cute in his palm

Chapter 886 Don't Get Angry Again

Chapter 886 Don't Get Angry Again

Although Tao Shuqin felt that she was a little selfish now, she didn't think that what she did was wrong. She just did it out of a mother's concern for her child, and there was nothing wrong with it.

This is what Tao Shuqin thinks now.

Maybe Mu Jiu won't understand her feelings, and when she has her own child, she will know what it's like to be a mother.

"Then after I'm discharged from the hospital, I have time, so I'll treat you to dinner, Auntie." Mu Jiu thought for a while before agreeing.

The promised things do not necessarily have to be completed in the near future, she can push it back.

Let's talk about it when it's about time.

Anyway, in Mu Jiu's heart, she was not very willing to eat alone with Tao Shuqin, and she was even less willing to let Shang Jinglu accompany her.

From expecting to be with Shang Jinglu at the beginning, to avoiding Shang Jinglu now, only Mu Jiu knows how the process happened.

Now she doesn't have the guts to approach Shang Jinglu, because she feels that she is not clean now, and she is no longer qualified to be worthy of him.

The idea of ​​confession and future is now vividly cut off in Mu Jiu's mind.

She and Shang Jinglu have completely become a thing of the past.

There will be no more relationship.

Therefore, it would only be embarrassing if we see each other again now, it is better not to see each other again.

This is the real thought in Mu Jiu's heart.

"Xiao Jiu, let's make a deal like this. Auntie is waiting for your call." Tao Shuqin was still in a particularly good mood when she heard Mu Jiu say that.

"OK, all right."

"Xiao Jiu, you're injured, rest more, and pay attention to your body." Tao Shuqin said with concern.

No matter how many thoughts Mu Jiu has in her heart, she has become much gentler now.

"Thank you for your concern, Auntie. I will pay attention to it. Goodbye, Auntie." Mu Jiu didn't want to continue this question, and planned to end the call early.

Talking on the phone for too long with someone you don't know very well will always feel extremely awkward.

"Okay, have a good rest." Tao Shuqin didn't say anything more, knowing that Mu Jiu was a little impatient.

However, being able to chat with Mu Jiu on the phone for so long is already very satisfying.

When Mu Jiu hung up the phone, she saw Jiang Dingcheng standing there staring straight at her face.

"Jiang Dingcheng, what's the matter with you?" Mu Jiu asked him a little embarrassed.

Why is this man staring at her?

Mu Jiu hangs down to look at the phone, only to see a call from Shang Jinglu, who answered it for several minutes, it should be Jiang Ding.

"Jiang Dingcheng, do you have something to tell me?" Mu Jiu raised her eyebrows and looked at Jiang Dingcheng and said.

When Jiang Dingcheng heard her words, he immediately understood.

"I answered Shang Jinglu's call." Jiang Dingcheng admitted generously, without any embarrassment on his face.

So calm and natural, it is really Jiang Dingcheng's consistent style.

"Jiang Dingcheng, you are quite generous in admitting it." Mu Jiu said with a hint of displeasure in his tone.

Originally, if Jiang Dingcheng refused to admit it, she would have something to scold him.

But in the end, Jiang Dingcheng admitted so generously that she had something to say and didn't know how to say it.

So, it's as if the breath is stuck in the throat, and it can't go up, even if it goes down, it can't go down.

My heart is always uncomfortable.

"Because this is something I have done, of course I have to admit it." Jiang Dingcheng said honestly.

Mu Jiu will not forgive him for what he has done just because he admitted so directly.

Because answering the phone for her would make her very uncomfortable, especially when Shang Jinglu called. Jiang Dingcheng hates Shang Jinglu so much. These two men are clearly enemies. Answering the phone won't cause enemies to quarrel. It's just as uncomfortable, why should he make trouble for himself.

Mu Jiu wasn't worried at all that Jiang Dingcheng would suffer a disadvantage, what he was worried about was that Jiang Dingcheng would make Shang Jinglu angry.

You must know that Shang Jinglu will definitely not be Jiang Dingcheng's opponent.

Jiang Dingcheng is too good at speaking, no one can be his opponent.

Unless he doesn't want to talk to you at all.

"So, don't you think you're wrong? It's very rude to answer my phone without my consent." Mu Jiu said very seriously.

Jiang Dingcheng nodded without hesitation.

"I know, it was he who called me three times in a row before I answered, because I was afraid that he would need you for something urgent." Jiang Dingcheng explained calmly.

There was absolutely nothing on his face that suggested he was wrong.

Anyway, he was right.

Mu Jiu was almost pissed off by his attitude.

"Anyway, this is rude, so what did Brother Jinglu say?" Mu Jiu was more concerned about why Shang Jinglu called so eagerly.
Is there really something urgent.

Hearing that she cared so much about Shang Jinglu, Jiang Dingcheng was still a little unhappy, frowned slightly, and then looked at Mu Jiu with a complicated expression.

"He just asked if there was anything wrong with you. I said you are not serious, and I will take care of it." Jiang Dingcheng roughly explained the content.

"It's really just this? Is there nothing else?" Mu Jiu said in disbelief.

"Jiu'er, am I so unworthy of your trust?" Jiang Dingcheng said with some displeasure.

He is a real husband here, okay, but Mu Jiu's gaze didn't look at him formally, instead he kept asking Shang Jinglu, no one would be happy to hear it.

"That's not what I mean, I just want to ask, why are you so obvious, I just want to know if you and Brother Jinglu have...or forget it, and I won't say anything." Mu Jiu hesitated for a while and said nothing. I don't intend to ask this matter again.

It would be better for her to cut off the matter between her and Shang Jinglu earlier.

"Jiu'er, I know I'm wrong, but..."

"Jiang Dingcheng, there is no need to apologize." Mu Jiu interrupted him loudly.

Anyway, she didn't want to mention Shang Jinglu's matter in the future, so as not to make her feel uncomfortable.

There are some things that are invisible to the eye, and it is easier not to mention them.

"Jiu'er, let's stop getting angry because of other people's affairs, okay? This time it's my fault. I don't want Shang Jinglu to call you again, and I answer it on purpose, just to let him know, you Now that I have a husband, I don't need him to be courteous any more, I'm just a bit lacklustre." Jiang Dingcheng walked in front of her, and said with an easy arm around her shoulder.

Mu Jiu was taken aback by his sudden movement, she straightened her body, but didn't struggle out.

(End of this chapter)

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