Chapter 682

Luo Shiyan just passed out in front of them in a daze.

Gu Xiao looked at her, then widened his eyes, and then turned his head to look at Chi Heyu. The expression on this man's face has not changed from the beginning to the end, his whole body is cold.

'Third Brother, Luo Shiyan fell down. '

'I saw. 'Very light four words.

Gu Xiao opened his mouth, wanting to say something but not wanting to.

Then I saw Chi Heyu calling two big men to come in and carry Luo Shiyan wrapped up in a big quilt, and then the two of them also walked out.

'Third brother, Luo Shiyan won't die. ' Gu Xiao asked as he walked, seeing Luo Shiyan fainting so much, he was still a little worried.

After all, if Luo Shiyan was really messed up and killed directly, they would not be able to compensate the Luo family.

'I can survive the whole night like this until now, I won't die, don't worry. ' Chi Heyu said very calmly.

Hearing Chi Heyu's calm words, Gu Xiao no longer worried no matter how worried he was. It's just that the third brother is a bit scary today. Compared to the second brother, he is more like the Satan who came out of hell. It can be said that this Luo Shiyan is unlucky, it is not good for her to mess with whom, but she has offended some of their brothers, so she will be perverted and punished, which is what she deserves.

No sympathy is needed.

The two of them walked out, threw back the coats they were wearing to the staff, and returned to the embrace of the sun. This feeling is really good.

'Third brother, I feel like I went to hell, and now I'm back again, and it feels so good to have sunshine. 'Gu Xiao stretched out his hands, allowing the sun to warm his whole body.

'Um. Chi Heyu responded lightly, then turned to see Luo Shiyan who was placed on the ground. Now the quilt on her body has been opened, so her whole body is exposed to the sun.

Now that she could see her arms and calves, she realized that her whole body was pale and terrifying, giving her the illusion of a dead person.

'Third brother, is she, okay. 'Gu Xiao was also a little scared when he saw Luo Shiyan like this.

Although Gu Xiao is very playful in normal times, he has no experience in playing people to death, so seeing Luo Shiyan looking like he is about to die is really a little frightening.

The more important reason is that the Luo family behind Luo Shiyan, as well as the relationship between the Luo family and the Jiang family, cannot really kill her.

Chi Heyu shook his head slightly, he wanted to laugh when he saw Gu Xiao's nervous look, where did that young master of the Gu family who was not afraid of anything go?

When did he become so timid, he was scared before he died, what would he do if he really died.

'Since when did you become so timid? Chi Heyu said with one hand in his pants pocket, looking at Gu Xiao calmly.

Because Gu Xiao was too worried about Luo Shiyan's death, he never saw the slight smile that flashed in Chi Heyu's eyes.

He was just teasing Gu Xiao.

Luo Shiyan is no ordinary person, how could he let her die so easily.

'Third brother, if it is true, what if he dies? ' Gu Xiao said calmly.

'Just throw it into the sea and feed the fish and it's over. What Chi Heyu said was a relief.

As soon as his words fell, Gu Xiao's mouth opened wide, and he could directly stuff an egg.

'Third brother, you, you really are, I can't let her die, or I won't be worthy of my family. ' Gu Xiao shouted to the sky.

Hearing this, Chi Heyu's face that had collapsed all day finally calmed down, and he smiled directly with the corners of his mouth curled up.

'Gu Xiao, you are really poisoned by the police officer. '

Just when the doctor came over, Chi Heyu walked directly towards Luo Shiyan, Gu Xiao finally understood now that Chi Heyu was playing with him all the time.

Is teasing him such a fun thing?

'Third brother, you are really getting worse and worse, when did you become so bad, did the elder brother and the second brother make it? ' Gu Xiao caught up and said very depressed.

'It's you who have become stupid. You can't even hear such obvious jokes. It is said that the IQ of people who are in love drops rapidly. Could it be that the IQ of the person who has a crush will also drop so fast? ' Chi Heyu continued jokingly.

Compared to Chi Heyu's venomous tongue, Gu Xiao really has no way to deal with it, so let's accept his fate. Anyway, as long as Chi Heyu doesn't really want to kill Luo Shiyan, he can rest assured.

It doesn't matter if Chi Heyu scolds him for his low IQ.

Anyway, if you curse a few words, you won't die or lose a few pieces of meat.

The two walked to Luo Shiyan, and the doctor was already examining her body.

"Chi Shao, Gu Shaohao. 'When I saw the two of them coming over, I immediately greeted them.

'What's wrong with people. 'This doctor is the family doctor of their Chi family, so Chi Heyu was a little casual when talking to him.

"Young Master Chi, she is fine, but it is best to send her to the hospital for observation. Now she is afraid of the cold and hot. If this continues, it will affect the function of internal organs, which will be a little dangerous. The doctor briefly described Luo Shiyan's physical condition.

Hearing this, Chi Heyu frowned and looked at the doctor. 'Get the car ready, and we'll be sent to the hospital after we've finished asking questions. '

Luo Shiyan lay on the quilt, even though she was exposed to the sun, she was still shivering.

The physical and mental torture for her is almost the same, and the lessons I want to teach her are enough, so there is no need to toss any more.

It is not a pleasant thing to really toss people out of their lives.

'Okay, Young Master Chi. '

'I hope that as few people as possible know about this matter, the better. ' Chi Heyu looked at the doctor and said calmly.

The doctor who knew Chi Heyu's temper understood what Chi Heyu meant when he said this, so he nodded seriously. "Young Master Chi, I understand, I'm going to prepare the car now. '

After the doctor walked away, Chi Heyu squatted down and looked at the unconscious Luo Shiyan, feeling really pitiful.

'Fourth, I have to wake her up, and ask someone to take her to the hospital. ' Chi Heyu turned to look at Gu Xiao and said.

Gu Xiao glanced at it, feeling a little cruel.

'Third brother, let me hit women, I won't hit them. ' Gu Xiao immediately stood up and said.

Although Gu Xiao is playing around, he also has his own bottom line, which is not to hit women. In fact, most men have such a bottom line, no matter how unbearable it is, they will never hit a woman directly .

Chi Heyu felt a little helpless when he saw his expression of refusal, he just wanted Gu Xiao to wake her up, who said he was going to hit her directly.

Gu Xiao was thinking about something in his head.

(End of this chapter)

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