Chapter 822

"Xiaotong, Mingfeng, what are you two doing there, hurry up and sit down, ready to have lunch." Qin Kefang looked at the two of them still standing there, and called them in a slightly uncomfortable tone.

Although Su Luotong didn't like the Mu family and the people here, she was still willing to listen to her aunt. After all, if there was no aunt, there would be no brother and sister.

You know, when the Su family went bankrupt and their parents passed away, all relatives disappeared overnight. No one was willing to adopt them, and they were almost sent to the orphanage.

At that time, my aunt who was still in college gave up going to school and took over the two of them, and then brought them to the Mu family to marry this old man who was divorced and was still many years old.

In fact, Mu Andong is not considered old, he was only in his early thirties at that time, and Qin Kefang was a young female student in her early 20s who was as young as a green onion, so it made me feel much older by comparison.

"Come here, auntie." Su Luotong said, pulling Cheng Mingfeng's hand.

Cheng Mingfeng has always maintained a gentle and gentle smile on his face. This is his signature. At first glance, he is a handsome and gentle man.

And Su Luotong was caught in his gentle smile.

In fact, no matter what method is used, as long as he can easily achieve the goal he wants.

He doesn't want to worry about the extras.

Cheng Mingfeng's life principle is to get the greatest return with the least effort.

It would be even better if Su Luotong could be replaced by Mu Jiu.

In this way, he can directly become the son-in-law of the Mu family, which is equivalent to enjoying the future of the Mu family.

"Everyone is ready, let's sit down and prepare to have dinner." Mu Andong said, after a glance, his eyes fell kindly on Jiang Dingcheng, after all, he was his biological son-in-law.

"Dingcheng, I have prepared some dishes that you and Xiaojiu like, just choose what you like." Mu Andong looked at Jiang Dingcheng with a smile and said.

"Father-in-law, thank you." Jiang Dingcheng thanked Mu Andong with a smile, then put a piece of pork ribs into Mu Jiu's bowl, and gently told her to eat more.

"Mingfeng, you don't have much time to come to the house, and you don't know what you like to eat the most. Next time, let Xiaotong tell your aunt to prepare the kitchen well." Mu Andong is also a well-rounded person. After so many years in the mall, he still knows how to deal with such a situation. He still has the final say in Mu's house. Although today is the day when Jiang Dingcheng and Mu Jiu return home, after all, Su Luotong brought Cheng Mingfeng here again. Mu An Jiang Dingcheng couldn't be the only one in Dong's eyes, and Cheng Mingfeng had to be taken into consideration.

If you want to blame, blame this woman, Qin Kefang. She knew that today was the time for Mu Jiu and Jiang Dingcheng to return home, and she deliberately asked Su Luotong to bring Cheng Mingfeng back. Didn't she deliberately make Mu Jiu and the others feel troubled?

However, since everyone came back, it was impossible for Mu Andong to drive them away directly.

"It's okay, I'm not picky eaters, these are already very good." Cheng Mingfeng smiled very gently.

This man has always done a particularly good job of performing kung fu, which is really incomparable to ordinary people.

"Then eat more." Mu Andong was purely polite to him, but his attitude towards Jiang Dingcheng was completely different. "Dingcheng, you and Xiaojiu are in a hurry to come back today, and you didn't prepare too many dishes."

Before Mu Andong could finish speaking, Mu Jiu took the conversation directly. "What you mean is that it's better for us to come back less often in the future, right? Anyway, my brother doesn't live at home now, so there's nothing worth coming back to. I think the Mu family's old house is about to change its surname."

What Mu Jiu said was a little unpleasant, but it was the truest thought in her heart. When she was talking about it, she glanced at Qin Kefang deliberately, which made Qin Kefang look particularly bad.

As soon as he got angry, he slapped the chopsticks on the table, what does Mu Jiu mean by this insinuation.

But before Qin Kefang got angry, he was directly stopped by Mu Andong at the side.

"Kefang, pay attention to your identity, you are an elder, what is the occasion today." Mu Andong said in a very low voice, although the voice was not loud, but the words were powerful.

No matter how upset Qin Kefang was with Mu Jiu, she couldn't directly attack her now, so she endured it and picked up the chopsticks again. She is the elder, and there are Xiaotong and Cheng Mingfeng, and the most important Jiang Dingcheng is still sitting there.

Qin Kefang thought for a while, then picked up the wine glass and raised it voluntarily.

"It was my gaffe just now, come on, I'll punish myself first." After speaking, he drank the glass in one gulp.

The originally tense atmosphere eased a little because of Qin Kefang's glass of wine.

Mu Jiu didn't want to say anything anymore, she was already hungry, so she just kept eating there, eating like no one else was there.

It was as if the unhappiness that just happened had nothing to do with her.

"Uncle, have you considered what I told you before?" Su Luotong suddenly said to Mu Andong.

Hearing Su Luotong's words, Mu Andong hesitated slightly, and then glanced at Cheng Mingfeng. "I have also inspected Mingfeng's ability, and it is very good, but the company does not have a suitable position for him for the time being, so there is no arrangement."

When Mu Jiu heard this, she probably knew what was going on. This woman Su Luotong really dared to make a request. She actually wanted Cheng Mingfeng to work in Mu's. What was going on in her heart, Mu Jiu knew very well. .

There is already one Su Yaoting, but it's not enough, is it?

At the beginning, Su Luotong wanted to enter the Mu family, but Mu Jiu denied it. She only had one request. If she was not from the Mu family, she had to be assessed like an ordinary applicant. Sorry, the Mu family doesn't accept incompetent people.

So Su Luotong, an incompetent woman, did not enter the Mu family as she wished.

"What, Mr. Cheng, who is a designer, wants to join Mu's? Why haven't I heard that Mu's has a subsidiary company for interior design at any time?" Mu Jiu said pointingly.

"Mu Jiu, don't look down on me so much. Besides being a senior interior designer, Ming Feng is also an expert in finance and economics." Su Luotong said proudly.

She just wanted to let everyone know how the person she picked could be worse than others, let alone make others look down on Cheng Mingfeng.

Looking down on Cheng Mingfeng is tantamount to admitting that she has no vision.

"Oh." Mu Jiu didn't have any extra words, neither salty nor bland.

But this understatement is particularly irritating.

"If you really have the ability, then it is an honor for the Mu family to get an official position in the Mu family, but if you don't have the ability, I'm sorry, as long as the Mu family is still surnamed Mu, I will not allow the useless Even if Su Yaoting is there, I will let him go." Mu Jiu said calmly while eating.

(End of this chapter)

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