cute in his palm

Chapter 873 You Are Enemies

Chapter 873 You Are Enemies

When Jiang Dingcheng entered the ward, he saw that none of them spoke, but were all staring at the TV seriously, which looked a little strange.

Jiang Dingcheng glanced at it, and saw that it was the introduction session of the main designer of the big show that was playing.

Originally, this session belonged to Mu Jiu. As the main designer of this new big show, she is the best speaker, but she was sent to the hospital because of an injury.

"Xiao Jiu, who is this woman? It was our Xiao Jiu who gave the lecture, but now she is the one who steals the fruit of other people's labor, this woman." Guan Xiaotong looked at some strange women on TV and asked road.

Because they didn't know any of Mu Jiu's colleagues except Ou Sixing and Fang Caicai Luo Shiyan, but they probably had some impressions.

But now the woman on stage who replaced Mu Jiu as the speaker, they had no impression at all.

Could it be that Yan Rui spent so much money to hire a super famous designer?
Otherwise, why does this kind of big show have such a woman as the keynote speaker, as if there is a backstage, is it the family member of a senior executive from Yan Rui?

Mu Jiu's mood is a bit complicated now.

She originally thought that it would be Ou Sixing himself who went for her, and no matter how bad it was, she would let an older designer in their design team give a lecture. After all, this is no joke.

It never occurred to him that he would let Guan Lan go up.

Who is Guan Lan?

Maybe not many people know about it.

But the staff in Yan Rui's heart still knew it all.

She is an outstanding student who graduated from Zhiming Design Institute, and while studying abroad, she also worked in a design company. Yan Rui was admitted the year before Mu Jiu.

Originally, Yan Rui was the best in every aspect among the rookies. If Yan Rui wanted to vigorously cultivate a new designer whom he admired, it would be Guan Lan.

However, Mu Jiu came in.

Although Mu Jiu graduated from a design school that is not as famous as her, she has never been abroad for further studies, and she has no design work experience.

But, by virtue of her amazing design talent, Mu Jiu was appreciated by Ou Sixing, the design director, as soon as she entered Yan Rui, and even wanted to take her with her out of the ordinary. She didn't say anything verbally about accepting her as an apprentice, but Ou Sixing His performance is completely like treating her as a direct apprentice.

So Yan Rui's old employees could see Ou Sixing's preference for Mu Jiu.

However, one thing they can't deny is that Mu Jiu's designs are not only eye-catching and fashionable in style, but also pursuing a unique personality, her works are particularly aura.

This is something that many designers do not have.

That's why Ou Sixing is so partial to Mu Jiu.

Naturally, when some people are favored, others will be left out.

Originally, Guan Lan, who was very well-known and very popular among the designers of Yanrui Xinrui, was naturally left out in the cold. In fact, Ou Sixing was still very kind to her, but Guan Lan is a very conceited and competitive woman, so I can't stand a little bit of neglect at all.

Guan Lan naturally attributed all the mistakes to Mu Jiu. If she hadn't appeared, her favored position in Yan Rui would not have been threatened. In the final analysis, it was because Mu Jiu arrived and stole her limelight. .

Under the extremely frustrated situation, it happened that Yan Rui had an opportunity to study abroad. Guan Lan applied for it and went there for a year.

If it wasn't for seeing Guan Lan appearing on the catwalk now, Mu Jiu would have almost forgotten about this woman. Back then, she had caused Mu Jiu a lot of trouble.

Anyway, I haven't found Mu Jiu for the big and small troubles.

Mu Jiu knew that this woman hated her, the kind that hated her to the core.

Therefore, it is normal for Guan Xiaotong and the others to have no impression of Guan Lan.

"She is Guan Lan." Mu Jiu introduced calmly.

"Guan what Lan? Who is this?" Guan Xiaotong didn't realize it for a while, and had no idea what the origin of this woman was.

"I joined Yan Rui a year before me, a very talented designer, and then went abroad for a year." Mu Jiu briefly talked about Guan Lan's information, but she didn't know much about this woman. .

After all, Guan Lan and she should be enemies.

At least in Guan Lan's eyes, she was treated like this, and she was never treated as a friend or colleague.

"So, she and you were colleagues before?" Guan Xiaotong asked with some puzzlement.

"It can be said like this, but in his eyes, I should not be a colleague, but an enemy." Mu Jiu said calmly.

Didn't it mean that the expatriate lasted for three years? Why did you come back after only one year?

It was Guan Lan who applied to come back. What is the purpose of her coming back.

Coincidentally, I caught up with the big show and took her place to give a lecture.

Mu Jiu has only one thought now, which is the feeling of making a wedding dress for someone else.

No one is good, why is it Guan Lan?

Mu Jiu's heart was extremely uncomfortable, complicated and entangled.

"Enemies? So, the two of you should be competitors. You are a thorn in her side, but it can be seen that you should be stronger than her, so she thinks so." Although Guan Xiaotong didn't After work, there is no way to get along with colleagues, but she also understands.

The two outstanding employees who entered the same strength were the most sudden opponents.

Maybe it's not their own thinking, but the environment and other people will also cause them to force them in that direction.

"Actually, to put it bluntly, my level of design is comparable to hers. Besides, she is more advanced than me. Yan Rui has related design experience before. On the whole, Guan Lan is better than me. I have never disliked her." She, but she insists on treating me as an enemy, and I don't know where I offended her." Mu Jiu said a little depressed.

When Guan Xiaotong heard this, he looked at her with some doubts.

"The woman you mentioned is called Guan Lan. She has only been abroad for a year. Did she also stay in Yan Rui for a while before?" Guan Xiaotong was about to flash some images in his mind.

"Well, she is also a designer and has a team." Mu Jiu said calmly.

Hearing this, Guan Xiaotong stared at Mu Jiu in a daze. "Xiao Jiu, you said that Guan Lan hates you, does it mean that the people in her team also hate you?"

"It's not wrong to be like this. People on Guan Lan's side hate me, especially after Guan Lan left, they all think it's all my fault." Mu Jiu said seriously.

"So, it can be said that all of them really hate you? Hate you?" Guan Xiaotong asked again.

(End of this chapter)

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