cute in his palm

Chapter 984 What Are You Looking At?

Chapter 984 What Are You Looking At?
After Mu Jiu realized that he was being tricked, she directly raised her fist and hit him.

It's a pity that someone's skin is too thick and flesh is too hard, and it will only hurt herself.

Jiang Dingcheng couldn't bear her self-torture, grabbed her hands, and said to her in that damn low voice. "Jiu'er, I like everything about you, it's so beautiful, especially when you feel shy."

Therefore, this kind of person obviously played tricks on her on purpose, and there is a very legitimate reason, right?

It's really shameless.

"Jiang Dingcheng, enough is enough, stop making trouble." Mu Jiu glared at him angrily.

But for Jiang Dingcheng, no matter what kind of action he does, he enjoys it very much.

Mu Jiu ignored him.

After Jiang Dingcheng had enough teasing and kissed to take advantage of it, he decided not to tease her anymore, so as not to drive her into a bad mood before the banquet started.

Just then the doorbell rang.

"Hei Mo is here, I'll go down to get the dress, Jiu Er, wait here." Jiang Dingcheng probably knew that Hei Mo should have come.

"En." Mu Jiu nodded indifferently, and didn't express any more.

In fact, she really didn't want others to see her like this, and felt very embarrassed.

After Jiang Dingcheng left, Mu Jiu hurriedly went to the bathroom to take off her bathrobe, stood in front of the mirror and looked at herself inside.

The area below the collarbone is full of red dots, but this time Jiang Dingcheng was a little more honest, and the places where he kissed were not easy for people to see.

If there were enough hickeys on her neck, then she would die, and she would not have to attend the banquet tonight.

Not to mention facing the poisonous eyes of those people in the media, even Guan Xiaotong and the others are enough for her to collapse.

This is Jiang Dingcheng.

Should she thank him for being careful, or scold him for being too rampant.

But now she hopes that the dress brought by Hei Mo must be above the shoulders, if it is a tube top style, she will be finished.

Thinking of Jiang Dingcheng's enthusiastic and crazy look on her just now, she couldn't help but blush.

Quickly turn on the water to take a bath, just after washing, I heard the phone in the room beeping wildly, Mu Jiu didn't care so much, and hurried out of the bathtub, wrapped a bath towel in haste, and came out with drops of water dripping from her body .

Seeing that it was Guan Xiaotong calling, Mu Jiu quickly answered it.

"Xiao, Xiaotong, what's the matter." Mu Jiu's voice was a little anxious, because she just came out of the bathtub and ran over to answer the phone, so her breath was a little anxious and uneven.

However, hearing this kind of aura in Guan Xiaotong's ears was a completely different matter.

Because Guan Xiaotong is completely a girl with her own brain function.

Such a breath.

So fast, so loud.

It should be there just after strenuous exercise.

There were only her and Jiang Dingcheng in the villa, so what kind of strenuous exercise could happen to this lonely man and widow.

Just thinking about it makes my heart flutter.

"Xiao Jiu, did I call at the wrong time? What a good thing I have disturbed you." Guan Xiaotong said excitedly and ambiguously there.

Mu Jiu didn't react when she heard this. "What's the matter? I'm asking you what's the matter?"

"Hey, are you doing something unsuitable for children with Boss Jiang?" Guan Xiaotong continued, she didn't believe that Mu Jiu didn't understand the meaning of her words?

Everyone is an adult, and Mu Jiu and Jiang Dingcheng are legal couples, so there is nothing to be ashamed about having a relationship legally.

"Guan Xiaotong, what are you thinking about?" Mu Jiu finally realized what Guan Xiaotong was saying.

This dead girl, why is she always thinking about other people's affairs in her mind.

What made Mu Jiu even more ashamed was that this time Guan Xiaotong was really right. She had just finished fighting with Jiang Dingcheng, and now she received a call from Guan Xiaotong, which really made her helpless.

If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have answered Guan Xiaotong's call.

"What am I thinking? I'm thinking about normal things, tell me, am I right?" Guan Xiaotong was clearly excited.

Sometimes Mu Jiu really has nothing to do with her. "It's almost time, are you going to the banquet hall first?" Mu Jiu changed the topic directly, not wanting to discuss such things with Guan Xiaotong again.

Because Guan Xiaotong's brain is too big, most people really can't control it.

"Xiao Jiu, your tone of changing the subject is too blunt, it means that there is a ghost in your heart, am I right?" As soon as the word "oh" came out of Guan Xiaotong's mouth, Mu Jiu had a thought The urge to hit.

"Xiao Jiu, you don't promiserate during the day, didn't you tell your Jiang Boss? It's not right, it's not right, you have to attend the banquet in a while, how tired you must be." Guan Xiaotong said nonsense seriously .

The black line on Mu Jiu's head.

She also said that it is best not to...

Then Boss Jiang realized it deeply. From now on, he only chooses to do it at night.

Only choose to do it at night!

This is simply a crazy statement, it is better not to say anything.

Once a man is on the bed, he is simply the incarnation of a wolf, the incarnation of a beast, who can control it.

"Guan Xiaotong, why are you talking nonsense over there? I'll ask you to ask when Xiao Jiu will come over." Xu Yanke's cold voice came from Guan Xiaotong.

"Okay, Xiaojiu, let your Boss Jiang restrain himself a bit in the future, at least... control the point during the day, by the way, when will you come over, it will be 05:30 soon, and you will be gone." Guan Xiaotong squared up He changed his attitude, and said to Mu Jiu seriously.

"I'll be there right away, clean up." Mu Jiu was also a little anxious.

Although she said that this is Mu Andong's birthday party, it has nothing to do with her, but... Anyway, now that they are here, as the eldest daughter, she still needs to make a proper appearance.

Besides, with such an enthusiastic son-in-law as Jiang Dingcheng, the husband and wife must be there on time.

"Oh, I know I must be too affectionate and forget the time. It's okay, it's just right to clean up now."

"Next time, pay attention to the time..."

This time, without waiting for Guan Xiaotong to finish speaking, Mu Jiu hung up the phone rudely, then felt a fiery gaze staring at her back, and turned her head to meet Jiang Dingcheng's deep and smiling eyes.

The half-smile expression was the most unbearable for her.

"Jiang Dingcheng, what are you looking at?" Mu Jiu cleared his throat, looked at his face calmly and said.

(End of this chapter)

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