cute in his palm

Chapter 863 She Was Terrified

Chapter 863 She Was Terrified

It's just that before the two of them reached the gate of the Garden Hotel, they saw a group of people running towards the show, many of them were security guards in uniform.

It's not a good thing to pass in such a panic.

Tao Mian's professional reaction was to directly catch a person and ask.

"What happened?" Tao Mian asked seriously, frowning.

"The lamppost backstage at the big show fell down, someone was injured, we have to go to the rescue now." That one directly answered Tao Mian.

"Why did the lamppost fall down when it was fine? Before I came out of the backstage, it was fine." Guan Xiaotong was a little stunned for a while, knowing that the lamppost at the center of the backstage is very heavy, and it fell down and hit someone That would be fatal.

"Xiaotong, wait here, I'll go and see, Xiaojiu and Keke are still there." Tao Mian said seriously.

This is not a small matter, and if it is serious, it will kill people.

Now she just hopes that Xiaojiu and Keke are fine, otherwise it will definitely be very uncomfortable.

In short, a bad feeling flashed in Tao Mian's mind.

"I'm going to take a look too. After all, Xiao Jiu and Ke Ge are still backstage, so they should be fine, Buddha bless." Guan Xiaotong said worriedly.

"Let's go." Tao Mian hurriedly ran over after saying that.

Guan Xiaotong followed her, but after all, Tao Mian was a specially trained special police officer, no matter how big she was, she couldn't catch up with Tao Mian.

By the time Guan Xiaotong got there, Tao Mian had already gone in.

The entrance of the backstage has been cordoned off, Guan Xiaotong couldn't get in, so he could only wait outside, anxious to death.

The backstage is where the models change clothes, so Jiang Dingcheng didn't let Luo Yang take over the monitoring, so when something happened in the backstage, he couldn't see it immediately.

So when Luo Yang called to say something happened in the backstage, his heart ached immediately, especially when he heard that Mu Jiu was still there.

It really frightened him. When he ran over from the room, there was only one thought in his mind.

No matter what, Mu Jiu can have something to do.

When Jiang Dingcheng and Gu Xiao ran backstage, there was chaos.

The large lamppost more than three meters high fell directly to the ground, hundreds of lamp tubes were all broken, and glass shards were everywhere on the ground, which was a bit scary.

No one died at all, they were just injured. The injured people had already been taken to the hospital, and there were still many blood stains on the ground. The rest of the people were still in shock, especially some young girls, trembling there. .

Jiang Dingcheng was directly searching for Mu Jiu's figure. What he was most afraid of was that Mu Jiu would be among the injured.

"Luo Yang, where's Jiu'er?" Jiang Dingcheng cast his gaze directly on Luo Yang, and shouted at him in a very displeased tone.

"Mr. Jiang, the young lady is in the lounge inside." Luo Yang looked at Jiang Dingcheng and said.

At this time, Jiang Dingcheng was like Satan who came out of hell, his face was dark and scary, this was the first time Luo Yang saw such a terrifying side of him.

Therefore, Luo Yang was completely afraid. Fortunately, Mu Jiu was only slightly injured. Otherwise, if the injury was serious, Jiang Dingcheng would be angered. His anger should burn the entire backcourt.

"The opening of the big show was postponed for half an hour, and the news was blocked from the outside world, and no word was allowed to be revealed. If I see it, I will bear the consequences." Jiang Dingcheng was half relieved when he heard that Mu Jiu was not seriously injured, and then used the most He came to command Luo Yang with a calm expression.

"I know, Mr. Jiang, I won't let people write carelessly."

"Immediately ask the best nursing team to come over to sort out the scene, and then let the security personnel come over to check the scene. I want to be [-]% safe. They let this happen now, and I will be held accountable severely. Don't let anyone go. People, let me investigate this matter clearly." Jiang Dingcheng handed over the matter to Luo Yang.

Daxiu had never had such a thing before, and now that such a thing happened, it really made him very sad.

Yan Rui's reputation and brand established over the years cannot be ruined by such a low-level mistake, which is why Jiang Dingcheng is so angry.

It was agreed that today's big show must not go wrong, but something happened a few minutes before the big show, and it was not a trivial matter.

Someone was injured, which is tantamount to a major accident.

The only luck is that no one died.

But no matter what, if something like this happened today, there will be absolutely no appeasement, and everyone involved must be held accountable.

"I know, Mr. Jiang." Luo Yang nodded seriously.

"The monitoring is called out, it needs to be complete, and I will give it to Young Master Chi later." Jiang Dingcheng is now going to check on Mu Jiu's situation, so the rest of the work needs to be handed over to Chi Heyu and the others.

"I know, let someone adjust the monitoring immediately." Luo Yang was already sweating on his forehead, Jiang Dingcheng's eyes were really too scary, even if he had been with Jiang Dingcheng for so many years, he was a little scared.

"Old man, I'll trouble you for the rest. I'll go and see Jiu'er." Jiang Dingcheng turned to look at Chi Heyu beside him and said.

"Second Brother, go and see Second Sister-in-Law, it's fine if we are here, and I promise it won't affect today's big show." Chi Heyu said calmly.

Judging from the height and weight of the lamp post alone, the possibility of an accident is very small. Someone should have done it on purpose. I'm curious as to who is so bold to act wildly on Jiang Dingcheng's territory.

"I'm going in." After Jiang Dingcheng finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the lounge.

There are Ou Sixing, Mu Jiu and Xu Yanke inside. Xu Yanke sits on the sofa with Mu Jiu on the floor. Mu Jiu's forehead is pricked a little, and there is blood dripping there. Xu Yanke is comforting her. her emotions.

From Mu Jiu's pale face, it can be seen how scared she was.

Must be terrified.

"Boss Jiang." Ou Sixing saw Jiang Dingcheng coming in, and immediately shouted.

In fact, Ou Sixing knew very well in his heart that what happened in the backstage made Mu Jiu hurt and frightened, how much Jiang Dingcheng would feel distressed, and how much he would blame them.

It seems that Jiang Dingcheng will definitely lose his temper this time.

It's not good to let anyone get hurt, but it happened to hurt Mu Jiu.

Jiang Dingcheng walked over with great distress, then sat on the other side of Mu Jiu, and gently hugged Mu Jiu from Xu Yanke's arms.

"Jiu'er, don't be afraid, I'm here, I'm sorry I came late, and people were frightened." Jiang Dingcheng whispered softly, apologizing to her softly.

"En." Mu Jiu subconsciously responded to Jiang Dingcheng, still a little confused.

(End of this chapter)

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