my queen is cute

Chapter 109 Concubine Ning's Misunderstanding

Chapter 109 Concubine Ning's Misunderstanding
"Really? It seems that I really have no chance." Nan Xian Haoyue said disappointedly.

Nanxian Weiyang was silent for a while, he didn't know how to comfort Nanxian Haoyue, he was not good at this kind of thing, and he was fighting with the little girl right now, no matter how much he tried to persuade her, it seemed like standing up and talking would not hurt her back.

Coincidentally, Xiahou Fengge came to visit again, so he was asked to comfort Haoyue.

"You guys talk first, I still have some government affairs to deal with." Nanxian Weiyang said, and then left Nanxian Haoyue's room.

Xiahou Fengge looked at Nanxian Haoyue who had just woken up, and couldn't help laughing, "I said you must have slept all day, right?" Xiahou Fengge asked knowingly.

"Let me ask you, did I do anything out of the ordinary when I was drunk yesterday?" Nan Xian Haoyue asked.

"An outrageous thing? That doesn't count. You just threw her girl to the ground, holding her down and refusing to get up." Xiahou Fengge said lightly, her tone full of ridicule.

"What?!" Nan Xian Haoyue said in surprise, he, how could he do such a thing? !

"What's all this fuss about? Guess who you threw yourself down?" Xiahou Fengge asked with a sense of watching a good show.

"Who is it? Could it be the second sister-in-law?!" Nanxian Haoyue was surprised, so the second brother would silence him, right? !
"You have a good idea!" He didn't even pounce!
"Who is that?" Nanxian Haoyue breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it wasn't the second sister-in-law.

"The person who almost became your sister-in-law." Xiahou Fengge felt that Baili Piaoxue and Baili Piaoxu looked the same, so they should both be Nanxian Cangyue's side concubine.

"What?!" Nanxian Haoyue felt that if she said a few words to Xiahou Fengge, her heart would stop beating. Do you want to be so bloody?

"But don't worry, they have already divorced." Xiahou Fengge added.

"Phew - I'm scared to death, can you stop talking and panting." Nan Xian Haoyue complained.

"There are more dramatic ones, do you want to know?" Xiahou Fengge deliberately asked, arousing Nan Xian Haoyue's curiosity.

"Don't tell me that the woman who almost became my sister-in-law is my second sister-in-law's sister." Nan Xian Haoyue said casually, and she really guessed so accurately!

"Congratulations, you guessed it right." Xiahou Fengge smiled wickedly.

Nan Xian Haoyue didn't know what words to use to describe his mood at this time, his life seemed to be full of accidents and coincidences everywhere.

"She is Ruoxi's third sister, and she has a beautiful name, Baili Piaoxue." Xiahou Fengge said, he thought the two of them were quite compatible.

"Should I go to the door to apologize?" Nanxian Haoyue asked, after all, he offended her, although it was unintentional, but there is still a proper courtesy.

"This is necessary." Xiahou Fengge nodded in agreement.

"You should also bring some small gifts." Xiahou Fengge suggested.

"But I'm a big man, where are the things that girls like?" Nan Xian Haoyue was troubled.

"It's not easy? Don't you have a concubine and a younger sister? There must be many of them, just go to them and ask for one." Xiahou Fengge suggested to him.

Nanxian Haoyue thought carefully about Xiahou Fengge's words, and felt that what he said made sense, and just happened to be going into the palace to visit her concubine and Xingyue later, so it would save trouble.

Seeing that Nanxian Haoyue listened to what he said, Xiahou Fengge couldn't help smiling, since my sister didn't choose you, then I'll do my best to help you match another marriage.

Nanxian Haoyue still doesn't know that she has fallen into Xiahou Fengge's trap.

After Nanxian Haoyue finished washing, she immediately went to Ankang Palace, and it happened that Xingyue was also in the palace.

"Mother and concubine, my son is here to see you." Nan Xian Haoyue said with a smile.

"Come on, come and sit." Concubine Ning was so happy when she saw her son coming.

"Third Brother, you haven't seen me for several days." Nanxian Xingyue complained.

"It's the third brother's fault, don't blame Xingyue." Nan Xian Haoyue looked at her own sister dotingly.

"Third brother, you're joking, why is Xingyue willing to be angry with you?" Nanxian Xingyue said coquettishly to Nanxian Haoyue.

"Okay, how old are you, and you're still acting like a baby to Haoyue." Concubine Ning looked at her pair of children playing, and felt a sense of happiness in her heart.

"Mother and concubine, actually, I have another purpose for entering the palace this time. I want you to give me a piece of jewelry." Nan Xian Haoyue said.

"Oh? What jewelry, just tell me." Concubine Ning smiled, but her eyes were full of scrutiny.

"My son doesn't know, the concubine mother just gives me an accessory that a woman likes." Nan Xian Haoyue didn't think too much, and said directly.

"Third brother, don't you have a crush on some girl?" Nanxian Xingyue asked gossipingly.

"Yes, Haoyue, if there is a girl you like, you must tell the queen mother." Ning Fei became even more suspicious when she heard Nanxian Xingyue say this.

"Queen, don't listen to Xingyue's nonsense, my son just offended a woman a few days ago and wants to apologize." Nan Xian Haoyue said a little embarrassed.

"Which family's daughter is it?" Concubine Ning asked curiously, no matter what the reason was, she had to pay close attention to her.

"It's the third lady of General Baili." Nan Xian Haoyue replied truthfully.

"Is it Baili Piaoxue? Or Baili Piaoxu?" Nan Xian Xingyue said that she was foolishly unclear about the two sisters.

"How many daughters does General Baili have?" Nan Xian Haoyue couldn't help asking.

"Haoyue, you don't know. There are three daughters in the Baili General's family. Among them, Baili Piaoxue and Baili Piaoxu are twins, and Baili Ruoxi is a descendant. Since what you said is Miss San, then it should be Baili Piaoxue." Concubine Ning explained that although she is a concubine, as long as she has a good temper and Haoyue likes her, then she will support her.

"Twins? They look exactly the same?" Nan Xian Haoyue asked.

"That's right, every time I see these two sisters, my eyes are dazzled, and I can't tell who is who." Nan Xian Xingyue said.

"Since it was given to her, naturally I can't take the concubine's things to give away. I'm afraid the ones in this palace are a bit old-fashioned. Xingyue, give your third brother one." Concubine Ning said.

"Okay, third brother, you wait for me here, I'll come as soon as I go." Nan Xian Xingyue lifted her skirt and walked towards the door.

"Haoyue, tell Concubine Mother, do you really like that Baili Piaoxue?" Concubine Ning asked excitedly.

"Mother concubine, Erchen explained it just now. Besides, Erchen was so drunk that day that he didn't even remember what she looked like. How could he like it?" Nan Xian Haoyue felt that her mother and concubine were too Sensitive.

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(End of this chapter)

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