cute in his palm

Chapter 655 I sincerely apologize

Chapter 655 I sincerely apologize

If a person's sharpness is too exposed and too sharp, then he will definitely attract too many negative impressions that are not good for him. The tree is still attractive. Luo Shiyan didn't have this kind of worry before, but now she has, so she is asking for it. Jiang Dingcheng's impression of her was completely negative before buying some time to restore his image.

This is what Luo Shiyan is going to do now.

Therefore, for Ou Sixing, she had to do it well first.

"Sixing, I just reflected on what I have done these days in the bathroom, and I think I did something wrong. I know that I have always been willful, because of Brother Dingcheng, I have done a lot of wrong things to Mu Jiu. So I now recognize the mistake. When Luo Shiyan said, she turned her head and subconsciously looked at the two people who were smiling happily.

Why, when she was most uncomfortable and disturbed, what she had to face was the two of them smiling so happily.

I don't know if this is a kind of spiritual torture for her, it is gnawing at her soul little by little, and the emotions that she has finally endured want to burst out again at this moment.

'Shiyan, what's wrong? Ou Sixing noticed Luo Shiyan's sudden silence, and asked a little worried.

Hearing this, Luo Shiyan came back to her senses and looked at Ou Sixing, "It's nothing, I was just thinking about how to apologize to Brother Ding Cheng and Xiao Jiu."

"Shiyan, don't worry, as long as you show your sincerity, I think Dingcheng and Xiaojiu will forgive you, after all, people are not saints, who can be innocent, as long as one person does something wrong, there will be someone who can correct it Heart, this is the most important thing, and the best thing is to know your mistakes and correct them. Ou Sixing comforted Luo Shiyan and said that he just hoped that she would stop worrying. It is rare that someone who has always been proud now realizes her own mistakes and is willing to apologize. This is a good thing.

"Sixing, I opened a private room downstairs to apologize to the two of them specifically. After all, there are too many people here, and I will feel a little bit embarrassing. "Luo Shiyan is going to use Ou Sixing now, and let him help her persuade the two of them to follow her downstairs."

Just her own words, she was afraid that she would not be convincing, and it would be different if one more Ou Sixing was added.

'In a while, you can help me talk to Brother Dingcheng and let them go downstairs with me. I only need a little time. I want to apologize to them formally. Of course you also Those who can go down together can be regarded as a testimony. 'Luo Shiyan looked at him and said seriously.

As if it was really like that, Luo Shiyan felt relieved when she heard that Ou Sixing took it seriously. If this is the case, if one more Ou Sixing helps her, she will definitely be able to convince Jiang Ding to accept them. , so her success rate is much higher.

Luo Shiyan has no way out now, seeing the happier the two of them showing their love there, the more her heart breaks down and hurts.

No matter what, she wanted to win Jiang Dingcheng this time, and not allow him and Mu Jiu to be truly happy. In the future, it would be better for Jiang Dingcheng to hate her for the rest of her life, which was better than regretting herself for the rest of her life.

'Sixing, thank you for trusting me so much. Luo Shiyan raised her wine glass and clinked it at Ou Sixing.

Ou Sixing quickly touched her back, then drank it all in one gulp, and then looked at Luo Shiyan with a smile. "Shiyan, you don't need to thank me, because everything I do for you is voluntary, and my worst fear is that I can't." Do what for you, do you understand. '

Luo Shiyan smiled when she heard this, of course she knew that Ou Sixing would treat her unconditionally all the time, so she didn't need Ou Sixing to say anything, she could know it.

This point is quite clear.

The two sat there peacefully waiting for Jiang Dingcheng and the others to come over.

After a while, Jiang Dingcheng and Mu Jiu came over.

'Sixing, Shiyan, thank you for coming to my private banquet with Jiu'er. Jiang Dingcheng said very politely with wine in his hand.

'Thank you for coming. Mu Jiu also followed Jiang Dingcheng, smiling at the two of them.

No matter how unhappy she and Luo Shiyan were before, but today she doesn't want to care about anything at all, she just wants to live her newly married life happily, and there is no need to think about other things.

So, it's not that I don't care about the past, but that I don't want to worry too much about those unpleasant things today.

Hearing this, Luo Shiyan reluctantly put on a smile even though she really disliked it in her heart, and then looked at her with a relaxed face.

'I wish Brother Dingcheng and Xiaojiu both of you can live happily ever after and grow old forever. Luo Shiyan toasted first, then drank it all in one gulp.

Seeing Luo Shiyan's pass, Mu Jiu was a little surprised. I don't know why Luo Shiyan's temperament has changed a little today. Before, she always hated her very much. When did she treat her with such a good attitude?

Knowing that Luo Shiyan hates her very much, but now she treats her with such an attitude, so Mu Jiu has to be a little suspicious.

I don't know what Luo Shiyan is thinking.

'Thank you, Shiyan, Jiu'er and I will be happy forever. Jiang Dingcheng put his arm around Mu Jiu's shoulder and said happily.

It was really a very happy smile. Anyone who saw it would think that Jiang Dingcheng and Mu Jiu were a pair of happy newlyweds.

But to Luo Shiyan, this was too dazzling.

"Brother Dingcheng, I know that I was very ignorant and willful before, and I did a lot of things to apologize to Xiao Jiu'er, and really hurt her. I am really sorry. 'Luo Shiyan drank while drinking.

Seeing Luo Shiyan's abnormal behavior, Mu Jiu felt very strange, looked back at Jiang Dingcheng, and then asked him in a low voice. 'What's the matter, is it because you are married, so you are too sad to be like this? '

Hearing Mu Jiu's question, Jiang Dingcheng knew it in his heart, because he also saw the great changes in Luo Shiyan today, which was completely different from the Luo Shiyan he had imagined before.

You must know that based on his understanding of Luo Shiyan, Luo Shiyan has always been a woman who would not take the initiative to apologize to others, how could she take the initiative to apologize to others now.

If Luo Shiyan really wanted to take the initiative to apologize to them, there should be plans and premeditations that he didn't know about for the time being. As for what it was, although he didn't know what it was, he definitely knew it wouldn't be a good thing.

If she really dared to plot against him on the day of his marriage, Luo Shiyan would really have the guts.

He wanted to see what this woman wanted to do.

"Shiyan, I'm very happy that you have such an idea. What you did to Jiu'er before is all in the past after all, so don't worry about it anymore. I hope you and Jiu'er can get along well in the future." . 'Jiang Dingcheng said very easily.

(End of this chapter)

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