cute in his palm

Chapter 653 Don't Worry

Chapter 653 Don't Worry

Luo Shiyan came out of the private room very quickly, Ou Sixing chased after it for a while, and only saw Luo Shiyan sitting there venting her anger when she reached the rest area.

Ou Sixing took a bottle of water from the service desk.

Walking to Luo Shiyan's side, unscrewed it and handed it to her.

"Shiyan, drink some water first."

When Luo Shiyan turned her head and saw that it was Ou Sixing, her eyes were obviously disappointed.

Did she still think that if she came out like this, she would attract Jiang Dingcheng's attention, and then chase him out?
It seems that she is thinking too much, Jiang Dingcheng and Mu Jiu are talking about love there now, you are thicker than mine, how could she be in the mood to chase her.

It should be said that Jiang Dingcheng has no place in Jiang Dingcheng's heart from the beginning to the end. Naturally, where she stands and what she does is completely unworthy of mentioning in his eyes.

Heh, thinking about it now, there seems to be nothing but a wry smile in my heart.

It's really ironic.

It turned out that from the beginning to the end, only Ou Sixing, a man like a fool, cared about him.

It's a pity that she really can't fall in love with Ou Sixing.

Love is a very strange thing. Falling in love is an inadvertent moment. It doesn't depend on how hard you work to change your mind and fall in love with another person.

Love is a thing created by God to torture people.

The more you want to love, the more you can't get it, the more you run away from what you don't want to love, the more it will dangle in front of your eyes every minute.

It was Jiang Dingcheng who couldn't love her, and it was Ou Sixing who was dangling in front of her eyes all the time. Why did God torture her like this? Although she didn't do too many good things since she was a child, she didn't do any bad things either. , why does God torture her like this.

"Sixing, why did God treat me like this?" Luo Shiyan took a sip of water from the water bottle, then looked at Ou Sixing helplessly and said.

Ou Sixing probably knew what she wanted to say, but he wasn't sure if it was what he thought, so he glanced at Luo Shiyan with some hesitation before speaking.

'Shiyan, what do you want to say? '

Ou Sixing is a more down-to-earth man, which Luo Shiyan knows very well. Although the two of them haven't known each other long enough, she knows that Ou Sixing fell in love with her a long time ago.

At that time, Jiang Dingcheng took Ou Sixing and several senior executives of Yan Rui to Paris to watch Fashion Week, and introduced them to each other. It can be said that Ou Sixing fell in love with her at first sight, and later learned about the Luo family and the Jiang family. .

However, no matter how good Ou Sixing is, she just can't like him.

"Sixing, I think I may only love one man in my life. A woman's heart is very small. Once she accommodates one person, she can't accommodate another. 'Luo Shiyan said thoughtfully.

She didn't want to speak too bluntly or harshly, for fear of hurting Ou Sixing, after all, he is the only man who is willing to treat her well now.

Ou Sixing now understands what she wants to say, which is to reject his love and let him clearly understand that Luo Shiyan can no longer accept a man other than Jiang Dingcheng in her whole life.

"Shiyan, no matter how small the heart is, you can vacate it first, and then let another person live in." Sitting beside her, Ou Sixing said seriously.

Hearing Ou Sixing's words, Luo Shiyan sighed in her heart. It seems that Ou Sixing is also a fool who is very attached to feelings. He doesn't turn back if he doesn't hit the south wall, and doesn't cry when he sees the coffin.

Since such a stubborn person can't be persuaded properly, let him decide for himself, she doesn't want to bother.

'Shiyan, I know you love Dingcheng, but he's already married, and he's a man who won't get divorced once married, do you still have to wait like this? "Of course Ou Sixing knew that his persuasion was a little overdone, because he didn't have any position to persuade Luo Shiyan, just like he couldn't give up on Luo Shiyan himself, why did he come to persuade Luo Shiyan now?

People are like this, even if they encounter the same thing, they can persuade others without pressure, but they cannot persuade themselves.

'Let's go, this is my own business. 'Luo Shiyan simply refused.

Hearing this, Ou Sixing didn't know how to answer the conversation for a while.

Just in time, the phone rang, Luo Shiyan glanced at it, it was her sister calling, she immediately got up and prepared to wash her hands to answer the call.

"Sixing, I'm going to the bathroom, you go back first, I'll be there in a while." Luo Shiyan walked directly towards the bathroom after speaking.

Ou Sixing glanced at her back, even if he didn't want to, he could only acquiesce in her actions, because what she said was not wrong, whether she only pretends to be Jiang Dingcheng or other men in her heart, it is Luo Shiyan herself Things don't need anyone to take care of them.

Ou Sixing has no position to take care of it.

After Luo Shiyan entered the bathroom, she took a special look to see that there was no one there, and then answered her sister's call.

"Sister, are you ready?"

"I opened a private room at B2202 downstairs, and you will bring Dingcheng here with an apology after a while. I know he definitely doesn't want to be alone, so I call that woman over together. Of course, there are a few more people. It is possible." Luo Shiyang said in a very neat tone.

"I see, sister, have you made all the arrangements?" Luo Shiyan asked again for confirmation.

"I'm doing things, you don't need to worry about it, just do as I say, do you understand?" Luo Shiyang's tone became a little unhappy, because what she did didn't need to be questioned, especially Luo Shiyan, she It just needs to be well coordinated with the progress.

Hearing this, Luo Shiyan was a little unhappy. She had been feeling very uncomfortable because of what Jiang Dingcheng said to Mu Jiu just now, but now that she heard her sister talking to her in such a tone, she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. There will be some responsible emotions, which is quite normal.

"Sister, I just want to confirm again."

"If you are willing to believe me, you don't need to ask any more." Luo Shiyang said in a bad tone.

Luo Shiyan didn't say anything more, but quietly responded. 'I see, sister. '

'Remember, room B2202, I have prepared all the things for you, just come down when the time comes, remember that your attitude of apologizing must be sincere, otherwise if Dingcheng finds out that there is something wrong, then all previous efforts will be wasted and...'

"And what, sister?"

"And Ding Cheng didn't know that I did it. If he made a mistake, he would definitely blame you for the mistake. What he has always hated most is cheating." Luo Shiyang reminded Luo Shiyan very seriously.

Upon hearing this, Luo Shiyan was startled.

(End of this chapter)

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