cute in his palm

Chapter 664 I Only Want You

Chapter 664 I Only Want You

Hearing what Mu Jiu said, Jiang Dingcheng's eyes sank, becoming more profound and charming, and then he tried his best to suppress his inner desire, and looked at Mu Jiu with difficulty, because his reason was so close to the last string. broke.

If Mu Jiu rejects him now and decisively chooses to leave him, he can understand and agree to let her go.

'Jiu'er, do you know what kind of medicine that is? Jiang Dingcheng asked her again with a choked voice.

Mu Jiu looked at him wanting to say but didn't dare to say, her little face turned red with disappointment, what kind of medicine was that, she had drank alcohol herself, so she knew what it was.

'Jiu'er, it's love medicine, do you understand, the medicine that is being placed on my body now is not an ordinary medicine, but a love medicine. Jiang Dingcheng reminded her seriously again.

I just hope that she can clearly understand that this is not an ordinary medicine, it is not a joke, and that Mu Jiu understands what the consequences are.

Love medicine is not an ordinary drug. He believed that Mu Jiu knew what the consequences would be like, so he gave her a chance to choose before he finally had a sliver of reason.

Either stay or go.

If she stayed, she would know what was going to happen next, so it was tantamount to acquiescing to him in her heart, and if she left, he wouldn't have any objections.

After all, the two of them didn't come together because of their feelings.

"Jiang Dingcheng, are you feeling uncomfortable?" Seeing his drenched appearance, Mu Jiu couldn't help but asked worriedly. She knew what the medicine was, and she knew that she should leave now instead of staying. But there was another voice in her heart telling her that she couldn't just leave Jiang Dingcheng's side like this now, and couldn't just let him go.

If he kept on like this, if he didn't hurry to change his clothes, take a hot bath if he didn't rush, if he didn't release the heat in his body, then he would definitely feel very uncomfortable, and then he would get sick.

Those brothers made it clear that they just sat and waited to ignore Jiang Dingcheng and left him to her. If she left now, there would really be no one to take care of him. If he was left alone for one night, he would definitely collapse. .

Therefore, in terms of emotion and reason, she couldn't let him go.

"Jiang Dingcheng, I won't leave, I can't let you behave like this." Mu Jiu looked at him firmly and said.

Jiang Dingcheng's eyes lit up when he heard her say this. Does this mean that she has thought clearly and is going to dedicate herself to him.

This is not loyalty and impulsiveness, he must let her figure it out for herself.

"Jiu'er, have you thought it through clearly?" Jiang Dingcheng sat up directly from the bathtub, his voice was a little hoarse, this time it wasn't because of soaking in cold water for a long time, but ****.

"Jiang Dingcheng, what are you thinking about?" Mu Jiu saw the desire that was about to jump out of his eyes, and it was still a little scary.

Now she doesn't have the heart to care whether he is straight or curvy. When a man becomes beastly, he doesn't have so much reason to talk about.

"Jiu'er, the only thing I think about right now is you." Jiang Dingcheng continued, and he had already walked out of the bathtub, dripping water all over his body. Looking at him like this, he was completely different from his usual well-dressed appearance. There really is a kind of frenzied wild beauty.

Jiang Dingcheng's eyes were murderous, and he pushed her into the corner little by little.

Then put one hand on the arm of the porcelain white wall, domineeringly enclose Mu Jiu between him and the wall, stare closely at Mu Jiu's eyes, lock her expression in his eyes, for a moment Don't let it go.

Jiang Dingcheng's black hair was still dripping with water, dripping onto Mu Jiu's body one by one, cold to the bone.

"Jiang Dingcheng, take a hot bath first, and I'll help you prepare the medicine. They gave me the medicine just now, and my body will feel better soon. Mu Jiu explained in a panic that she wanted to escape from Jiang Dingcheng's control, because now he is a wild beast that can go mad at any time, which is very dangerous.

She didn't want Jiang Dingcheng to continue to wear his hot body and soaked cold clothes like this. If he continued like this, he would really be very easy to get sick.

"Jiu'er, don't go." Jiang Dingcheng directly took her hand with one hand, preventing her from leaving.

Mu Jiu stared at him blankly.

"Jiang Dingcheng, can you be obedient? I can really help you. I know you are suffering now. After you take the medicine, you will be fine after taking the medicine..." Mu Jiu explained nervously.

The chill around Jiang Dingcheng's body became heavier, making her tremble all over, and felt a chill rise from the soles of her feet.

Jiang Dingcheng got closer, although he was wet all over, but everywhere he touched her was hot.

"Jiang Dingcheng, you, you listen to me first..."

"Jiu'er, you also feel how hot and eager I am now. That medicine is effective for you, but it is useless for me like this. I drank too much wine and went in. Any one of me you touch now People's places are hot, medicine is useless." Jiang Dingcheng said, enduring the desire that was almost erupting.

At this moment, he actually didn't want to think about anything, he just wanted to hug this woman into his arms and love her, and he didn't think about anything.

"Then, the doctor, the doctor can always do it." Mu Jiu was still holding on to the last glimmer of hope.

'Doctors can't cure it. 'He shook his head with a painful expression, this was his last rational struggle.

"Then, what should I do?" Mu Jiu was not stupid, she just asked subconsciously, how could she not know what to do?Now there is only one way.

"Jiu'er, only you can save me, and I only want you, is that okay?" Jiang Dingcheng grabbed her shoulders with both hands, forcing her to look him in the eye.

Now he has no choice of retreat, and Mu Jiu still has one last chance to choose.

"Jiang Dingcheng, I..."

"Jiu'er, before I go crazy, I'll give you one last chance. Hurry up and leave now, don't look back, and leave me alone." Jiang Dingcheng didn't want to force her by himself, what he wanted was for her to help him voluntarily.

Mu Jiu saw that the blue veins on his forehead were exposed, his eyes were scarlet red, but he still tried his best not to hurt him.

With Jiang Dingcheng like this, how could she bear not to help him.

"Jiang Dingcheng, do you want me to call him over for you..."

Jiang Dingcheng knew who she was referring to, and immediately denied her idea, because from the beginning to the end, there was no such thing as him, it was all fabricated by Mu Jiu himself, and then he just cooperated with her.

"No, I only want you, Jiu'er, I don't want anyone else." Jiang Dingcheng roared out with his last rationality.

(End of this chapter)

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