cute in his palm

Chapter 672 Suddenly Scared

Chapter 672 Suddenly Scared
Shang Jinglu was Jiang Dingcheng's minefield, because that man was the man deepest in Mu Jiu's heart, so he would not be so willing to mention this man's name.

But Mu Jiu's unhappy expression was obviously to protect Shang Jinglu, and she felt that the two of them had a relationship yesterday because she was sorry for Shang Jinglu.

It really made Jiang Dingcheng very unhappy.

Her own woman always thinks about other men in her heart, which is something that no man can accept.

When Mu Jiu heard him like this, her heart tightened, and then she stared at Jiang Dingcheng with wide eyes.

'What do you mean by that. Mu Jiu said extremely unhappy, because she was very unwilling to hear Shang Jinglu's name from Jiang Dingcheng's mouth.

Mu Jiu knew very well that Jiang Dingcheng had some grudges against Shang Jinglu.

Now she just wants to discuss the matter between the two of them properly, and doesn't want to involve innocent people, especially Shang Jinglu, it's unnecessary.

'Jiu'er, you know exactly what I mean. Shang Jinglu has always been the man you like because he appeared before me. I don't have any objections. After all, we are husband and wife now. Existence, let the two of us have trouble, Jiu'er, I don't want us to quarrel, I just want to have a good talk with you now. Jiang Dingcheng tried his best to suppress the unhappiness in his heart, and spoke to Mu Jiu in the most gentle tone.

What he asks of himself is that no matter what happens, no matter how angry he is, he will not vent on Mu Jiu. This is one of the ways he loves Mu Jiu.

Even though he hated Shang Jinglu extremely, and even hated this man who had occupied Mu Jiu's heart for a long time, no matter how unhappy he was, he could still speak harshly to Mu Jiu.

Hearing what Jiang Dingcheng said, Mu Jiu also reflected on herself, and found that her reaction just now was a little too aggressive.

Since you want to talk about things with him properly, you have to show the attitude of talking about things.

"Jiang Dingcheng, I'm sorry, I just don't want to bring brother Jinglu into it, now we are talking about the things between the two of us, I don't want to mix any other emotions into it. 'Mu Jiu still has her own reason.

She had put all her sanity into it last night.

'Well, now let's not talk about other people, let's talk about the things between the two of us. Mu Jiu approached her, stood in front of her, and looked down at her.

Mu Jiu looked up and saw his firm jaw line.

To be honest, Jiang Dingcheng is really a particularly perfect man. It can be said that from all angles of 360 degrees, there is no flaw. He is really super handsome.

It's just that now she is not in the mood to appreciate his handsomeness, she just wants to finish the talk quickly.

Whether we want to treat each other as if this incident never happened before, or whether we both have special grudges in our hearts and keep it in our hearts, no one will feel comfortable.

Now there are only these two kinds of marriages. Of course, Mu Jiu hopes for the former. She doesn't want to make him think that she wants to be with him so much just because she dedicated herself to help him in a flash of enthusiasm yesterday. It's like being tied down.

A person who likes a man, how can she really be with him.

'Jiu'er, I didn't treat what happened last night as an accident, let alone think about it, just treat it as if it didn't happen. 'Jiang Dingcheng said seriously.

This is his attitude, he has always believed in Mu Jiu all his life, this woman is his now, why should he let go.

Hearing Jiang Dingcheng's words, Mu Jiu looked at him in surprise.

'Jiang Dingcheng, do you know what you're talking about? 'This is not a joke, it is not enough to just say a word casually, this is to be responsible for what he said.

He didn't take it as an accident, it was serious.

"Jiang Dingcheng, do you mean that you want me to be responsible for you?" Mu Jiu stared at him with a pair of eyes, and said incredulously.

Hearing her saying that she should be responsible for him, Jiang Dingcheng wanted to laugh a little.

It really made him want to laugh a little bit.

'Of course, it's okay if you want to be responsible for me, or let me be responsible for you. ' Jiang Dingcheng said very calmly.

No matter what, it is a good thing that Mu Jiu can now think about it in this way.

No matter who is responsible to whom, the final result is the same, and he has no objection.

As long as Mu Jiu really wants to be responsible to him, she will be responsible for his once, and he will be responsible for her whole life, it's that simple and straightforward.

'No, Jiang Dingcheng, did you get the point wrong, we are all adults, we should all be clear about the relationship between each other. Mu Jiu held back her breath and said to him patiently, she jumped up from the chair and stood up, staring directly into his eyes, now she is no longer afraid of being attracted by his eyes.

The game for adults couldn't be simpler, it's just what you like and what I want, just forget about it when it's over.

Jiang Dingcheng should know this distance very well, so why play dumb with her.

"Jiuer, do you mean that adults can make mistakes casually, and then be irresponsible for their own affairs after they are done? Now children know that they must be responsible for what they do. Besides, I only Knowing that our relationship is husband and wife, it has been recognized by the law, and we had a wedding yesterday." Jiang Dingcheng reminded her kindly.

'Still, you want to look at our marriage certificate again. 'Jiang Dingcheng continued.

Mu Jiu opened his mouth and didn't know what to say, because what he said was not wrong, the two of them were indeed married, holding a legally recognized marriage certificate, their marriage has legal effect.

However, in fact, both of them knew clearly in their hearts that their marriage was a sham.

"Jiang Dingcheng, our marriage is fake, didn't we say it right from the beginning, have you forgotten?" 'Mu Jiu said with a heavy sigh.

Of course Jiang Dingcheng didn't forget that, indeed, the marriage between the two of them was fake in the beginning, and it was for mutual benefit.

However, this setting has long since changed in Jiang Dingcheng's mind, but he has never found the right time to speak out what is in his heart.

"Jiu'er, it was a fake marriage at the beginning, but I didn't manage this marriage as a fake. I have always managed our marriage with sincerity, including my kindness and love for you. It's not for acting. Jiang Dingcheng took a step closer and put Mu Jiu between him and the small table.

(End of this chapter)

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