cute in his palm

Chapter 688 You Are Too Much

Chapter 688 You Are Too Much

After Jiang Ding returned from taking the call, he saw Mu Jiu standing in a daze at the door of the small design room he specially arranged for her, with a complicated expression on his face.

He knew that Mu Jiu must have seen all his intentions, so he must be struggling with a particularly complicated mood now.

When Jiang Dingcheng wanted to renovate this villa, he made three design rooms specially for Mu Jiu. You must know that Mu Jiu is a designer, and the design room is where her soul is, just like a chef needs a perfect kitchen It's the same reason, so he specially prepared the design room carefully.

One is the design studio in the largest room on the first floor, which is the most comprehensive and professional. In the main room on the second floor, there is a sub-design studio, which is a small-scale design studio. On the third floor, there is a landscape-style design room.

But the most warm one is this one, the small suite design room in the main room.

What he hopes most is that Mu Jiu can really like it.

However, seeing her reaction now, I know that she likes it, but I just suppressed this idea in my heart.

There is nothing wrong with starting with her favorite things, Jiang Dingcheng has never bothered to observe other people's minds, but Mu Jiu is different, he puts the most thought into her, check what she likes, Do what she likes, anyway, as long as she likes everything, he will do it with all his heart.

'Jiu'er, do you like it? ' Jiang Dingcheng walked to her side and asked her softly.

Mu Jiu looked back at him subconsciously, and before saying anything, the phone rang, and after seeing that it was Ou Sixing calling, she picked it up without hesitation.

'Director Ou, what's the matter? 'Mu Jiu deliberately went to the balcony while answering the phone.

This was intentionally kept from Jiang Dingcheng's hearing.

Jiang Dingcheng was a little unhappy seeing her walking away on purpose.

This is to avoid calls from Ou Sixing. If she receives a call from Shang Jinglu or another man, wouldn't she want to avoid him completely?

Mu Jiu walked to the balcony, looked up and saw a blue ocean, and the sea breeze was blowing, it felt really comfortable. If you sleep on the hammock on the balcony at night, it's like sleeping in the sound of the waves. Eyes, that feeling will naturally fill people's hearts with happiness.

'Director Ou, I didn't hear what you just said clearly. ' Mu Jiu held the phone in one hand and leaned on the fence with the other, and asked him in a very calm tone.

"Xiao Jiu, I have a headache right now. I just woke up and found that I was in a hotel. We had a drink together last night. I couldn't get through to Shiyan. I want to ask if you know where Shiyan has gone. Yes Did someone take her home?" Ou Sixing said worriedly in his tone, although he just woke up, he was still a little drunk and his voice was vague.

"Luo Shiyan, I don't know. I'm in Lanwan's new house with Jiang Dingcheng. Last night we..." Mu Jiu paused when she said this, because her mind subconsciously thought of the relationship between her and Jiang Dingcheng last night. The picture of love between individuals was so beautiful and crazy that she didn't dare to think about it, so she quickly got rid of the bad emotions in her mind.

"We were also drunk last night, so I don't know where the two of you are going. It was probably arranged by Jiang Dingcheng's people. Luo Shiyan may still be asleep. Director Ou, you don't need to worry too much, nothing will happen. . ' Mu Jiu comforted him softly.

Because she didn't know how to deal with a bunch of bad things of her own, she was always in a mess and couldn't do anything about it, so how could she have any free time to take care of Luo Shiyan's affairs.

Originally, she was completely ignorant of everything that happened before she woke up last night, so she didn't know where Ou Sixing and Luo Shiyan went. She thought they would be together. Now it seems that they were not together It should be given by Gu Xiao and the others.

After all, they are both Jiang Dingcheng's brothers, and it was impossible for Jiang Dingcheng to make arrangements last night.

Anyway, Luo Shiyan is such a big person, can she still lose it? Ou Sixing was so worried because he cared too much about Luo Shiyan.

Caring about a person's performance is just wishing to know how her situation is all the time, so it's reasonable for Ou Sixing to be so worried if he doesn't see Luo Shiyan for a moment.

It's just that Mu Jiu really doesn't know what's going on with Luo Shiyan.

'Then I know, I was so drunk, I just woke up now, and I found out that I was alone in the hotel, and I was a little worried about Shiyan's situation. After all, she also drank a lot of wine yesterday, so she didn't know what it was. Under what circumstances, Ou Sixing was worried that something would happen to her.

'Director Ou, don't worry, nothing will happen. 'Mu Jiu can only comfort him like this now, because she doesn't know what happened at all.

'That's it, then I know, I'll contact Shiyan later to have a look. Ou Sixing rubbed his eyebrows and said.

If it wasn't because he couldn't get in touch with Luo Shiyan, and he was worried that something might happen to her because she drank too much last night, he wouldn't have called Mu Jiu in such a hurry, after all, there were only the four of them in the private room last night.

If something really happened, something should happen. Now Mu Jiu and Jiang Dingcheng are fine, and Luo Shiyan should be fine too. Probably because she drank too much and she hasn't woken up yet.

This is Ou Sixing's best expectation.

'Director Ou, can I ask you something? Mu Jiu hesitated for a moment and decided to ask him.

'You ask. '

'Do you feel nothing but drunk? 'Mu Jiu asked a little reservedly. In fact, she just wanted to know that the wine she and Jiang Dingcheng drank yesterday was drugged, so did Ou Sixing and Luo Shiyan drink the same.

She expressed curiosity about this question.

However, before Lai Ou Sixing could reply, the phone was snatched away.

Mu Jiu exclaimed, then turned her head and saw Jiang Dingcheng who had appeared by her side at some time, and hung up while holding her mobile phone.

"Jiang Dingcheng, you..." Mu Jiu stared at him, a sentence stuck in his throat.

This man, how could he be so selfish, he dared to directly snatch her phone and hang up on her.

Too much, okay?

The anger and anger in Mu Jiu's eyes were all in Jiang Dingcheng's eyes, he knew that Mu Jiu didn't like the fact that he snatched her cell phone and hung up so silently.

But, he had to do it like this.

"Jiang Dingcheng, do you know that it's very impolite to do this, and it's very uncultivated and unqualified to suddenly grab someone's call and hang up." ' Mu Jiu said angrily.

The Jiang family's tutoring should be very strict.

(End of this chapter)

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