Chapter 815

What Mu Jiu didn't expect was that Qin Kefang won the whole set at once, and I don't know what tricks she used or how much thought she spent to get it.

It has to be said that Qin Kefang is a woman who has completely adapted to the rules of survival in the upper class, and is still living a relaxed life. She really has a set of skills.

So, does she need to take another look at Qin Kefang, a woman?

It's really an increasingly difficult role to deal with.

Qin Kefang is a very fickle woman.

"It's really bothering you, but these things..." Mu Jiu glanced lightly. Although these things are rare, they were given by Qin Kefang, and she didn't want to accept them.

But before she could say what she didn't want, Jiang Dingcheng grabbed her hand tightly and held it lightly, with no intention of letting go at all, and then licked the corners of his mouth and looked at Qin Kefang.

"Aunt Qin, thank you very much for preparing such a great gift for Jiu'er. You have put so much thought into it. Both Jiu'er and I will like it very much. Thank you very much." Jiang Dingcheng held Mu Jiu's hand and said to Qin Kefang gently. Said.

No matter how much Mu Jiu hates Qin Kefang, she is an elder after all. Since she is an elder, the juniors should give some face and respect, especially Qin Kefang spent so much effort to buy these gifts , if the rejection is too straightforward, it will be a bit bad.

Jiang Dingcheng still knew this, so he said out of the overall situation, it doesn't matter who he wants to help or not, no matter who he helps, he is definitely on Mu Jiu's side unconditionally.

"It didn't take much thought, the key is that Xiaojiu likes it." Qin Kefang said calmly.

It's just that this young couple really showed their affection a little unscrupulously. Is it because they are afraid that others will not know that they are husband and wife?It's really annoying and dazzling.

"Anyway, thank you very much." Jiang Dingcheng said very seriously.

His gaze was very direct and clear, and he couldn't see any ruthless intentions, but Jiang Dingcheng was able to secure the position of Jiang's president with such young qualifications, and he was able to establish himself as powerful as himself in the business district of Huaicheng. Aura and influence, this is not something ordinary people can do.

If Jiang Dingcheng didn't have his own personal charm and ability, it would be impossible for him to become a terrifying industry overlord in the business circle. His methods and ruthlessness would make many old foxes in the industry afraid of him, and anyone would give him three points of face.

Therefore, the Jiang Dingcheng he saw at this time had clear eyes, simply because he hid his true thoughts very deeply.

"You don't need to be polite, no matter what you say, we are all a family. Although Xiaojiu has been unwilling to recognize me as a little mother, it is true that Anton and I are legally married, so I am still Xiaojiu in legal name." stepmother." Qin Kefang is now facing her own identity there.

When Mu Jiu heard the word "stepmother", she couldn't help but snorted coldly.

This little mother was buckled up by herself, but she has never admitted that Qin Kefang is her little mother. As for her and Mu Andong being a legal couple, that is their matter and has nothing to do with her, Mu Jiu. .

However, Mu Jiu swallowed the words that came to her mouth, because it was a bit hurtful.

Her own mother died three years ago, and there has never been such a thing as a stepmother, and she doesn't need such a thing.

"Yes, that's right. Kefang is right. We are all a family, and a family doesn't need to be so polite. If you talk too much, you can be polite." Mu Andong felt sorry for Qin Kefang who came out to ask for peace now. things, I feel very happy.

A family should be in harmony like this, instead of seeing each other like enemies.

In the past, he most hoped that Qin Kefang and Mu Jiu could get along peacefully like this. Qin Kefang is a very strong woman, and she couldn't bear to seek peace with Mu Jiu. Mu Jiu is the kind who doesn't recognize Qin Kefang at all and treats her as an enemy In the same way, they will not take the initiative to seek peace.

It's better now, and finally things are going as he wants.

Since Mu Jiu married Jiang Dingcheng, her personality has changed, and her attitude towards Qin Kefang is not so hateful anymore.

Sure enough, married people are more likely to mature.

"What kind of family?" Mu Jiu refuted Mu Andong's words somewhat unceremoniously.

Mu Andong's face was a little uneasy, and Qin Kefang's face became even darker. In fact, Jiang Dingcheng didn't want to care about the mood of the two of them at all.

But today's situation is special, if Mu Jiu wants to get emotional, he can't choose today.

Jiang Dingcheng pulled La Mujiu's hand tightly. "Jiu'er, I'm a little tired, can you accompany me back to the room to have a rest." Jiang Dingcheng was talking nonsense, and Mu Jiu could tell at a glance.

What is a little tired, from last night to now, he is not tired at all, he is the most energetic, but he has tossed her all night, and now he is a little sore when he walks.

Now he is tired of shouting there, Jiang Dingcheng, a stinky man, clearly thinks that she shouldn't make trouble there, whether he is facing her or Qin Kefang.

"Dingcheng is a little tired, so go upstairs and rest for a while, and I will ask you to come downstairs to eat when lunch is ready." Mu Andong immediately felt distressed when he heard his son-in-law shouting that he was tired, and urged Let them go upstairs to rest.

"Jiang Dingcheng, you're tired and want to go to sleep, that's your business, you go upstairs to sleep by yourself." Mu Jiu knew clearly that he wasn't really tired, but wanted to pull her away so that she and Qin Kefang wouldn't make trouble. Mu Jiu was not fooled by him.

"Jiu'er, I don't want to go to sleep alone, I can't sleep well without you by my side." Jiang Dingcheng said so bluntly.

He said such shameless words so smoothly, Mu Jiu became a little annoyed, wishing to strangle this nonsense man to death with one paw.

How could he say such things without paying attention to the occasion? Obviously, obviously, there is no such thing. What does it mean that he can't sleep well without her? Before, he didn't sleep in a separate room every day.

He also intentionally made things that didn't exist so ambiguous.

"Let's go, Jiu'er, let's go upstairs first." Jiang Dingcheng stretched out his long arm, directly reaching Mu Jiu's waist, and then forcefully hugged her up.

Mu Jiu wanted to break free but gave up in the end. Firstly, he was too strong, and secondly, she didn't want people to see that their husband and wife were at odds.

So let Jiang Dingcheng hug him half-forced.

"Go, go, have a good rest, and I'll call you guys later for lunch." Mu Andong was super happy to see that the two young couples had such a good relationship, and they were so affectionate.

(End of this chapter)

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