Chapter 659

Jiang Dingcheng didn't know if Gu Xiao had come, but no matter how strong his will was, in the face of the onset of the effects of the medicine and the strength of the wine, one thing Jiang Dingcheng could be sure of now was that there was a lot of medicine in the wine, and the stamina was somewhat strong.

Now he is hot all over.

Mu Jiu only drank two glasses of wine, so her expression was still a little sober, although the effect of the medicine also played a role in her body.

"Jiang Dingcheng, Jiang Dingcheng, what's wrong with you?" Mu Jiu reached out to shake him and found that his body was hot.

I knew they let Luo Shiyan cheat me.

It's just that when she looked back at Luo Shiyan and Ou Sixing, they were drunk on the sofa because they drank too much alcohol, what's the situation now.

If it was really Luo Shiyan who drugged the two of them, she wouldn't be so stupid as to drink like that, what the hell is going on.

Mu Jiu can't think about this problem at all right now.

"Jiang Dingcheng, Jiang Dingcheng, it's okay, I'll call them right now." Mu Jiu immediately took out her mobile phone, but the door opened just as the call got through and before she could speak.

Then Mu Jiu saw a black figure approaching him in a daze, and then he was hit hard on the back of the head and knocked out directly.

Before finally fainting, Mu Jiu only vaguely knew that it should be a woman who knocked her out, and then she passed out directly.

The only thing Mu Jiu is sure of is that maybe it is not Luo Shiyan who hurt them this time, but someone else.

When Gu Xiao received Mu Jiu's call, he happened to come downstairs.

"Second sister-in-law, we're coming down."

It was just that there was no sound in response to him.

As soon as she heard the call connected, but there was no voice from her, she knew something must have happened.

Hurriedly went to private room B2202, opened the door, only to see Luo Shiyan and Ou Sixing drunk on the sofa, and Jiang Dingcheng sleeping alone on the sofa on the other side.

But the only person who didn't see Mu Jiu, her mobile phone was still on the carpet, and was connected to his mobile phone, Gu Xiao knew that something bad must have happened once he saw this scene.

Mu Jiu must have been taken away by someone.

The time spent talking on the mobile phone is less than 5 minutes, so it shouldn't be too far even if you walk, so I hurriedly called my elder brother and told him that something happened down below, and asked him to ask Mu Ge to temporarily seal all the exits.

Mu Jiu's people should still be here.

There are only two possibilities now, someone secretly tampered with these drinks, and then made them all down, and then secretly took Mu Jiu away, it is not known whether it is their enemy or Mu Jiu's admirer.

Another possibility is that Mu Jiu did all of this, the drink was her hands and feet, and then she knocked down everyone and left by herself.

But the latter possibility does not exist at all, and Mu Jiu has no reason to do this, so there is only the first one.

They were designed by people.

After talking on the phone with Duan Jinhong, he hurried to Jiang Dingcheng's side, reached out and patted Jiang Dingcheng's face, this touch almost startled him, Jiang Dingcheng was very hot and there was cold sweat on his forehead.

If he didn't guess wrong, he must have been drugged, and now the effect of the drug is slowly taking effect in his body.

How dare you drug him.

Guan Jian is that Mu Jiu is gone now, and he doesn't know where he went.

Jiang Dingcheng has always been a very smart and determined person, why would people be tricked like this now, and what happened in the middle.

'Second brother, second brother, did you hear my voice, second brother, wake up quickly, the second sister-in-law is gone. ' Gu Xiao patted Jiang Dingcheng's face hard and said.

Jiang Dingcheng slowly opened his eyes, which were scarlet and looked a little scary.

"Jiu'er?" Jiang Dingcheng murmured Mu Jiu's name. Although he was trying to stay awake, his expression didn't look too good.

"Second Brother, I'm Gu Xiao, not Second Sister-in-law. Second Sister-in-law is gone. What's going on with you?" Gu Xiao shouted anxiously.

Didn't Luo Shiyan invite them to drink to apologize?How could it be like this now.

It's all his fault that he didn't come down in time just now. If he had come over, it wouldn't be such a scene.

Duan Jinhong and the others came down quickly. Seeing the scene inside, they were a little frightened. They didn't want to believe that one day Jiang Dingcheng would win the lottery.

"What's going on?" Duan Jinhong frowned and said very seriously.

Among their brothers, Jiang Dingcheng was the least likely to let someone do something like this, because he was too smart to let someone do this at all.

"Brother, find the second sister-in-law first, let the fifth brother and the third brother send the second brother to the room to rest, and then let people go to the back alley to block it, I will go to the monitoring room to watch the surveillance, no matter who dares to touch the second sister-in-law. If you have such a bad idea, I will tear that corpse into pieces." Gu Xiao said coldly.

"Jiu'er, where are you?" Jiang Dingcheng looked a little sober now.

"Second brother, don't worry, we will find the second sister-in-law no matter where it is. Now you and the third brother go back to the upstairs room to rest. I can guarantee that the second sister-in-law will be returned to you in its entirety." Gu Xiao seriously assured .

"Second brother, there is nothing wrong with listening to fourth child, you go back to the upstairs room with third child to rest first." Duan Jinhong said with a serious face.

"Jiu'er, where have you been?"

"Someone took it away." Gu Xiao said eagerly.

Jiang Dingcheng fell silent when he heard this, and raised his eyes to look at the two people who were unconscious on the sofa opposite. It seemed that his previous prediction was wrong, someone was going to do something to them, but it didn't seem to be Luo Shiyan.

Luo Shiyan is just an idiot.

"Find someone quickly." Jiang Dingcheng's veins burst out.

Now the medicine in his body is getting stronger and stronger, but the desire to find Mu Jiu is the strongest, no matter what, he must find Mu Jiu.

It was his own careless judgment that caused Mu Jiu's danger.

He originally thought that Luo Shiyan was coming for him, but now it seems that someone is coming for Mu Jiu.

Finding Mu Jiu one minute later will make her more dangerous.

"Second brother, I'm already looking for someone, don't worry, I will bring my second sister-in-law back to you." After finishing speaking, Gu Xiao went out directly.

Gu Xiao went to the monitoring room first, and saw that a woman wrapped in black and a man took Mu Jiu away. They went to the No. [-] elevator, which was the closest to the back alley, and it was exactly as he predicted. of.

This person's purpose is obvious, and he came for Mu Jiu.

It's just when did Mu Jiu have such a serious grudge with others, and actually took her away in a coma on the day of her wedding.

And they didn't even think about who the man she married was, they dared to do something with Jiang Dingcheng's woman, they were really brave enough.

(End of this chapter)

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