cute in his palm

Chapter 667 What to Do Now

Chapter 667 What to Do Now

Mu Jiu didn't force herself to think like this, should she use this matter to force Jiang Dingcheng to take responsibility for herself, or commit suicide by crying? It's not necessary.

Everything is your wish.

And she really didn't think about making Jiang Dingcheng responsible for her. If there was a real disturbance, she would have no reason at all.

So in this kind of thing, to put it bluntly, no one is wrong.

It is even more impossible for Mu Jiu to attribute all the faults of this matter to Jiang Dingcheng.

He had acted very manly yesterday, and at the last moment he was thinking about her feelings. If she chose to refuse to leave yesterday, then Jiang Dingcheng could easily let her go.

This point, Mu Jiu is quite clear.

Although Jiang Dingcheng has been rumored to be cold-blooded by the outside world, but those who have never been cruel to her will obey her opinion very much.

'Jiu'er, you look like this, can you do it by yourself? Jiang Dingcheng said worriedly, seeing her pale face, he couldn't help being worried and distressed.

Mu Jiu glanced at him and nodded seriously.

"Jiang Dingcheng, I can do it myself, and I'm not a three-year-old kid. 'Mu Jiu said seriously, not for bragging rights, but just didn't want Jiang Dingcheng to worry about him.

'Body. 'Jiang Dingcheng asked her worriedly.

'I'm fine, nothing. Mu Jiu shouted immediately, just not wanting Jiang Dingcheng to worry too much.

When Jiang Dingcheng heard this, he immediately understood that Mu Jiu didn't want to let him stay for another second, so he could only leave first and give Mu Jiu a separate space for her to stay.

'Then you are here by yourself, if you need anything, call me, I'll be outside. Jiang Ding admitted that he really looked at her and said.

'Um. 'Mu Jiu could only keep her head down and agree in a sullen manner.

Now she doesn't want to see Jiang Dingcheng's face anymore, because when she sees it, she will think about what happened last night, and her thoughts will become a little confused. If she wants to think about this matter, she must stay away from Jiang Dingcheng .

She just wanted to be alone for a while and think about this matter.

Think about the relationship between her and Jiang Dingcheng, and what kind of mood you want to face Jiang Dingcheng next.

'Then I will go out first, call me when you are well, and I will carry you out. 'Jiang Dingcheng told her gently, but he was not at ease.

"Yeah." Mu Jiu nodded and said.

Although Jiang Dingcheng was worried, he still walked out without any hesitation.

After hearing the door closed, Mu Jiu let out a heavy breath, all the tense expressions relaxed at this moment, and then locked the door behind her.

All of a sudden, she was alone in the empty bathroom, and felt that the world was quiet, and finally there was no presence of Jiang Dingcheng.

It can make her more relaxed.

If Jiang Dingcheng was there, she would be so nervous that she would be so careful that she didn't even dare to breathe out once.

After Mu Jiu washed her face well, she looked at herself in the mirror, except for some obvious marks on her neck, everything else was fine.

But Mu Jiu didn't dare to look at the marks on her neck, because they were too obvious, and when she saw them, she would unconsciously think of the madness of last night.

Now she's got a hangover.

Then she went to the bathtub and put a tub of hot water, and she was going to let herself take a good bath again.

Although Jiang Dingcheng scrubbed her body for her, but now she still wants to take another bath by herself, soak in a comfortable bath, don't think about other things, soak her body comfortably, and then wake up her mind.

Now she has no way to think clearly about how she will get along with Jiang Dingcheng next.

So you need to calm yourself down completely, taking a bath is the best way.

After the water was put away, Mu Jiu stood there and took off her nightgown, and then saw her back in the mirror. Her body, which was clean and clean before, was now covered with bruises and purple marks of love.

All these are the traces of love left by Jiang Dingcheng on her body, which were originally shameful traces, but if they are left by someone he loves, this is happiness.

But these are not the men she loves deeply, but Jiang Dingcheng left behind.

Who is Jiang Dingcheng to her, now even she herself doesn't know.

It's her legal husband, her husband Mu Jiu.

It's just a fake husband in name, but now she has left so many marks of love on her body.

Mu Jiu looked at herself in the mirror, her face slowly turned red, and then she soaked directly in the bathtub, lay down slowly, and then slowly soaked herself in the water, including her fast hair, just to You can let your brain soak in water, enter the water, and wash away a bunch of messy things in your mind.

After gurgling and spitting out several big bubbles, Mu Jiu slowly emerged from the water, and then exhaled very uneasy.

Hey, now everything that shouldn't have happened has happened.

There is no room for her to regret anymore, the only thing she can do now is to think clearly about what kind of mentality she will use to face Jiang Dingcheng next.

After all, she was responsible for more than half of yesterday's incident. This incident was done voluntarily by her, and it was not forced by Jiang Dingcheng.

Guan Jian is here.

It was all voluntary, which made Jiang Dingcheng think of her. In Jiang Dingcheng's heart, he would definitely regard her as a very casual woman.

A man was drugged, and if he asked her to help, he would sacrifice himself directly.

In the eyes of any man, she should be regarded as a very casual woman.

This time it was all right, another label was attached to Jiang Dingcheng's heart, and it was a particularly irritating label, which was really annoying.

Annoyed, Mu Jiu soaked her head deeply in the bathtub again.

I just want to clear myself up.

Jiang Dingcheng tidied up the bed, and then asked the downstairs to deliver the meal.

But after he arranged everything, he still didn't wait for Mu Jiu to come out.

Hearing the sound of splashing water inside, he knew that Mu Jiu should be taking a bath. After finishing work last night, he carried Mu Jiu to wash his body.

Now she has to wash it again, is it too dirty?

After such a thought popped up in my mind, I suddenly became very uncomfortable.

If Mu Jiu really thinks he is dirty, then he must be disgusted and disgusted with him. If Mu Jiu really thinks like this, then how will he explain to Mu Jiu next, how will he talk to Mu Jiu? down thing.

Jiang Dingcheng's heart suddenly became extremely uncomfortable, and he was a little confused for a while. It was the first time he was so flustered that he was always calm and calm in doing things.

(End of this chapter)

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