mu Liangchen are the grandsons of the Tao family after all, so they know Mu Jiu and the others somewhat.

Moreover, that girl Tao Mian and Mu Jiu have been getting very close.

But she didn't mention that Tao Mian said that Mu Jiu was going to marry Jiang Dingcheng, and she seemed to be closer to Shang Jinglu.

Today, it was an accident for Tao Yue to receive an invitation from Shang Jinglu, but she was very happy. Although they had only met on a blind date once, she had a very good impression of Shang Jinglu, and it was not love at first sight. But I totally plan to continue dating again, and even if it is marriage, Shang Jinglu is really a very good partner.

Although Tao Yue was quite disgusted with blind dates before, but after the blind date was with Shang Jinglu, this feeling has completely changed.

She dislikes blind dates, but she doesn't dislike blind dates.

Tao Yue is a woman, and women are naturally sensitive to this kind of feeling, especially in front of the person they like, so how do other women feel about Shang Jinglu, and how Shang Jinglu looks at other women's eyes Yes, even if it's just a clue, she can detect it.

Her intuition was telling her that Shang Jinglu and Mu Jiu should be more than just acquainted, Mu Jiu could tell by the way Mu Jiu looked at her, this woman knew Shang Jinglu more than simply.

There is shyness and love, and there is something carefully concealed.

This kind of love is too obvious.

Today is her wedding day, she still looks at other men with such eyes, she is not afraid that Jiang Dingcheng will be unhappy.

"Xiao Jiu, long time no see. I wish you and Mr. Jiang a happy marriage for a hundred years." Tao Yue deliberately stretched out her arms and put her arms around Shang Jinglu's hand, just to let Mu Jiu know.

From now on, this man will be the man she likes in Tao Yue, and no woman can peek at him.

Especially a married woman is not qualified to spy on a high-quality man like Shang Jinglu.

Mu Jiu is not stupid, of course she can read the message she wants to send from Tao Yue's eyes, it is nothing more than to declare sovereignty and keep her away from Shang Jinglu.

Before that woman left, she and her brother would often go back to Tao's house to play, sometimes staying for a few days, so it was natural to play with Tao's brothers and sisters.

But Tao Yue, her cousin who is two years older than her, has never liked to play with her very much, because Tao Yue is unwilling to share anything with everyone.

Mu Jiu, who is young and ignorant, wants to love again, so when two people are together, one of them always protects things, and the other grabs things, and Mu Jiu will cry if he can't get them.

The grievances between the two have been forged since childhood.

Fighting for dolls when I was young, I didn't expect that by chance, I would fight for men when I grow up.

It's really funny.

(End of this chapter)

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