cute in his palm

Chapter 692 I Give You Rights

Chapter 692 I Give You Rights

Jiang Dingcheng, a bad guy, why did he leave such a huge problem to her.

Knowing that what she dislikes the most is doing multiple-choice questions, which will make her entangled.

"Second sister-in-law, second sister-in-law, I am the fourth child, and I am Ding Ce. I also want to see the new house that the second brother prepared for you. Is it beautiful?" A young little fresh meat appeared on the scene.

Seeing his handsome and tender face, Mu Jiu couldn't help but want to laugh.

Are Jiang Dingce and Jiang Dingcheng really brothers? Why are their personalities completely different? Jiang Dingce's personality is much better, cute and handsome, but the key is that his personality is really pleasing.

Although she met Jiang Dingce briefly, this child was quite good in her impression, simple and clean, handsome and pure.

Born in a big family, the breath is still so simple and direct, it is really rare.

Unlike Jiang Dingcheng, a man with so many thoughts and so deep a city, it's really annoying.

'Mei, you should come and see for yourself. Jiang Dingce gave Mu Jiu such a pure smile, and the gloom in his heart was driven away a lot.

Jiang Dingce's smile was gentle and pure, comparable to Guan Linlin's.

Therefore, Mu Jiu actually quite likes this kind of smile, without any impurity, and doesn't need others to suspect what the real meaning behind his smile is.

"It's the same to watch the video first. When the second brother agrees, we will go and see it in person. Second sister-in-law, you don't know, the second brother is too stingy, especially the one who pays special attention to protecting himself." Right to privacy, going to his private house without his own consent will only make him very angry, even if grandma wants to go, she must get his consent in advance, otherwise she won't open the door, how could the second brother be like this ah. Jiang Dingce complained to Mu Jiu there.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu suddenly wanted to laugh.

Jiang Dingcheng is really such a privacy-conscious person, how could he bring her, who is a complete stranger, into his villa to live in as soon as they get the certificate.

Sometimes I really don't know Jiang Dingcheng at all.

Mu Jiu's mood became a little dignified.

"Second sister-in-law, what I said is true. Grandma can testify that I really feel bad for my second brother's bad habit. Unfortunately, no one can cure my second brother. Now I have a second sister-in-law. I believe that there is a way to subdue the second brother, right the second sister-in-law. Jiang Dingce said with a smile.

When Mu Jiu heard this, a row of black lines flashed across his forehead. Jiang Dingce must think highly of her.

Although she is now Jiang Dingcheng's nominal wife, she has no confidence in being able to manage Jiang Dingcheng, a big man.

'A Ce, you overestimate me, I actually don't have the ability to take care of your second brother. 'Mu Jiu said a little embarrassingly.

What kind of person is Jiang Dingcheng? He is decisive and direct, with strong personal consciousness. No one can stop him from doing what he wants to do, and he doesn't need to listen to anyone's opinions at all.

This is what Jiang Dingcheng and Mu Jiu clearly said.

Only when others listen to him, there is no time when he listens to others.

'Second sister-in-law, don't say this, you are the first time my second brother has paid so much since I grew up, so you have a high status in his heart, our whole family sees it , The second brother's independent personality has been cultivated since he was a child, but he will still obey the people he cares about. If you don't believe me, the second sister-in-law can try it. Jiang Dingce said with a smile.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu fell silent for a while.

I have to say that Jiang Dingce is still somewhat right. During this period of getting along, Jiang Dingcheng has always been obedient to her.

Whatever she said, he would do.

Before, she regarded all this as Jiang Dingcheng's special kindness to her, but now she completely regards it as what Jiang Dingcheng did to make up for his deception to her before, and the meaning is completely different.

Naturally, Mu Jiu's thoughts are different.

'Second sister-in-law, did you hear what I just said? Jiang Dingce saw that Mu Jiu didn't respond for a long time, so he asked more anxiously.

In fact, Jiang Dingce was quite afraid that he would say the wrong thing. If he said something that made Mu Jiu unhappy, would the second brother beat him directly?

'Xiao Si, don't talk about a bunch of messy things with Xiao Jiu, you are a child, how can you understand the affairs of adults, they are husband and wife, they need you to participate. The old lady Jiang was training Jiang Dingce from the side.

Then Mu Jiu saw Jiang Dingce sticking out his tongue at the old lady with his head tilted slightly.

It's cute to pretend to be cute.

'Grandma, I see, I want to make my second brother and second sister-in-law better. '

After a while, Jiang Dingce turned his head again. "Second sister-in-law, so let's take a look at what your new house looks like. The second brother keeps it too secret, and it's as if you can't see it." ' Having said that, Jiang Dingce smiled.

'Of course, I know this is a surprise that the second brother wants to prepare for you, so it must be very beautiful. Jiang Dingce said with a particularly curious heart.

The expression on Mu Jiu's face was no longer tense, but relaxed.

'Okay, I'll show you my phone now, be sure to watch it carefully. Mu Jiu smiled, raised the phone, and turned around.

As soon as she turned around, she saw Jiang Dingcheng standing ten meters away from her.

When did this man stand up?

So did he hear everything they said on the phone just now?

Mu Jiu felt a little embarrassed.

It was a video just now, so it was under loudspeaker mode. Regardless of what they said, Jiang Dingcheng should have heard everything just now, so it was a bit embarrassing.

The eyes are a little too afraid to look at Jiang Dingcheng.

Why did this man not make a sound when he stood up secretly? It's really annoying.

Jiang Dingcheng looked at her tenderly, he had indeed heard everything he said just now, so when Mu Jiu passed by him, he said a word very calmly.

'Jiu'er, I give you this power. '

Mu Jiu stopped immediately, and looked up at him with doubts, with a huge question mark written on his forehead, completely unaware of what Jiang Dingcheng suddenly said.

'Jiu'er, I give you power, take care of me, my people and everything can belong to you. Jiang Dingcheng said seriously without blushing or panting.

Mu Jiu was stunned for a moment.

Why is Jiang Dingcheng a man who is completely uneasy about playing cards, and what he says is up to his own mood.

All of a sudden, Mu Jiu forgot that the phone was still connected.

Therefore, all of Jiang Dingcheng's domineering confession just now reached the ears of Jiang Dingce and the old lady.

(End of this chapter)

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