cute in his palm

Chapter 700 A Goodnight Kiss

Chapter 700 A Goodnight Kiss

When she heard the word "underpants", Mu Jiu's whole body was in a bad mood, her face slowly burned up, and then she opened her mouth but didn't know what to say.

She did not give Jiang Dingcheng any underwear.

Because it was a man's underwear, she had the nerve to take it, so when she picked out the pajamas, she deliberately ignored that detail.

Now that Jiang Dingcheng said this, Mu Jiu became embarrassed instead.

'Jiu'er, you forgot to take my underwear for me. Jiang Dingcheng's voice came to mind again.

Someone is going to help him get his underwear, it's not that he forgot to take it, it's because she doesn't want to take it at all, okay, Mu Jiu whispered in her heart.

She doesn't have such a bad habit of getting underwear for men.

When taking out the pajamas, Mu Jiu thought about getting him a clean one, but in the end she stopped because she was too embarrassed.

'Jiu'er, if you don't want to help me get it, come and open the door for me, I'll go in and get it myself. Jiang Dingcheng didn't hear the movement inside for a long time, and guessed in his heart that Mu Jiu didn't forget to help him, but he didn't help him on purpose, because things like underwear are still a bit embarrassing.

Mu Jiu didn't help him take it on purpose, it should be on purpose.

Therefore, he can no longer expect that Mu Jiu will bring it for him, or it would be more straightforward to go in and get it by himself.

When Mu Jiu heard what he said, she now knew that there were two possibilities, one was that she opened the door and let him come in to get it by herself, the other was that she held it and handed it to him from the door.

It is impossible that Jiang Dingcheng will not change tonight because she is shy.

Mu Jiu gritted her teeth and got out of bed.

If I had known it was like this, she would have taken it for him just now.

Mu Jiu walked to the door with his slippers on, opened the door after hesitation, and looked at Jiang Dingcheng calmly. 'Go in and get it yourself, I, I forgot to get it for you just now. '

Mu Jiu's explanation was far-fetched and false, but Jiang Dingcheng didn't blame her, instead he smiled and comforted her, "It's okay, maybe you don't know where to put your underwear, I'll come and tell you where to put it now." '

The unnatural blush on Mu Jiu's face was telling Jiang Dingcheng that she deliberately didn't take it for him, but he wasn't angry.

It's just that a girl who is obviously not good at lying, why should she be wronged to lie like this? The last thing Jiang Dingcheng wants to see is her doing this.

As soon as Mu Jiu heard the second half of the sentence, saying that he took her to familiarize herself with the place where he put his underwear, her face turned red in disbelief. Why did she want to be familiar with the place where he put his clothes.

Jiang Dingcheng can put it wherever he likes, that's his business, it has nothing to do with her.

'Jiang Dingcheng, I'm not going, you just go get it yourself. Mu Jiu suppressed the shame in her heart, and said in a serious tone.

Jiang Dingcheng laughed when he heard this.

Because this is what he expected, Mu Jiu will definitely refuse directly.

The advantage of getting to know a person this way is that as long as she moves her eyes, he can easily understand what she is thinking in her heart.

Jiang Dingcheng no longer forced her to find out where he put his underwear, and turned around and walked towards the cloakroom.

Mu Jiu ran directly to the door and stood still, ready to send Jiang Dingcheng away at any time, and then watched Jiang Dingcheng fold out of the cloakroom, with an extra pair of black underwear in his hands.

This man, can you stop being so ostentatious?

Didn't he know that she was still standing in this room? After all, he did it on purpose.

'Well, Jiang Dingcheng, you should go to bed earlier, good night. Mu Jiu opened the door and said to him seriously.

Hearing this, Jiang Dingcheng was stunned for a moment, then smiled with the corners of his mouth curled up, one foot was outside the door, and the other foot was still standing inside without any intention of moving.

Mu Jiu lowered her eyes and stared at his other foot that was still standing inside the door, and she knew that if this man didn't go out by herself, she would not be able to push him out with her strength alone.

So, Mu Jiu raised her eyes and stared at his face. 'Jiang Dingcheng, it's getting late, you should go take a shower earlier and rest. '

Jiang Dingcheng didn't say anything, just looked at her face with deep eyes, just staring at her so straightly, it made her feel uncomfortable all over, and felt like her body was on fire.

I knew that this man would not be so easy to talk to, so I don't plan to go out now, do I plan to stay in this room?

'Jiang Dingcheng, good night. Mu Jiu emphasized these two words again.

Good night is not really saying good night to her now, but chasing customers, Jiang Dingcheng naturally knows this.

'Jiu'er, since I said good night, I need a good night kiss. 'Jiang Dingcheng's dark eyes were full of longing.

When Mu Jiu heard this, she was stunned and looked at him angrily.

Sure enough, this man really knew how to push his feet.

"Jiang Dingcheng, I don't want to." 'Mu Jiu squinted at him.

She really didn't believe it, Jiang Dingcheng would really use force on her.

'I know you don't want to, but I do. After Jiang Dingcheng finished speaking, he stroked the back of her head with one hand, then pressed a light kiss on her forehead, and left quickly.

Mu Jiu was terrified by his sudden action, especially when he kissed him gently, she was stunned, and then her face flushed red.

How could Jiang Dingcheng be like this.

She obviously disagreed, he kissed him goodnight, who wanted his goodnight kiss, she just wanted him to get out of this room as soon as possible.

Jiang Dingcheng was extremely satisfied when he saw her face flushed.

'Jiang Dingcheng, you,'

'Is one goodnight kiss too little? 'Jiang Ding Chengming knew why she became angry from embarrassment, and even teased her in such a leisurely mood.

When Mu Jiu heard this, she became even more angry, and didn't want to say anything, but just stared at him desperately, very unhappy.

"Jiang Dingcheng, get out for me." 'Mu Jiu was really angry.

Mu Jiu was angry, the consequences would be very serious.

'Jiu'er, good night. Jiang Dingcheng left very decisively this time, and walked out of the room directly after saying good night, with a very happy and proud smile on the corner of his mouth.

Mu Jiu closed the door heavily.

Jiang Dingcheng, you bastard, you actually kissed me for real.

Mu Jiu leaned against the door panel, angrily wiped the kiss on the forehead with her hand, wiped it twice and put down her hand angrily, then locked the door behind her and threw herself on the big bed.

Why does Jiang Dingcheng hate it so much?

Now that I confess my sexual orientation, can I flirt with her so unscrupulously? Who allowed it?

(End of this chapter)

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