cute in his palm

Chapter 806 I hate cheating the most

Chapter 806 I hate cheating the most

Although Mu Jiu forced herself to say that she didn't want to mind who this girl was, and she didn't want to mind, but she still cared very much in her heart.

Just when she was thinking about whether this girl was Jiang Dingcheng's first love girlfriend, Jiang Dingcheng came back after finishing the phone call.

Seeing the only group photo left in her hand, Jiang Dingcheng's heart twitched, then his eyes sank, and the expression on his face became serious.

"Jiu'er, what are you looking at?" Jiang Dingcheng walked to her side, trying to speak to her in the calmest tone.

"This is your photo, right?" Mu Jiu raised her hand at him and asked him in a calm tone. In fact, only she herself knew how tormented and nervous she was at this moment.

If you don't control it well, your fingers will tremble.

"Well, it's mine. It was taken in college." Jiang Dingcheng admitted it directly without any hesitation.

He admitted so simply, but made Mu Jiu speechless for a while.

Can Jiang Dingcheng just admit it?The man in the photo, no matter how you look at it, you can tell it's him. Except for the blind who can't see it, even a three-year-old child knows that he is the man in the photo. If he doesn't admit it, he will not be honest in his heart.

This photo was taken by him and Luo Shiyang. After Luo Shiyang left, he burned all the photos related to her. This one is a fish that slipped through the net.

The rest of the bulky items were all locked in Jingheyuan's room.

I thought about dealing with it, but I didn't have time to deal with it in a while, and until now, it has been dusty in Jingheyuan's room.

"It was taken in college, but it was really romantic enough, so are you boyfriend and girlfriend?" Mu Jiu asked him in a strange tone.

Jiang Dingcheng smelled a strong smell of acetic acid, which was a good thing for him. His original intention was to make Mu Jiu pay attention to his affairs and get a little jealous, so that he could truly feel that he was in Mu Jiu's life. There is an absolute pull in my heart.

But when he really saw her jealous, he didn't want to, because it would make her sad.

When Jiang Dingcheng heard these words from his boyfriend and girlfriend, he hesitated for a moment, not as straightforward as before.

In fact, at that time, they were not together yet, so they could not be called boyfriend and girlfriend.

"Jiang Dingcheng, I see. She is your first girlfriend, right? The room Jing Heyuan you said you couldn't open, and the red Ferrari in the garage are all hers." Actually, this question, Mu Jiu There was no need to ask Jiang Dingcheng, she was absolutely sure of it.

What Jiang Dingcheng deliberately kept should belong to this woman. If it meant nothing to him, he would not keep it so deliberately.

A man still has that woman in his heart, so he will carefully keep everything related to that woman, so that when he misses her too much, he can think about others when he sees things.

Therefore, when Jiang Dingcheng thinks about this woman, he should open the door to see what's inside, and go to the garage to drive the car she drove.

It is estimated that Jiang Dingcheng personally picked that expensive car for her and gave it to her.

It can be clearly seen how high this woman is in his heart.

Although she didn't know why they separated, and she didn't want to know why, but it could be seen that the woman should have left Jiang Dingcheng's side first, and it was not over with Jiang Dingcheng, otherwise why would they keep things.

Now it seems that this fake marriage is nothing more than to keep the woman in his heart.

"Jiu'er, it's not wrong that Jingheyuan's room and car belong to her. I don't want to deceive you, but things are not what you think. I can explain clearly." Jiang Dingcheng said with all his strength, he was afraid of seeing Mu The warm light in Jiu's eyes gradually disappeared and turned cold.

He finally worked hard for so long to win Mu Jiu's heart back a bit, and now that this damn photo came out, was he trying to destroy everything he had done?

He didn't want this to happen.

Mu Jiu put her palm in front of him, looked at him calmly and said. "Jiang Dingcheng, you don't need to explain. In fact, there is nothing to explain. You will keep her things, which means that you still can't let her go. It should be said that she has always had her status all these years. My appearance can't be ignored. It was just an accident, and then I know the real reason for the fake marriage between you and me, the intimate lover you want to protect is not a man, but this woman, your heart is waiting for her to come back."

Mu Jiu's tone was calm, and the more he said, the calmer he became.

But Jiang Dingcheng knew that her heart would not be so peaceful, she had been suppressing it all the time, he knew better than anyone how strong a woman Mu Jiu was.

"Jiu'er, don't think wildly." Jiang Dingcheng coaxed her anxiously.

Mu Jiu's attitude was even calmer. "I'm not thinking wildly, I'm just telling the truth, I can understand your feelings, I can understand." Mu Jiu rushed to Jiang Dingcheng's front and said, now she feels a little uncomfortable and confused.

She wanted to know this fact, but she was even more afraid of hearing the truth from him, and she was afraid that it would be more difficult for her to bear it after he confessed it himself.

So, it's better not to say it.

"Jiu'er, don't be in a hurry, just listen to me first, okay?" Jiang Dingcheng said while grabbing her hand, his tone was a little anxious, with a hint of begging.

"There has been no relationship between me and her for a long time, and it's not what you think." Jiang Dingcheng's tone was begging. He didn't see Mu Jiu like this, and he couldn't catch Mu Jiu who was a little out of control. .

It's as if Mu Jiu has now become a kite with a broken string, and she can't catch it.

Mu Jiu's mind is very confused now, and she doesn't want to listen to what kind of words, the more Jiang Dingcheng explains, the more likely she will go crazy.

"Jiang Dingcheng, I don't want to hear anything now, just pretend, just pretend nothing happened, because what I hate the most is deception, if you haven't made up your mind to tell me the truth, don't tell me anything, Did you hear that?" Mu Jiu said to him in a very serious tone.

Jiang Dingcheng knows how crazy Mu Jiu is now, so it is not suitable to say one more word now, because the more she talks, her mood will become more chaotic and worse, so at this time, it is only necessary to give her time to calm down quietly. the best.

"Jiu'er, I won't say anything now. When you think it over and you're willing to listen to me, I'll talk about it. Don't be angry. I don't want to see you feel uncomfortable. I will feel uncomfortable in this way." Jiang Dingcheng He hugged her and pulled her into his arms and said in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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