Chapter 825

"That's fine, Xiaotong and I will leave first, Uncle Mu, you don't need to be too anxious about what Xiaotong said about letting me enter the Mu's family. If you think I'm not suitable for entering the Mu's family, you can talk directly It doesn't matter what I said." Cheng Mingfeng turned to look at Mu Andong and said.

When Mu Andong heard this, his heart was full of disdain. This Cheng Mingfeng was actually quite capable of playing with his mind.

Although Mu Andong is not good at expressing his feelings, he also has a pair of eyes that can read countless people, and he can tell whether some people are good or bad at a glance.

If he is really a man with good intentions, relying on his personal ability, then he will definitely be able to make a career, but if he has evil intentions, always thinks of opportunism, and wants to get something for nothing, then he will definitely be ruined yourself, and possibly destroy others.

Cheng Mingfeng is good at hiding his own emotions, and he always puts on a graceful and polite look in front of people. It would be great if he really is like this.

This is why Mu Andong was reluctant to let him go to Mu's. Qin Kefang mentioned how to arrange for a person he didn't know to join the company several times, but he never replied, which made Qin Kefang a little angry.

There is no doubt about the employment, and there is no need for suspicion. Before he is [-]% sure of the character and ability of this person, even if he is allowed to enter the company, he will not be placed in an important position.

If it was not an important position, how could Qin Kefang nod easily.

Cheng Mingfeng is not as frank as Su Yaoting. Su Yaoting is a very real man, and he is also passionate about Mu's family. He has paid so much for Mu's family these years, and he also sees it.

So if you compare it with Su Yaoting, this Cheng Mingfeng has fallen too far.

Mu Andong naturally has his own considerations. After all, as the head of the Mu family, tens of thousands of people are waiting for him to support. It is his principle not to employ people casually.

If Su Yaoting was not someone who could catch his eye, even if it was Qin Kefang's nephew, Mu Andong would not have let him in.

It's that simple and direct.

"Okay, be careful on the way back." They waited for a long time, and when Mu Andong squeezed out such a sentence, no one would be happy to hear it.

Although Cheng Mingfeng didn't mention the affirmative answer he wanted, he was a little unhappy in his heart, but he couldn't show his face directly, and tried his best to control his emotions in his stomach.

He knew that if Mu Andong agreed to let him enter the Mu family so easily, it would not be Mu Andong's style, and Cheng Mingfeng knew this.

"Thank you, Uncle, for your concern. We will go back safely." Su Luotong's thoughts were not as deep as Cheng Mingfeng's, and all the unhappiness in his heart suddenly appeared on his face.

Sure enough, she wasn't her biological daughter, what she got was different. If it was Jiang Dingcheng who wanted to enter the Mu family, it would be a matter of minutes.

Since getting married, Jiang Dingcheng has been intervening in the management of Mu's affairs, because Qin Kefang will feel a little uneasy in this way.

If they don't do anything else, Mu Shi will probably be owned by that girl Mu Jiu alone. Even if it's five years of hard work for her brother to get Mu Shi, Mu Jiu can't let Mu Jiu get Mu Shi alone.

Why would the Mu family get the whole Mu family so easily? She never stayed in the Mu family for a day from the beginning to the end, and did one thing for the Mu family. Because she is Mu Andong's daughter, she has to forcibly obtain the Mu family. ?
How can this be.

"Then let's go first, Uncle Mu, Aunt Qin." Cheng Mingfeng didn't stay any longer, and took Su Luotong's hand and walked outside.

When he arrived at the parking spot, Su Luotong shook off Cheng Mingfeng's hand indignantly, and his eyes were full of anger.

"This Mu Jiu is really too much. How is it possible to want to drag Jiang Dingcheng to easily occupy the entire Mu family? My brother has paid so much for five years there, who would have considered his feelings?" Su Luo Tong said indignantly.

"Okay, okay, Xiaotong, don't be angry anymore. Women can't be too angry, especially for people who don't deserve it. If you are so angry, I will feel bad." Cheng Mingfeng pulled her, opened the car door, and coaxed her said to her.

Su Luotong is a woman who has no thoughts or scheming. It is because of this that Cheng Mingfeng can control her better. Only a woman like this can control her better for him.

If Su Luotong had a personality like Mu Jiu, then Cheng Mingfeng couldn't control it at all, so Su Luotong was more in control.

"Mingfeng, I know it's not worth being angry like this, but, I just don't deserve it for my brother. He has done so much for the Mu family, but..." Su Luotong said in a particularly displeased manner.

"Okay, be good, don't be angry anymore, don't you want to go to the hot spring villa, let's go there today, I will take you to the hot spring to relax, don't think about anything, okay, promise me, be happy " Cheng Mingfeng coaxed her very gently when he fastened her seat belt.

Hearing such gentle words, the mood on Su Luotong's face suddenly changed from cloudy to sunny. No matter what, it was Cheng Mingfeng who turned to her and treated her so well.

Then the eyes were full of happiness and emotion, and she leaned his neck and kissed his face. "Mingfeng, you are the best for me. Let's go to the hot spring villa. I have wanted to go there for a long time."

Seeing Su Luotong looking so happy, Cheng Mingfeng laughed immediately, as expected, he was still silly and sweet, and then smiled at her.

"Xiao Tong, I have already said, I love you, I am the most important person in your life, I am not good to you, who am I good to, as long as I see you can smile happily, let me Do whatever you want." Cheng Mingfeng retracted his body and said.

After speaking, he walked around to the driver's seat and sat down.

Because of his sweet talk, Su Luotong had already put the previous unhappiness to the back of his head.

It's better to have Cheng Mingfeng, the man who holds her in the palm of his hand like a baby and loves her. Now just looking at his side face, I think he is the most handsome man in the world.

No matter how rich Jiang Dingcheng is, she doesn't believe that Jiang Dingcheng will be a man who can love Mujiu from the bottom of his heart. A man like Jiang Dingcheng who comes from a wealthy family and is pampered has always been a star-like existence, and only enjoys If others treat him well, how can he take the initiative to treat others well.

There are a few wealthy marriages because of feelings, basically because of interests and traditional responsibilities.

And Su Luotong very clearly believed that Jiang Dingcheng married Mu Jiu because he wanted her to have a child for him. As for feelings, there should be no.

(End of this chapter)

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