cute in his palm

Chapter 827 Women Love Jealousy

Chapter 827 Women Love Jealousy

The housekeeper felt a little bored after being yelled at by Qin Kefang. He just asked Qin Kefang out of concern, but he got such a general training from her instead.

However, she is Qin Kefang, which is quite normal.

In Mu's house, there is not a single servant who has not been scolded by Qin Kefang, all of them have been scolded, and all the scolded are bloody.

The butler is okay, Qin Kefang is a bit humble considering his age, but now she is really angry.

Mu Andong, an old man, is becoming less and less important to her.

"Housekeeper, do you also think that I am making trouble out of no reason?" Qin Kefang is a person who always does her own way, regardless of other people's feelings.

This time it was a little unexpected that Qin Kefang would take the initiative to ask others if she was being unreasonable.

However, this question is really embarrassing for the housekeeper. Although Qin Kefang is really such a person, she is the wife of the Mu family after all, so she must not be easily offended.

So the butler just tried his best to maintain a smile and looked at Qin Kefang. "Ma'am, you are worrying too much."

As soon as Qin Kefang saw his attitude and heard him say this, she already knew something in her heart.

"Okay, housekeeper, you don't need to say anything more, I know what kind of image I have in your hearts." Qin Kefang said in a soft tone suddenly.

The reason why she feels so much resentment towards the woman who left long ago is probably because she didn't get the care she wanted from Mu Andong.

Since when did she care so much about Mu Anton's love and opinion of her?

A woman is indeed a creature that is easily swayed by emotions.

It was because she wasn't sure enough to get enough attention from Mu Andong that love turned to hatred, so she hated Mu Andong and the woman who had always been in his heart.

"Ma'am, I think you have misunderstood." The housekeeper wanted to explain, only to realize that no amount of explanation would suddenly become powerless.

Because Qin Kefang is such an unreasonable woman, it is indeed a particularly embarrassing thing to find some words to correct her image and correct her bad image into a good one.

Therefore, the housekeeper is really in a bit of a dilemma.

Qin Kefang didn't want to embarrass him anymore, because even if she got some better adjectives from his mouth, it would not be true enough.

"Housekeeper, you know about that woman, right?" Qin Kefang lowered her eyes and said.

about that woman.

The housekeeper understood immediately, Qin Kefang should be referring to the original eldest lady, Tao Shuqin.

The housekeeper has worked in Mu's family for almost 30 years, so of course he knows about Tao Shuqin.

At that time, the young lady of the Tao family and the young master of the Mu family got married, but they were favored by many people. You must know that the Tao family has been a scholar for several generations. The family's reputation is particularly well-known, and now they have status in both academic and political circles.

Although the Mu family is not the largest merchant in Huaicheng, they have been in business for several generations, and they can be regarded as a well-known entrepreneur in Huaicheng. Therefore, the marriage of Tao and Mu is the best representative of the marriage of business and government.

At that time, it was a good story in Huaicheng, a perfect representative of talented men and beautiful women.

But this marriage, which was favored by everyone, broke up after less than five years. Tao Shuqin was very resolute when she left, leaving behind only a pair of twin daughters, without taking anything with her.

Mu Andong originally loved her and pampered her, so in the end he let her go. Since he couldn't keep her, being by his side would only be painful and uneasy, so it would be useless to force her to stay. Just let go.

This is the whole past about Tao Shuqin and Mu Andong.

It took only five years from their marriage to their divorce, so there are not many memories to talk about.

The butler has always felt that Tao Shuqin left like this, which makes people feel sorry, but who can control emotional matters.

"Butler, tell me, I want to know." Qin Kefang said seriously.

Married to the Mu family for more than ten years, in order not to disgust Qin Kefang, things about Tao Shuqin were forbidden to be said, so no one dared to discuss things about Tao Shuqin in private, especially in front of Qin Kefang.

You know, the first thing she did when she got married was to clean up everything related to Tao Shuqin, one by one without any hesitation, and she almost didn't take the two children she gave birth to. dealt with.

However, Qin Kefang has always treated the two children as thorns in her eyes, and she has never given a good face to her for a moment, and everyone can see this in her eyes.

Now that Qin Kefang took the initiative to mention Tao Shuqin's matter, it was really surprising.

The housekeeper also had to be surprised.

"Ma'am, do you really want to know?" the butler said seriously.

Qin Kefang was slightly unhappy when she heard his questioning tone. "Butler, what do you mean by that? Do you think I'm the kind of person who cares about everything?"

Hearing what Qin Kefang said, the butler lowered his head, then shook his head immediately. "Madam, you have misunderstood me."

Because although Qin Kefang is a bad-tempered and unreasonable person, she is really not a fussy person, she only targets people she wants to target, just like Mu Jiu.

"Housekeeper, I don't mean to make it difficult for you. If you really don't want to say it, forget it. I'm not the kind who would force others to do what's difficult for me." Seeing the hesitation on the housekeeper's face, Qin Kefang said directly.

Hearing this, the housekeeper didn't hesitate anymore. Since Qin Kefang wanted to ask this question, and it wasn't something he had to say, so he didn't feel much remorse.

"Ma'am, I can tell you something, as long as you don't get angry." The housekeeper first gave Qin Kefang a booster, so that Qin Kefang would not rely on him when he was unhappy.

Of course, the housekeeper is not the kind of person who can't bear the responsibility, but these things were originally forbidden in front of her, and if she brings them up again, I'm afraid it will be Qin Kefang who can't bear it at that time.

"If there's anything you can't say, just tell me. If you don't tell me everything, I'll be angry." Qin Kefang glanced at the butler seriously and said.

She really wanted to see how that woman was better than her. After so many years, it was not easy for Mu Andong to miss her so much.

Women are naturally jealous, let alone a living person, even a dead person, they will be jealous, so Qin Kefang, who has always been proud, has the urge to compare with that woman for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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