cute in his palm

Chapter 860 She is lucky

Chapter 860 She is lucky

After Mu Jiu confirmed everything at the front desk, she went directly to the backstage to watch the model change clothes. After all, she was the designer this time, so after the model changed clothes, she needed to do the final confirmation, otherwise she would I won't worry about it.

So, I went directly to the backstage.

Seeing a bunch of staff members and models changing clothes and making final preparations, Mu Jiu still felt unreal after seeing all this.

Although when she became a new designer, she held a catwalk show in the form of a report with several designers who came out at the same time, but it was just a show, and the scale couldn't even keep up with half of this.

This is the real big show.

Therefore, Mu Jiu was more nervous than anyone else.

But no matter how nervous she was, it couldn't compare to the excitement in her heart at this time. It was a completely different mood. This feeling was different from her previous new designer show.

If it was a small show, then this one is undoubtedly a big fashion show.

In the past, Xiaoxiu entered the design circle as a stepping stone, but now it is the real meaning of entering the design gate. Whether she can get the approval of her predecessors and become a real designer depends on her own performance today up.

Therefore, at this moment, she is completely excited.

I really can't wait to go directly to the runway now, let everyone see her work, her talent, and recognize her as a particularly remarkable designer.

"Sister Mu, you're here." Fang Caicai was busy matching clothes for the model, when she saw Mu Jiu coming in, she greeted her happily.

"Well, I'll come in and see how the models are changing?" Mu Jiu asked Fang Caicai, and then cast her eyes on some models who had changed their clothes.

Several of them were wearing clothes from the series designed by her, which made Mu Jiu feel very proud. These clothes were designed by herself, and she felt a sense of pride when she saw her children grow up.

"Some models have been changed, and some are changing clothes. It will start in half an hour. Sister Mu, are you nervous?" Fang Caicai looked at Mu Jiu and asked with a smile.

Fang Caicai has seen Mu Jiu walk step by step like this, and her achievements like today are inseparable from her hard work.

Naturally, Fang Caicai is the happiest person to see Mu Jiu become so powerful now.

Mu Jiu is her master. If her master is so powerful, she, as an apprentice, is naturally a very happy person. When Mu Jiu becomes the most famous designer one day, then she will be the apprentice of a famous designer. This title sounds pretty good too.

"Don't be's no wonder." Mu Jiu deliberately said this to tease Fang Caicai.

Originally, she had already done mental training for herself, so she wouldn't be too nervous. After working outside for so long, she was excited except for excitement. But when she entered the backstage, she saw a bunch of models walking around in clothes designed by her. When I walked over and over, my heart became inexplicably tense all of a sudden.

Really, the more I care about it, the more I worry, and the more I worry, the more I am afraid that something will happen to it. Thinking about it like this, the pressure in my heart suddenly swells up.

"Sister Mu, don't be too nervous. Did you see that the clothes you designed are really beautiful. When the clothes were brought out, everyone praised them for their beauty." Fang Caicai said seriously.

The clothes designed by Mu Jiu are the most praised ones today.

Because the style is bold and fashionable, young and individual, it is the clothes unanimously recognized by all the young people present.

Many of them are models who have gone through international shows, and they can recognize it like this. Why is Mu Jiu not confident.

"You're the one who is the best at talking. Do you think I'll believe everything that sounds so nice?" Although Mu Jiu is confident, she's not the kind of person who is so confident that she's so conceited.

What level is she herself, she knows best.

Although she is still talented, and the things she designed have been recognized by some seniors, but as Fang Caicai said, she still needs to work hard.

"Sister Mu, what I said was true. They all praised the clothes you designed for their beauty. If you don't believe me, you can ask them yourself." Fang Caicai smiled with a grimace.

Although what she said just now was a bit exaggerated, after all, this is the clothes designed by Mu Jiu. As her apprentice, she naturally supports her [-]%.

But what cannot be denied is that the clothes designed by Mu Jiu are indeed unique, and it is understandable that they have been recognized by everyone.

"I don't have the time to ask them?" Mu Jiu still has a lot of things to do now, so how can she be in the mood to ask them if they like the clothes she designed?

"I know, our sister Mu has such a courage and confidence that I don't need to ask anything. Believe me, sister Mu, the clothes you make are really amazing. Now you are my number one goddess. "Fang Caicai looked at her with a look of admiration on purpose and said.

Mu Jiu laughed, then raised her head and patted her on the head. "So, I wasn't your goddess before?" Mu Jiu asked her like this on purpose, just to tease her.

Fang Caicai really took it seriously after being teased by her. "Sister Mu, you are my goddess from beginning to end."

"Okay, I'm teasing you, go get busy, there are still many things to be confirmed." Mu Jiu looked at her and said with a very happy smile.

Seeing Mu Jiu's mood improved, Fang Caicai felt relieved.

"Then I'll get busy first, Sister Mu." After speaking, Fang Caicai ran into the crowd like an elf.

The backstage is the most important and messiest place in the whole show. After readjusting her mood, Mu Jiu started to work. The clothes she designed by herself, no one knows the details of many places except her, so she needs to come and handle it in person.

Each piece of clothing was the result of all her painstaking efforts. After wearing it on the model, the excitement in her heart was completely spontaneous.

This feeling is really amazing.

She is finally going to become a real designer. After so many years of hard work, she finally has the opportunity to be recognized by others.

Such a day is what every designer looks forward to the most. Some people have been designing silently for a lifetime, and may not have such an opportunity to show themselves, but she is just a newcomer who has just entered the industry for a few years, but With such an opportunity, it can only be said that she is the luckiest, so she can't live up to this piece of luck.

(End of this chapter)

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