cute in his palm

Chapter 882 What's wrong with Xiaojiu

Chapter 882 What's wrong with Xiaojiu

Shang Jinglu really wanted to beat Jiang Dingcheng hard.

Jiang Dingcheng's cold-faced Satan really lived up to his reputation. What he said was cold and straightforward, which made people really resentful, but there was nothing he could do about him.

This is the kind of helplessness that makes Jiang Dingcheng feel helpless when he is so angry that he is half dead.

"Mr. Jiang, it's my little aunt who needs to find Xiaojiu." Shang Jinglu adjusted his mood, and then said to Jiang Dingcheng in the calmest tone possible.

If not, Tao Shuqin asked him for Mu Jiu's phone number, saying that there was an accident at Yan Rui Daxiu's scene, and she was worried that Xiao Jiu had an accident, so she wanted to call Mu Jiu to ask about the situation.

Shang Jinglu also knew that there was an accident at the big show where Mu Jiu was at. He was on a business trip before, so he didn't catch up with Mu Jiu's show. When he came back, the big show was over.

Then I learned from Tao Shuqin that something happened to Daxiu, but this news was suppressed by Yan Rui's public relations and did not make it public.

Shang Jinglu was also really worried that something would happen to Mu Jiu, so he rushed to make a call.

But it's just such an unfortunate coincidence.

Mu Jiu went to take a shower and let Jiang Ding take the call.

Two men who hate each other naturally don't have a lot to say.

"Is Mr. Shang's wife looking for Xiaojiu for something?" Jiang Dingcheng heard that it was Mrs. Shang looking for Mu Jiu, and his tone softened a little.

After all, he and Shang Jinglu are rivals in love and have a grudge against each other.

But he has no grudges with the merchants, especially he gets along well with Grandpa Shang.

If it wasn't for Shang Jinglu's rival in love, Jiang Dingcheng thought that Shang Jinglu was a good man, and it didn't matter if he made friends.

It's a pity that fate is a thing that likes to tease people, making them rivals in love.

And it's the kind of rival in love who can't make peace at all.

Unless Shang Jinglu gets rid of Mu Jiu from the bottom of his heart, and no longer has any excessive thoughts about Mu Jiu, he can still treat Shang Jinglu as a partner, otherwise.

That is the enemy.

An enemy that can never be reconciled in this life.

"My aunt didn't say anything, she probably wanted to ask if Xiao Jiu was hurt." Shang Jinglu said calmly.

In fact, he didn't know why Tao Shuqin cared so much about Mu Jiu. Although he was his friend, this kind of caring seemed a little too much.

Far more than caring about Ni Ya and Tao Yue.

After all, the two of them are the women who have a closer relationship with Shang Jinglu. One is the woman who has liked him for three years in Lyon, and the other is the woman who fell in love with him when he came back for a blind date.

But Tao Shuqin never put extra thoughts on them, but put more on Mu Jiu, which made Shang Jinglu have to wonder what kind of mood Tao Shuqin had to deal with them. Mu Jiu's.

Is it because Mu Jiu is so attractive?

This is an irrefutable reason.

Sometimes, it doesn't take too long to get along with each other, and it doesn't need a very suitable opportunity, just a first meeting is enough.

What's called, meet each other late, what's called, deja vu, it's Tao Shuqin's opinion of Mu Jiu.

However, Mu Jiu can make Tao Shuqin like him so much, which is actually beneficial to Shang Jinglu.

"Then please tell Madam Shang, thank you for her concern, Jiu'er is fine." Jiang Dingcheng said calmly.

There was absolutely no intention of asking Mu Jiu to call him back.

"Xiao Jiu is fine, I will tell my aunt, I know you don't want Xiao Jiu to call me, but please tell Xiao Jiu, if she doesn't want to call, I won't force her." Shang Jinglu Said very seriously.

The subtext in these words is to tell Jiang Dingcheng that if he unilaterally restricts Mu Jiu from calling her back, then Shang Jinglu will not be reconciled.

Jiang Dingcheng just wanted to sneer, Mu Jiu was his wife, and he wanted Mu Jiu to call anyone who he didn't want to call. Does Shang Jinglu have to doubt this?

The absolute joke of the century.

However, he was not in the mood to ridicule him, he just replied lightly. "I will respect Jiu'er's freedom, but in the same way I believe in Jiu'er more."

Shang Jinglu didn't answer, and Jiang Dingcheng's words were replaying in his mind over and over again.

This man is sometimes too confident, and his confidence makes people crazy.

Will Mu Jiu really be loved and respected if she marries such an arrogant man?

A person with a bad temper is prone to domestic violence, which Shang Jinglu has always believed in, so he has to find an opportunity to ask Mu Jiu about it in private.

If Jiang Dingcheng dared to bully her, Shang Jinglu would do everything to protect her and take her away from Jiang Dingcheng.

"Okay, I'm going to see if Jiu'er has finished washing, so I won't talk to Master Shang anymore." After speaking, Jiang Dingcheng directly hung up the phone.

Holding the phone that was hung up suddenly, Shang Jinglu looked a little unhappy.

Tao Shuqin at the side looked at him like this, thinking that something happened to Mu Jiu, so she was a little worried.

"Ah Lu, is it Xiaojiu... something happened to her, or the injury is a little serious?" Tao Shuqin asked cautiously.

Of course, deep down in her heart, she didn't want anything to happen to Mu Jiu, but when there was no news, she was particularly worried.

Seeing Shang Jinglu's complexion so bad now, Tao Shuqin would of course be afraid that something happened.

"Auntie, Xiaojiu is staying in the hospital, but there is nothing wrong. Xiaojiu did not answer the call, but Jiang Ding." When Shang Jinglu mentioned Jiang Dingcheng's name, his tone was particularly bad.

At this moment, Tao Shuqin understood that it was not because of Mu Jiu's situation that Shang Jinglu was in a bad mood, but because Jiang Ding took the call.

Shang Jinglu likes Xiaojiu, and Jiang Dingcheng is Xiaojiu's husband. These two men who are equal rivals in love are naturally unhappy that the other party received his call.

Tao Shuqin can understand.

"As long as Xiao Jiu is fine." Tao Shuqin felt relieved a lot.

Shang Jinglu didn't want to ask more questions at first, but he still couldn't help but speak up. "Auntie, I remember that you are a person who doesn't like to meddle in other people's affairs. You never care about people you don't know very well. Why do you become so concerned about Xiao Jiu?"

Shang Jinglu didn't want to doubt anything, but was already doubting something.

When Tao Shuqin heard Shang Jinglu's sudden question, she became a little embarrassed, then tried her best to calm down, and looked at Shang Jinglu with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth. "Ah Lu, your uncle and I don't have any children of our own, and I especially like well-behaved girls. Xiao Jiu is a very well-behaved girl, so I like her very much. Don't you think, A Lu, Xiao Jiu Is it just a very attractive girl?"

(End of this chapter)

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