cute in his palm

Chapter 686 The Lowest Posture

Chapter 686 The Lowest Posture

Jiang Dingcheng walked to her side calmly, and put the tray on the small table.

'Jiu'er drinks coffee, your favorite American iced coffee. 'Jiang Dingcheng flattered her a little bit.

The only thing he can do now is to coax Mu Jiu well and let her dispel the depression in her heart. Only in this way is the best way to communicate with Mu Jiu better.

It doesn't matter if Mu Jiu doesn't forgive him in a short period of time, because as long as Mu Jiu doesn't mention divorce or leaves him directly, he will have a chance to restore their relationship.

'Thanks. Mu Jiu took the coffee and took a small sip, but she didn't intend to drink any more. She just held the coffee cup in both hands and looked into the distance blankly.

Jiang Dingcheng couldn't figure out whether he was looking at the scenery or letting go, but he was extremely worried.

The last thing he wants to face is Mu Jiu who is like this now, using a deliberate attitude and tone to draw a clear relationship with him, just like a stranger, she hides all the things in her heart, and she doesn't want to say a word to him .

Although Jiang Dingcheng has always been confident in everything, the only thing about Mu Jiu made him hesitate and feel uneasy.

He thought that after everything was confessed, after he fully expressed his intentions, and after Mu Jiu had a big fight, the relationship between the two of them would be restored.

At least it's not as cold and indifferent as it is now, which really makes people crazy.

'Jiu'er, let's have dinner here, what do you want to eat, I'll send someone to bring the ingredients, and I'll make it for you. 'Jiang Dingcheng sat down next to her.

There is a two-person reclining sofa on this terrace, the purpose is very simple, Jiang Dingcheng is thinking that in the future, he and Mu Jiu can often watch the sea on the terrace during the day, and watch the stars and the moon at night.

She leaned on him, he hugged her, and the two of them leaned on each other and listened to the sound of the waves. Life like that was really wonderful.

Or when each other is tired, you can chat and drink coffee together here, and your life will still be very happy.

He even specially built a design studio for Mu Jiu in the attic on the third floor. The three walls are made of glass, so that she can look at the sea anytime and anywhere to make her design.

Looking at it now, everything he had carefully prepared had collapsed at this moment today, feeling a little broken.

If you want to restore the old, it may be more difficult than draining the sea in front of you.

However, for Jiang Dingcheng, the more challenging things are, the more combative they are. No matter how difficult things are for Mu Jiu, he will take them down.

'Not hungry, don't want to eat. Mu Jiu didn't look at him, but still stared ahead, and said in a weak tone.

Now she looks a little unreasonable.

Mu Jiu's personality is actually very decisive, she will do it if she does it, and she won't do it if she doesn't do it. The woman she hates the most is the one who makes trouble for no reason, but she never thought that one day, she would be tempered by reality and become the woman she hates the most. That kind of woman.

Mu Jiu doesn't like herself very much.

Because she thought about getting along with Jiang Dingcheng peacefully, even for the sake of her brother, but she couldn't convince herself to get along with Jiang Dingcheng like before. It's something she can't ignore and just pretend it didn't happen.

'Jiu'er, I'm not hungry now, but I'll be hungry later in the evening, what do I want to eat, I'll have someone prepare the ingredients in advance and bring them over. Seeing her lack of interest, Jiang Dingcheng was very anxious.

I just thought that I could comfort Mu Jiu's mood, no matter what method I used, I thought that I could cook a delicious dinner for her by myself.

Originally, at noon today, he thought that he could cook a lunch for her, but there was no such condition in Mu Ge's guest room, so it was impossible for him to go to someone else's restaurant to make it for Mu Jiu.

Besides, this is their real new house, so the first meal will be more meaningful.

However, now it seems that it is not such a simple matter, Mu Jiu is resisting his overture from the bottom of her heart, this is not a good start.

'whatever. 'Mu Jiu simply said it casually.

If possible, Jiang Dingcheng, can you leave for a while, there is really no other way.

Jiang Dingcheng's good mood was all ruined all of a sudden, and he didn't know how to answer the conversation. Mu Jiu's attitude towards him now was completely different from what he thought.

'Jiu'er, the scenery here is very good, I can often sit here and watch the sea view in the future, your favorite sea. "Jiang Dingcheng is not someone who gives up so easily. He has already planned, no matter what method he uses, as long as he can win back Mu Jiu's heart.

In this world, there is nothing that no one can't do, only things that people don't want to do.

'Um. Mu Jiu didn't want to pay attention to him at first, but felt that Jiang Dingcheng was talking non-stop by himself, and seemed to feel sorry for him.

Mu Jiu really wanted to slap herself. Although she insisted that she didn't care about Jiang Dingcheng, only she knew best in her heart that she didn't have no feelings for Jiang Dingcheng at all.

The more she is like this, the more she will suffer.

'Jiu'er, if you want me to accompany you in the future, I will definitely accompany you. Jiang Dingcheng heard Mu Jiu's faint echo. Although it was only a monophonic response, it was considered very good for him, and it was a particularly good signal.

Although Jiang Dingcheng has lowered his figure to the lowest level, and his current posture is the most humble in his life, he still has no regrets.

So the two chatted like this, usually it was Jiang Dingcheng who was talking a lot, and then Mu Jiu just nodded or simply answered yes.

The atmosphere is called an embarrassment, that is called an uncomfortable.

But Jiang Dingcheng still persisted.

Mu Jiu didn't want Jiang Dingcheng to be like this either, he was the proud second young master of the Jiang family, he was the high-ranking president of the Jiang Group, he didn't need to lower his profile so much for a woman like her.

Mu Jiu was really sorry.

'Jiang Dingcheng, there is no need for you to wrong yourself like this. 'Mu Jiu looked very serious and said.

Even though she knew that Jiang Dingcheng did it willingly, she still felt guilty in her heart and didn't want him to do this. Even if she wanted to apologize to her, she didn't need to do this to ask for her forgiveness.

There shouldn't be such a low profile side in Jiang Dingcheng's body.

Jiang Dingcheng immediately hooked his lips into a smile, then looked at her and said seriously. 'I am not wronged, not wronged at all. '

When Mu Jiu heard this, she thought about it for a while, and then looked up at him.

'Do you think I'm being vexatious? '

(End of this chapter)

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