Chapter 878

Hearing this, Mu Andong's affection for Jiang Dingcheng became even higher. It really is the son-in-law of their Jiang family, which is really different.

"Ding Cheng, only you can understand her in this way. Xiao Jiu is my daughter. I still know what kind of temper she is." Mu Andong said clearly.

He knew very well that Jiang Dingcheng said this because, as Xiao Jiu's husband, he protected her like this.

But no matter what his status is, as long as he can protect Mu Jiu sincerely, he, as a father, can rest assured.

You know, entrusting his daughter to such a responsible man is something any father would feel relieved about.

Mu Jiu has suffered a lot in the past 20 years. I hope that in the future, she will stop being like that and become happier.

Don't have so much unhappiness like the previous 20 years.

"Father-in-law, where is the car?" Jiang Dingcheng asked him directly after leaving the hospital building.

"Ahead, the driver is waiting for us there. Your aunt should be waiting in the car." Mu Andong stopped, glanced at Jiang Dingcheng and said.

"Dingcheng, don't pay too much attention to what your aunt said in the ward just now, but Kefang is such a sharp-tongued person. She and Xiaojiu have never been at odds, and it's a big deal at home. Big quarrels, minor quarrels, I'm used to it, I'm afraid you won't be happy." Mu Andong said embarrassingly.

Regarding what Qin Kefang said just now in front of Jiang Dingcheng and Mu Jiu in the ward, Mu Andong still apologized to Jiang Dingcheng.

You must know that this kind of quarrel is nothing new in the Mu family, but after all, it is not a good thing for Jiang Dingcheng, and it would be somewhat embarrassing for him to see such a side.

This is the family scandal of the Mu family.

"It's okay, every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, I can understand." Jiang Dingcheng said seriously.

He has no interest in the affairs of the Mu family at all, and he is unwilling to take care of the bad affairs of their Mu family. As long as Qin Kefang will not cause substantial harm to Mu Jiu, Jiang Dingcheng has no interest in interfering with their noisy affairs. .

Because the existence of a woman is a person who likes to make noise.

He would like to see Jiu'er can quarrel with others, so that she can look more lively and not so dull.

It is estimated that only Jiang Dingcheng is so weird that he wants his wife to quarrel with others.

"I'm very relieved that you can think like this." Mu Andong let go of all his worries a long time ago, because Jiang Dingcheng has always been a person who has a very clear purpose in what he wants to do, and he doesn't need to let others worried people.

"Father-in-law, get in the car, don't make Aunt Qin wait too long." Jiang Dingcheng said, looking at the time.

Qin Kefang, who was in the car, had already rolled down the window, and looked at them with a displeased face, seeing that Mu Andong hadn't passed by for a long time, so she was in a particularly bad mood.

You can see how unhappy you are.

Therefore, Jiang Dingcheng completely sensed Qin Kefang's unhappy expression, and urged Mu Andong to go over.

Mu Andong also felt it, and turned his head to look in Qin Kefang's direction.

"Then I'll go there first, and I will leave Xiaojiu's affairs to you." Mu Andong said seriously.

"Father-in-law, you don't have to worry about Jiu'er. I will take good care of her and won't let her suffer any more." Jiang Dingcheng said calmly with one hand in his pocket.

"Well, I'll go back first. If I have time, I can come home more with Xiaojiu. I know Xiaojiu has some inner resistance to going home, but I still hope that you can come back often. OK." Mu Andong said to him.

"Okay, we will definitely take you back when we have time." Jiang Dingcheng said calmly.

"Okay, let's go first." After Mu Andong finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the car.

But just after taking two steps, I received a call.

It's an unknown number that doesn't exist.

However, a bad premonition came to his mind immediately, so he picked it up after thinking about it.

"Anton, it's me."

The voice from the other end immediately made Mu Andong frowned.

Sure enough, it was a bad premonition.

"Tao Shuqin, what else do you have to do?" Mu Andong said calmly and particularly unhappy.

Unexpectedly, Tao Shuqin still had the face to call him now.

At Xiaojiu's wedding that day, didn't she make it very clear, telling her not to come to Mu Jiu and Liangchen anymore, she was not worthy to be their mother.

Now I still have the face to call him.

In fact, you can know that there must be nothing good without listening to what she said.

"Anton, I know you hate me, but I called you just to think about whether Liangchen's illness is very serious, otherwise why would he go abroad for surgery?" Tao Shuqin said anxiously.

"Whether Liang Chen's illness is serious or not has nothing to do with you, you don't need to know." Mu Andong's tone was particularly bad.

He just didn't want Tao Shuqin to know.

"Anton, Liangchen is my son after all, why..."

"Liangchen and Xiaojiu have nothing to do with you. You have long been disqualified to be their mother. Do you need me to say more?" Temper once or twice.

However, as soon as she met Tao Shuqin, no matter how good she was, her temper became bad.

"Anton, I understand that you are angry, but I am only out of a mother-to-child relationship. I know that I owe too much to my two children over the years. This is my fault and it cannot be made up for, but I I really want to treat these two children well, Anton, can you give me a chance like this, and be a little more generous to me, okay?" Tao Shuqin begged a little bit.

You know, she tried to find out about Mu Liangchen, but there was no specific news, so she thought of coming to ask Mu Andong in person.

Otherwise, if she could really investigate, why would she need to come and ask Mu Andong directly.

Tao Shuqin also fully understands Mu Andong's bad attitude, she knows it well.

It was clear that Mu Andong would not treat her well.

If he was in front of him now, his face should be dark and cold.

Anyway, it should be as scary as it needs to be.

"What kind of illness is Liangchen? I don't need you to worry about it for now. What you can do now will completely disappear in front of us just like before, so that they will never know that you are back for the rest of their lives." Mu Andong was particularly cold-hearted. Said. ,

(End of this chapter)

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