Chapter 809

Mu Jiu couldn't help but wanted to regard Jiang Dingcheng as a plague and stay away from him, but unfortunately he didn't succeed, Jiang Dingcheng's hand was very strong.

Sister, the man has nothing to do after exhausting so much energy, but she is half dead from exhaustion and pain, why does he look so energetic.

So unfair.

Why the same thing, the difference between men and women is so big.

Mu Jiu had a little emotion, and Jiang Dingcheng followed her happily. In fact, what he liked most was Mu Jiu with a little bit of her own emotions, not nothing at all.

It's good even if she has a trace of resentment towards him in her current mood.

"Jiu'er, with a smile on your face, grandma is welcoming us at the door." Jiang Dingcheng gently tightened her waist, reminding her.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu immediately laughed, and then subconsciously looked up at the old lady at the main house entrance. Mrs. Jiang was really standing there to welcome the two of them, and Jiang Dingce stood beside her to support her.

"Xiao Jiu, the second child, here we come." The old lady looked at the two of them with a smile and said.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu immediately yelled at the old lady. "Grandma, good morning."

In fact, it was not early at all, the sun was high, at least it would be almost ten o'clock, and Mu Jiu felt a little embarrassed after shouting.

The old lady looked completely indifferent and looked at her with a smile.

"Xiao Jiu, come here and let grandma take a look." The old lady waved at her.

Mu Jiu walked over immediately, and then naturally helped the old lady's hand. "Grandma, here I come."

"Second sister-in-law, good morning." Jiang Dingce greeted Mu Jiu with a smile, this sunny boy was really pretty when he smiled.

Even if you are in a bad mood, seeing his smile will make you feel better.

Just like Guan Xiaotong used the same words to describe Mu Liangchen before, this kind of smile is healing.

Jiang Dingce's smile was more open than Mu Liangchen's.

"Morning, Ah Ce." Mu Jiuwei greeted with a little embarrassment, because she thought of Jiang Dingce going to deliver the clothes in the morning, she and Jiang Dingcheng stayed in the room inside, it was difficult to face Jiang Dingce calmly no matter what. , even though she didn't do anything wrong.

But I still feel a little uncomfortable.

Jiang Dingce also understood the reason for the embarrassment on Mu Jiu's face, and smiled at her calmly.

"Second sister-in-law, grandma has been waiting for you to come over early in the morning. Grandma loves you very much now. It really makes me jealous." Jiang Dingce said jokingly there.

"What the fourth brother said is really not wrong. Now that grandma has a granddaughter-in-law, how can she have a grandson? But who made my Jiu'er so good? It's normal for grandma to like it and feel distressed. Don't envy the fourth child." What's the matter, hurry up and find a daughter-in-law and come back to grandma." Jiang Dingcheng came over directly, pushed Jiang Dingce away, and then he said next to the old lady.

The old lady laughed when she heard this.

"All good, all good."

"Second brother, what kind of idea is this? I'm still studying, what kind of wife should I marry?" Jiang Dingce couldn't help but said dissatisfied to his second brother.

Jiang Dingcheng didn't bother to talk to him, and walked inside with Mu Jiu holding the old lady's hand.

"Grandma, you really care about Jiu'er. I've never seen you personally greet our brothers at the door before." Jiang Dingcheng said with jealousy.

The old lady glared at him immediately. "You brat still have the nerve to tell me this, are you as obedient and well-behaved as Xiao Jiu, and you have the nerve to say it one by one."

Hearing what the old lady said, Mu Jiu smiled.

At least the elders of the Jiang family are very open-minded. In fact, the first time she came to see the old lady, she was a little scared. She was afraid that she would be unenlightened like other parents in charge. Especially Dajian is old-fashioned, which is more important. What makes her feel like a vain and superficial woman who takes a fancy to their Jiang family's money.

This was her initial thought about the old lady, but how could she know that the old lady is actually such a kind old lady who is easy to get close to.

Therefore, this can be regarded as giving Mu Jiu a sense of closeness to the Jiang family.

As long as you have a sense of closeness to a place, you won't have much aversion to it.

"Okay, I get it, I know I'm wrong, no matter what we do, we can't catch up with Jiu'er's status in your heart, we are not as cute and sensible as Jiu'er, and make you feel caring." Jiang Dingcheng said there flatteringly.

The old lady looked at Mu Jiu on the other side with a smile, and she liked it very much. A child like Mu Jiu, the more you look at it, the more you like it.

Before, she always thought that the two sisters of the Luo family were good, but now after getting in touch with Mu Jiu, she realized that it was Xiao Jiu who really thought they were good.

Fortunately, I didn't miss a granddaughter-in-law like Xiaojiu, otherwise it would be a loss to the Jiang family.

Xiaojiu is a very attractive type, the more I look at it, the more I like it.

"That's not wrong at all. Xiao Jiu is the one who can make me feel at ease. You brats are the only ones who don't make me mad." The old lady said with a smile.

Then he led Mu Jiu into the house.

"Xiao Jiu, I asked the kitchen to stew lean meat porridge for you, as well as red dates and old chicken soup. You have to eat some of it later." The old lady said with special distress.

Hearing this, a black line flashed across Mu Jiu's forehead.

Chicken Soup with Red Dates?
No, it's not even noon yet, so preparing such a nourishing chicken soup, would it be a bit too much? Thinking about it, I think it's a bit too exaggerated for the old lady to do this.

Now that I haven't got much trouble yet, I will start to make a lot of tonic, is this okay?

"Grandma, isn't this too exaggerated?" Sitting at the dining table, Mu Jiu couldn't help but said to the old lady.

The old lady looked at Mu Jiu with a smile, a different kind of light shone in her eyes.

Mu Jiu seemed to understand a little bit.

"Xiao Jiu, you don't need to be so polite with grandma. Grandma did all of this for your own good and willingly." The old lady took Mu Jiu's hand and patted it, then ordered the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Then I was not at ease letting them do it, so I had to get up and stare at it myself.

"Grandma, you don't need to stare like that, it's okay." Seeing that the old lady was going in person, Mu Jiu immediately stopped her, but the old lady turned her head to look at Mu Jiu with a look of excitement.

"Xiao Jiu, I'll just go and watch to rest assured, they don't know what to pretend." The old lady looked at Mu Jiu and said.

"Jiu'er, let grandma go, she won't be at ease if she doesn't go and watch in person." Jiang Dingcheng knew the old lady's concern.

(End of this chapter)

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