cute in his palm

Chapter 871 Are You Chasing You?

Chapter 871 Are You Chasing You?

Hearing Gu Xiao's name, Tao Mian's body froze all of a sudden.

Gu Xiao is like her Achilles' heel, it really sounds uncomfortable.

"Master Gu is still clinging to you tightly enough, so he must be pursuing you." Guan Xiaotong stared at her face and gossiped while eating.

It's all about what.

"I don't understand what you are talking about. Gu Xiao is not pursuing me, so don't talk nonsense." Tao Mian said very calmly.

In fact, only she knows how excited her heart is now.

Gu Xiao is a man who entangles people too tightly, so he doesn't give him too many opportunities to escape.

In Tao Mian's life of more than twenty years, he has never met such a thick-skinned, stalking man as Gu Xiao.

Therefore, some people can't stand it and can only choose to ignore it.

Even everyone in the police station knew that Gu Xiao was pursuing her, and such a high-profile pursuit really made her feel uncomfortable.

Tao Mian was thinking that if this man continued to pursue him so relentlessly, he would arrest him and beat him up, and then send him in for harassment for a few days.

Let him know what the real consequences of messing with her are.

"Really? But I see that what Young Master Gu is doing now is completely pursuing you." Guan Xiaotong said very seriously.

Hearing this, Tao Mian couldn't help but glanced at her lightly, now how she was going to explain such a matter to Guan Xiaotong and the others, she didn't want to explain it at all.

Because this has never been started, and it is not a fact, so there is no need to say anything.

Some things are fine if you don't explain them, but the more you explain them, the worse they become.

"Xiaotong, you don't need to think too much about this matter, anyway, it won't happen as you expected." Tao Mian said seriously.

For this matter, she is quite confident.

No matter what tricks Gu Xiao uses to attract the relentless pursuit, she will not let him succeed.

She is very confident in things like perseverance.

"Really?" Guan Xiaotong didn't want to believe it. Judging from her intuition and gossip, this matter was definitely not that simple. Besides, with Gu Xiao's way of doing things, how could he give up so easily.

Gu Xiao is very famous in the circle, but he can't get anything he likes, so no matter what method he uses, he will pursue it, unless he gives up on his own initiative.

However, judging from the current situation, Gu Xiao has no intention of giving up on Tao Mian at all.

Could it be that Gu Xiaoye, the playboy, is also planning to take care of him?

If it really fell on Tao Mian's hands this time, it would be considered an advantage for him.

Tao Mian's identity is right there, the young lady of the Tao family, the policewoman of the special police brigade, is beautiful and smart, that's something that everyone can see, if such an excellent girl is really caught by Gu Xiao, wouldn't it be that he made money? ?
"Believe it or not." Tao Mian didn't even bother to talk to her.

But Gu Xiao wisely didn't call her again, and Tao Mian felt relieved.

Jiang Dingcheng's cell phone was vibrating, and it was Gu Xiao who called, Jiang Dingcheng subconsciously looked up at Tao Mian, her complexion didn't look too good.

Gu Xiao, this guy, now knows how to save the country with curves.

She called Tao Mian directly, but she refused to answer, so she called him.

It should be asking if Tao Mian has come to the hospital.

"I'm going out to answer the phone." Jiang Dingcheng glanced at Mu Jiu and said.

"Go, if there is anything, you can go back and deal with it, it doesn't matter if I have them here." Mu Jiu looked at Jiang Dingcheng and said relaxedly.

Jiang Dingcheng frowned slightly when he heard this.

This Jiu'er, once he used it up, he would abandon it without any hesitation.

When you have friends, you forget about your husband.

Jiu'er's bad habit, he must help her correct it, otherwise he will never be a husband in her heart in the future.

A really sad husband.

It is estimated that no man is as sad as he is.

In his wife's heart, he will never be the first, as long as the sister group comes out, he will immediately fall to the bottom position.

"Jiu'er, I'll be back soon." Jiang Dingcheng's voice deliberately increased a little, just to attract Mu Jiu's attention.

In the end, what I got in exchange was someone else's sentence. "It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you stay longer. If you have something to do, go to it first. After all, such a big group is still waiting for you to sit in charge."

Mu Jiu said this completely unintentionally, because she took Jiang Dingcheng's identity into consideration. As the president of the Jiang Group, she would naturally have more important responsibilities than others.

This point, she is very clear.

It didn't mean to drive Jiang Dingcheng away, but he didn't want him to delay work because of her.

"En." Jiang Dingcheng didn't say anything more, and left directly. In fact, what he was most afraid of was saying more things by himself, afraid that what Mu Jiu would say would irritate him even more.

It's better to leave for a while.

"Xiao Jiu, your Boss Jiang is really kind to you, he is so obedient." Guan Xiaotong said with a smile.

"What is obedience and obedience, you are dazzled." Mu Jiu said very calmly.

But my heart has long been happy.

It has to be said that Jiang Dingcheng is sincerely good to her, she is not a piece of wood, she has feelings, you can feel it for yourself, who is sincerely good to her, and who is just coping with her.

"I'm not dazzled, look at your face is full of smiles." Guan Xiaotong directly reached out to pinch her face.

"Stop making trouble, Xiaotong." Mu Jiu slapped her hand away.

"You said, the person who called Boss Jiang couldn't be Young Master Gu." Guan Xiaotong chewed a piece of potato chips and said speculatively.

Mu Jiu looked towards Tao Mian, and saw that her expression was a bit uncomfortable.

Although, from the bottom of her heart, Mu Jiu hoped that Tao Mian could find another man and come out of the shadow of Cheng Dong's death.

However, the heavens should at least send a relatively normal man here, knowing that there are not many men in this world who can compare with Cheng Dong.

But it's not like sending a tease like Gu Xiao over to deliberately torture Tao Mian.

No wonder, when his name was mentioned, Tao Mian's complexion turned sour.

If it were any of them, they would not be happy to meet such a man who is so smart.

Now Mu Jiu's only rejoicing is that Jiang Dingcheng is not such a person, at least he is much more mature and stable than Gu Xiao, he knows how to advance and retreat, and he won't be a stalker like him, annoying to death.

(End of this chapter)

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