cute in his palm

Chapter 676 As long as there is no divorce

Chapter 676 As long as there is no divorce

Jiang Dingcheng listened, and didn't intend to interrupt at all. Now he listened to her patiently. Anyway, now that he knew that Mu Jiu's sanity had recovered a little, it was fine. If he lost his sanity and growled again, he would kiss again. hold her.

Because he still knows that there is still a very calm side in Mu Jiu's personality.

Every woman has the gene of being vexatious, but after she has had enough trouble, she will show her calmest side to face things.

This is his Jiu'er, who has always been a combination of reason and madness.

'I won't make you responsible for what happened last night, because I voluntarily helped you. ' Mu Jiu forced the anger into her body and said.

But no matter what, Jiang Dingcheng didn't force her to do all of this, it happened as it happened, and she had no reason to blame him entirely.

What he did just now was all because of his subconscious reaction when he suddenly admitted that he liked a woman, so it was so intense.

After she calmed down, she tried her best to calm down and face the matter correctly.

If the quarrel continues blindly, the two of them will not be able to handle this matter peacefully, and it will only make each other feel more uncomfortable.

She couldn't be more clear about this.

Her Mu Jiu's life theorem was originally to solve it properly when she met it, and she never chose to escape, so now she has to show her attitude and face Jiang Dingcheng well.

Anyway, now that the matter has come to an end, it should be resolved sooner, and she should be relieved earlier, so as not to press her down and make her feel extremely uncomfortable.

'Jiu'er. Hearing this, Jiang Dingcheng frowned in displeasure.

Although he knew that Mu Jiu had been trying to figure out the relationship between the two of them, but once he heard this fact from her mouth, he still felt very bad.

This is not what he wants.

'Jiang Dingcheng, don't interrupt, just listen to me, okay? 'Mu Jiu was very clear about his displeasure, she said this, of course it would make Jiang Dingcheng very unhappy, she knew it well.

Anyway, whether he is happy or not, it is her decision, since Jiang Dingcheng can hide his sexual orientation from her for so long, why can't she decide this matter by herself now.

She took the initiative to help him, but she didn't rush to ask him to do it responsibly.

'Okay, you say. Jiang Dingcheng saw that Mu Jiu could speak so calmly now, so he knew that she would stop getting agitated for no reason, so he let her speak.

Let her speak her mind first, and then he will speak his own.

"Jiang Dingcheng, our initial marriage was an agreement for mutual benefit. I am very grateful to you for helping me stabilize my position in the Mu family. I am also very grateful to you for finding the best doctor for my brother in the United States to perform surgery on him." , Regarding what happened last night, just pretend that I did it to thank you, and it’s good that we are evened out, just pretend, just pretend nothing happened, okay. When Mu Jiu said the last thing, there was a hint of pleading in his tone.

She hasn't realized that Jiang Dingcheng actually likes women, and if she wants to continue to get involved with him, it's not what she wants.

Jiang Dingcheng continued to listen without intending to interrupt.

But when he heard this, he already understood very well that Mu Jiu's current attitude was about his liking for women, and he didn't tell her to worry about it at first.

For the time being, she shouldn't be able to let go of it.

Sometimes Mu Jiu is too stubborn when she wears a girl. Of course, Jiang Dingcheng understands that everyone has their own limit.

And Mu Jiu's bottom line is that she cannot tolerate any deception and betrayal.

Therefore, for his deliberate deception, it is naturally difficult to pass.

"Jiang Dingcheng, you understand what I said now. This is the result I really want in my heart. We two are even, as if what happened last night never happened." After Mu Jiu finished speaking, she looked at Jiang Dingcheng's face.

Hearing this, Jiang Dingcheng felt that what he said now was useless.

But if Mu Jiu decides on something, she will go to the end one by one. If she hasn't figured it out before, it's useless for anyone to persuade her.

'I understand what you mean, but Jiu'er,'

'No but, Jiang Dingcheng, let's talk about no but between us, this is my attitude, I won't change it, I don't want to hate you now. 'Mu Jiu said in a cold tone.

Originally, she would not have done things so decisively, but Jiang Dingcheng forced her to do all of this.

Why, why are things like this now.

It was too far from what she expected before.

Originally, what she thought was that this fake marriage with Jiang Dingcheng would last for a certain period of time, and when her brother's operation was over and she could join the Mu family to take over the business, she would be able to divorce Jiang Dingcheng peacefully.

But now, let alone waiting for her brother to come back from the United States after a successful operation, she wanted to divorce Jiang Dingcheng at this very moment, and then just die of old age and have nothing to do with each other.

Because, she had long since discovered that she had no feelings for Jiang Dingcheng.

There is someone in her heart, but she is attracted to other men, this is what scares Mu Jiu the most.

'Jiu'er, let's not mention this matter for now, let's go back first, okay? "Jiang Dingcheng has now decided to take the tactic of delaying the attack. Let's follow Mu Jiu's wishes first. If she wants to pretend it didn't happen, let her pretend it didn't happen."

Anyway, things have already happened, and each other knows it in their hearts, it is impossible to really pretend that it didn't happen.

As long as Mu Jiu doesn't drag him to divorce in a fit of anger, there is still room for redemption.

This is Jiang Dingcheng's idea.

'Go back, where to go? 'Mu Jiu doesn't want to go anywhere now, especially doesn't want to go back to Jingheyuan, but just wants to go to a place where there are no people and calm down.

Clear up the thoughts in your heart.

Do you continue to maintain this fake marriage with Jiang Dingcheng as if nothing happened and live in peace, or choose to divorce as soon as possible and happily.

Anyway, no matter what it is, she already has a grudge against Jiang Dingcheng, and it is impossible for her to be the same as before.

So, she wants to be quiet.

'Jiu'er, our new house is in Blue Bay, with your favorite sea view. Jiang Dingcheng looked at her and said softly.

Now as long as Mu Jiu doesn't mention the divorce, he can do whatever he wants.

Hearing the word "Lanwan", Mu Jiu thought of that piece of sea in his heart, where he could see the most beautiful seascape in Huaicheng, a place where many people dream of living.

Really facing the sea, the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming.

(End of this chapter)

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