cute in his palm

Chapter 684 Did You Hurt Her?

Chapter 684 Did You Hurt Her?

Thinking of this possibility, Luo Shiyan felt a chill run down her back.

It's just, well, why did my sister want to kill her.

It must be that she herself is in a daze now, her consciousness is not clear enough and she thinks too much.

Ever since she was a child, the Luo family has always been the elder sister who has treated her the best, how could she harm her, and this time she came back to find herself specially to help her get Jiang Dingcheng.

Why does she still think about her sister's disadvantages like this?

Luo Shiyan, you can't think like this.

My sister can't come to rescue you now because she can't show up directly for Gu Xiao and the others to find out.

'Let me ask you, what about Si Xing and Ou Si pedestrians? Luo Shiyan adjusted her mood, then looked at Gu Xiao and the others and said, she is actually not in any mood now, and just wants to get out of here quickly to relieve herself.

She knew that Jiang Dingcheng and Mu Jiu were two people, so they would naturally arrange it. They brought her here with the intention of torturing her, so what about Ou Sixing.

"I am already like this, and I still have the mind to take care of Ou Sixing. Not bad, if Ou Sixing knows that you are like this and still cares about him, he will be particularly moved." ' Gu Xiao said in a carefree tone.

He really didn't want to know more about Luo Shiyan's thoughts, but he didn't expect that Ou Sixing, the cannon fodder who silently liked her, would finally be remembered by others, and Ou Sixing's love for her was not in vain.

Luo Shiyan was very upset about Gu Xiao's ridicule like this. She didn't like her own affairs to be ridiculed and ridiculed by others, because this was her own life, and she didn't need others to participate in the discussion. She hated it very much. son.

'Let me ask you, where is Ou Sixing? 'Luo Shiyan's temper has come up, and now that she has become like this, she will not let them do what she wants, she still has her own self-esteem.

For a proud person like Luo Shiyan, doing such a thing to her is something she can't bear.

Why should they treat her like this, why?

'Don't worry, we're not that bad, so bring him here and put him in the freezer. ' Gu Xiao said with a smile that was not a smile, with a face like he was a very decent boy.

When Luo Shiyan heard this, she sneered.

Throwing her in it and freezing it all night is called Youpin.

He is really not afraid of slapping himself when he speaks.

"You don't need to worry about Ou Sixing, we just send him back to where he should be, let's spend more time thinking about our own affairs. ' Chi Heyu said abruptly.

Hearing this, Luo Shiyan was furious besides being extremely angry.

In her heart, she wanted to scold people, why the hell did she run into these two lunatics.

The only thing she can be sure of now is that something must have happened to Jiang Dingcheng and Mu Jiu last night, and then Gu Xiao and the others directly attributed the fault to her.

After all, she was the one who took Jiang Dingcheng and Mu Jiu away from the private room on the top floor, not Luo Shiyang.

So naturally, once something happened to the two of them, they would put the blame on her. This seemed to be a very normal thing, and it was impossible for her to push it away normally.

Besides, she was the woman who was crazy about Jiang Dingcheng before. In order to catch up with Jiang Dingcheng, she drugged and drank alcohol by all means. Because she had the motive of committing the crime, everything seemed so reasonable, and all the blame was pointed at her. The body is also completely normal.

Thinking of this, Luo Shiyan was a little powerless to refute, the only thing she could do was to admit all this with a wry smile.

Everything that happened last night was her own doing.

If it was carefully planned by someone before, and she was treated as a scapegoat, she believed it, and she really chose to believe it unconditionally.

It's just that Luo Shiyang did all the planning behind this, so if she really did it, her sister promised to come to help her, so how could she be harmed.

Therefore, Luo Shiyan tried her best to dispel this idea, but persuaded herself that this was just an accident, just an accident.

Because with any plan, there will be surprises.

"Luo Shiyan, my patience is limited, and your time limit is also limited. Your current physical condition is not ideal. If you want to procrastinate and cause your own death, we will not stop it." ' Chi Heyu said softly.

For a woman like Luo Shiyan, she just can't be too sympathetic. If she always wants to go on like this, then it's her own business and he won't stop it.

It's just that she killed herself in the end.

'You,' Hearing Chi Heyu's unsalty words, Luo Shiyan really hated her in her heart, but her body couldn't exert herself at all.

'I'm just reminding you kindly, if you want to die, don't say anything, anyway, it's just a matter of time, I can investigate clearly. 'Chi Heyu is still calm.

Seeing his incomparably determined look, Luo Shiyan was useless no matter how angry she was.

They are forcing her, but they are also giving her a chance.

How uncomfortable she is now, outsiders have no way of knowing, only she knows best, so she wants to go to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible, so that she can be saved.

And if Chi Heyu is really asked to investigate in person, he will definitely find out about Luo Shiyang's clues. Now she can't let her sister expose it.

Gritting his teeth, he had no choice but to admit it to himself.

'I did what happened last night, but I ended up getting drunk myself. I don't know anything about what happened afterwards. Anyway, you have seen it. If you can bring me here, I am Those who are too drunk to wake up can remember anything. Luo Shiyan half admitted and half denied.

But what I said is still the truth, it was not wrong for her to take Jiang Dingcheng and Mu Jiu downstairs, but the ginseng in the wine was not made by her at all, and she herself was so drunk later, how could she know? what.

'What happened next, you don't know? ' Chi Heyu stared into her eyes and said, obviously he didn't want to believe what she said, because it was too fake.

Even if she was really drunk and drank the wine with medicine, it doesn't mean she didn't do what happened later.

Luo Shiyan dared to do such a thing, it is impossible not to have a plan, if there is a plan, then there must be a good thought of arranging people to do all this.

The strong men that Gu Xiao caught also said that they took the man away, but a woman paid for it behind the scenes.

All the conditions are reasonable to point the finger at Luo Shiyan, and it is normal for them to doubt it. Of course, the most important thing is Luo Shiyan's own admission.

(End of this chapter)

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