Chapter 987

Hearing that Hei Mo had agreed to her meal so straightforwardly, Mu Jiu was already in a happy mood, and she was very excited.

You know, how big is Hei Mo's airs, you can't usually see his true self, let alone treat him to dinner, you have to know how many people in the circle of fashion celebrities want to treat him to a meal , are difficult.

Anyway, people who want to invite him to dinner can form a river embankment in line.

A small character like Mu Jiu can now have the opportunity to treat Hei Mo to dinner, can she not be excited?

It's even more exciting than winning the jackpot.

"Really, that's great, can I disturb you then?" Mu Jiu asked Hei Mo again in disbelief, just to make sure if she heard it wrong.

"Anytime, yes." Hei Mo said simply.

With that indifferent expression, he didn't need to care about the man next to him whose face was turning black into charcoal.

There is no way, whoever makes Jiang Dingcheng usually call him what he wants, and waives it away.

Now let him pay for this feeling, of course they have a life-long friendship, and Hei Mo just wants to see what this iceberg looks like when it melts and is jealous.

Now finally let him see.

feel good.

"Okay, can I ask you for a business card?" Mu Jiu said sincerely, exactly like a little fan who saw his idol and forgot about the person next to him long ago.

Well, the little wife he holds in his palm and is reluctant to touch it, is actually asking other men for a phone so enthusiastically in front of him.

Thinking about it, it was really a fire.

"I didn't bring my business card today, Mrs. Jiang, I can borrow your mobile phone and I'll just store the number in it." Hei Mo was very excited and happy.

Because he was thinking about one thing in his heart, and that was to see how much Jiang Dingcheng could last before getting angry.

When his patience reaches the limit, he will naturally make a move.

It can be seen that this Mu Jiu's status in his heart is not low.

It was the first time Hei Mo saw Jiang Dingcheng caring so much about a woman.

Sure enough, the moment Mu Jiu handed over the phone, Jiang Dingcheng got Mu Jiu's phone one step ahead of Hei Mo.

Mu Jiu turned her head subconsciously, looked at him puzzled, and then said to Jiang Dingcheng a little angrily. "Why did you grab my phone all of a sudden?"

You know, how difficult it is to get Hei Mo's contact number.

Usually, when making an appointment to design clothes, his assistant would answer them, and he would never answer them himself. There are only two phone calls for appointments, one is his assistant's mobile phone, and the other is the studio's phone.

Hei Mo's private mobile phone number has never been announced to the public, and only a few relatively good acquaintances will know his private number.

Mu Jiu can conclude that the number Hei Mo is going to give her this time must be his private number.

This is so rare, Jiang Dingcheng snatched her mobile phone all at once.

"Jiu'er, isn't it easy to get Hei Mo's number? I have it, and I'll tell you later." Jiang Dingcheng said softly to her, but there was no trace of tenderness in his eyes.

"But..." But now that Hei Mo himself is right in front of him, wouldn't it be better to just ask him to give the number?

But Mu Jiu still knew that Jiang Dingcheng was angry, or that a storm was brewing in his heart.

If you pull him out again, it will definitely hurt the innocent, so Mu Jiu subconsciously put her hand on Jiang Dingcheng's arm.

"Okay, I'll ask you for Hei Mo's number at one o'clock that night." Mu Jiu smiled at him as if compromising.

Jiang Dingcheng liked Mu Jiu more and more like this.

Know how to know the seriousness, and even more know who is her man.

"En." Jiang Dingcheng nodded in satisfaction.

The look of pride on that face was too obvious.

"Okay, since you don't want to attend my father-in-law's birthday party, then you can go back." Jiang Dingcheng said to Hei Mo bluntly.

Mu Jiu felt that Jiang Dingcheng's attitude towards her friends really made her a little uncomfortable, and she felt a little bit aggrieved for Heimo. He designed the clothes so hard and delivered them in person, but Jiang Dingcheng just threw them away when he ran out of them. played.

This man is really cruel enough.

"Okay, then I'll go first, Mrs. Jiang, contact me when you have decided to invite me to dinner." Hei Mo didn't mind at all, this is the way he and Jiang Dingcheng get along. It won't really hurt the other party.

"Let's go quickly." Jiang Dingcheng frowned slightly and urged Hei Mo.

"Hei Mo, thank you, drive carefully." Mu Jiu said to him very friendly.

Hei Mo gave her a rare smile with the corners of his mouth curled up. "Thanks, I'll be careful."

Everyone knows that he is a designer with a paralyzed and cold face, Hei Mo who never smiles, she seems to have just seen his smile, so after Hei Mo left for a while, Mu Jiu came back to her senses, and then Holding Jiang Dingcheng's hand, he was pleasantly surprised.

"Jiang Dingcheng, Jiang Dingcheng, did Hei Mo laugh just now..."

When Jiang Dingcheng saw his inexplicably excited little wife, it was just because he saw Hei Mo smiling that she was so pleasantly surprised, which was simply the biggest blow to Jiang Dingcheng.

I am so handsome and love her so much, but I don't have the ability to make her happy when she sees him smiling.

On the other hand, Hei Mo has such abilities, can he not make people jealous?
"Jiang Dingcheng, did you hear me?" Mu Jiu glared at him and said, because Jiang Dingcheng never answered her questions, which made her very unhappy.

It's so rare to meet the number one male god of her design.

He also promised to give her a chance to treat her to dinner, and even smiled at her. All of this was a surprise to her, but when she wanted to share this surprise with Jiang Dingcheng, she got such an attitude from him.

"I heard, Hei Mo can make you so happy just by smiling?" Jiang Dingcheng said displeased.

His tone was full of annoyance and jealousy.

Of course he is unhappy, his wife is very happy because of other men, which man is comfortable in his heart, unless he doesn't love him.

"Jiang Dingcheng, so, are you jealous?" Mu Jiu couldn't help joking when she heard what he said.

Mu Jiu has seen a man like Jiang Dingcheng who is always jealous.

"Yes, I'm jealous, Jiu'er, I don't like you getting close to other men, especially because other men laugh." Jiang Dingcheng said domineeringly.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu couldn't help crying. "Then according to what you mean, I can only cry when I see other men in the future?"

(End of this chapter)

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