cute in his palm

Chapter 661 She also drank

Chapter 661 She also drank

Gu Xiao is already very sure of one fact, that is, the medicine in the sprinkle is not a fainting medicine, but a love medicine. Although the medicine is not particularly heavy, its stamina cannot be underestimated.

Gu Xiao has always been the little prince of nightclubs, and he knows this kind of thing too well. Although he has never touched it, it doesn't mean he is not familiar with it.

It can only be said that it is a little too courageous for Jiang Dingcheng to dare to twist his head.

I really want to know who this person is. I have to admire Jiang Dingcheng for having the courage to attack Jiang Dingcheng. You must know that Jiang Dingcheng is the Satan of the business world. Apart from courage, he can dare to treat him like this. There must be means.

Really not afraid of death.

Gu Xiao admired him a little.

"What do you mean I'm the only one who can save you?" Mu Jiu couldn't quite understand the meaning of Gu Xiao's words.

"Second sister-in-law, you will know in a while." Gu Xiao didn't want to say anything more, because running with someone on his back was very tiring.

Gu Xiao directly took her into the elevator, and pressed the floor number for the 20th floor.

I was really relieved.

"Gu Xiao, you haven't told me how your second brother is doing, and what about Luo Shiyan and the others?" Mu Jiu stood on the phone, adjusted her breath a little, and then asked him.

Not only about Jiang Dingcheng, but also about Luo Shiyan and Ou Sixing.

At that time, all three of them fell on the sofa, so something must have happened to Luo Shiyan and Ou Sixing.

Although Mu Jiu doesn't like Luo Shiyan, she is not the kind of cold-hearted person. If something really happens to her, Mu Jiu still wants to take care of her.

After all, Luo Shiyan was considered someone she knew.

And tonight, it seemed that she should also be the victim after this incident, and she and Ou Sixing drank more alcohol than Jiang Dingcheng.

Jiang Dingcheng is a man with a very good physique, he is already drunk like that, so one can imagine what kind of consequences Luo Shiyan will have.

Mu Jiu couldn't imagine it.

Now she can only try her best to lean against the wall of the elevator to relieve the uncomfortable hot feeling in her body. Why is MD so uncomfortable, but fortunately she didn't drink much, relying on her own willpower can be carried. past.

"Second brother sent third brother to his room to rest. As for Luo Shiyan, there will be a better place to go. Second sister-in-law, you don't need to worry about that." Gu Xiao said lightly.

He had already figured out a way to treat that woman Luo Shiyan.

Regardless of whether Luo Shiyan was involved in this matter or not, she was the one who brought her second brother and second sister-in-law downstairs. It was her fault. Besides, Luo Shiyan had done too many bad things to Mu Jiu before, so take this opportunity to treat her well. For her, it can be regarded as teaching her a lesson, let her clearly understand this point, and stop Mu Jiu in the future, this is not someone she can provoke.

From now on, you have to keep your eyes open and take care of people you can't offend. When you see Jiang Dingcheng, you should automatically stay away, instead of taking the risk to provoke them. Doing such dangerous things is simply looking for death.

On this point, Luo Shiyan did it very thoroughly.

Originally, after Luo Shiyan returned to China this time, they didn't want to pay more attention to her. It was Luo Shiyan herself who kept popping up around them.

This is what makes them a little unhappy.

In itself, because of Luo Shiyang's relationship, they were very disgusted with the members of the Luo family, including Luo Shiyan who was staying abroad at that time.

But what I thought at that time was that she was abroad anyway, so far away, it didn't matter if she hated it or not.

But I don't know where this woman's brain is broken. She even gave up all the favorable conditions in Paris, and returned to China and directly joined Yan Ruilai as the design director. The purpose of this is too obvious.

Obviously, it was aimed at Jiang Dingcheng.

Like her sister, Luo Shiyan also liked Jiang Dingcheng, and she had liked Jiang Dingcheng a long time ago, but because she couldn't be with Jiang Dingcheng, she chose to study design abroad.

After Luo Shiyang left, she felt that she had a chance to be with Jiang Dingcheng again, so she chose to return to China suddenly, and went to work in the Jiang Group's design company, nothing more than wanting to be close to the water first.

It's a pity that she was wrong. Jiang Dingcheng didn't have to be the sisters of the Luo family, and it was even more impossible to guard this friendship for her sister Luo Shiyang.

Instead, she was with Mu Jiu and married.

This is the most unacceptable thing for Luo Shiyan, that's why she tried every means to hurt Mu Jiu, just treating her as a rival in love, thinking she could drive Mu Jiu away from Jiang Dingcheng's side, and then Jiang Dingcheng It's hers.

Truly a whimsical woman.

Gu Xiao just thinks that this woman Luo Shiyan is really annoying, and she has done so many things to hurt her second sister-in-law, can she not be annoying?

"Second sister-in-law, are you okay?" Gu Xiao asked when he turned his head and saw Mu Jiu leaning against the elevator wall with a flushed face.

"I'm fine." Mu Jiu gritted her teeth and shook her head.

In fact, she thought it was okay, there shouldn't be anything wrong, as long as she stayed in the room to wash her face and take a shower, but she didn't know that Jiang Dingcheng was going to explode, waiting for her to save him.

What's more unknown is that the pale pink on her face betrayed her current emotions.

Looking at it this way, he probably understood something.

'Second sister-in-law, did you also drink the wine in there? ' Gu Xiao asked, but there was no need to ask too much, because her expression was too obvious.

Mu Jiu gritted her teeth, closed her mouth tightly, and then nodded lightly.

"Second sister-in-law, you..." Gu Xiao stopped suddenly when she said this, no matter how much she drank, in short, she drank the wine with added ingredients, then her body must have been affected by the medicine, and it must be uncomfortable when she has an attack now of.

Gu Xiao didn't want to say another word, knowing that she was suffering, he just wanted to send Mu Jiu to his second brother as soon as possible.

This is something that the two of them need to solve and save each other.

Gu Xiao just felt that the gods were fucked, and the mother was fucked. In the world, the couple Jiang Dingcheng and Mu Jiu were probably drugged by others in their bridal chamber. There was really no one else but them.

"Second sister-in-law, you have to hold on, it's here now." Seeing that the ladder finally jumped to the 20th floor, Gu Xiao was excited, and when he wanted to reach out to pull Mujiu, he was afraid that he would be hurt by her.

But there were still tens of meters from the elevator to the door of the room, he couldn't let Mu Jiu make it through by himself like this, he would do nothing for nothing, for the sake of his second brother and sister-in-law, he was going all out.

"Second sister-in-law, offended, I will be there soon." Gu Xiao picked up Mu Jiu and ran to the room in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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