my queen is cute

Chapter 131 Temple Tracking

Chapter 131 Temple Tracking
Shangguan Zijun couldn't believe his ears, was he just confessing to himself?Tears flowed out unknowingly, did she finally wait for the day when he loved her?This is not a dream, is it?
"Is what you said true?" Shangguan Zijun asked weakly.

"What do you think? Little fool." Xiahou Fengge said helplessly, he seemed to have married a very dull little princess.

Shangguan Zijun didn't speak any more, just leaned quietly in his arms, with a sweet smile on his lips.

Xiahou Fengge hugged her tightly, feeling infinitely emotional in his heart, such things as feelings are really uncertain, obviously a few months ago, they were incompatible, but in the blink of an eye, they were inseparable, life and death depended on each other, no one would believe it if they said it , As for the person he once liked, let her be the softest memory in his heart. Now that he has Zijun, that's enough.

"Mother, aren't we going to burn incense in the temple today? Why don't we leave?" Baili Ruoxi asked.

"What's the hurry, wait for your sister-in-law." Mrs. Baili scolded.

"Mother, sister-in-law is pregnant, why do you still let her go to the temple?" Baili Ruoxi asked puzzled.

"It was because I was pregnant that I went to the temple to worship the Bodhisattva, and bless the child in her womb, and my grandson will grow up healthy and healthy!" Mrs. Baili laughed from ear to ear when she mentioned Xiahou Zhilan's pregnancy .

Baili Ruoxi pursed her lips, feeling a little unhappy. Since sister Zhilan married her brother, her mother didn't love her anymore. Now that sister Zhilan has a child, she must be even less favored.

"Look at you, your mouth is so turned up that you can hang an oil bottle!" Mrs. Baili said, nodding Baili Ruoxi's forehead.

"Hmph, mother, you have a daughter-in-law now, and grandson is enough, why bother with my daughter." Baili Ruoxi said sourly, turning her head to the side very arrogantly.

"Look at what you're saying, you're such a little heartless, my mother loves you for nothing!" Madam Baili pretended to be angry.

"Mother, I'm here." Xiahou Zhilan walked into the room slowly with the support of Baili Rixi.

"Sister-in-law, you are here, my mother scolded me just now!" Baili Ruoxi came to Xiahou Zhilan's side, took her hand and said coquettishly.

"You, you must have said something that made mother unhappy, otherwise mother would not be willing to scold you." Xiahou Zhilan covered her mouth and smiled.

"Zhilan still understands me." Mrs. Baili looked at Xiahou Zhilan with satisfaction, and then glanced at Baili Ruoxi, choosing to ignore her.

"Brother, look, my mother despises me!" Baili Ruoxi ran up to Baili Rixi again to play coquettishly.

"By the way, you have to take good care of your sister-in-law when you go to the temple today. Brother won't buy you delicious food after she loses a hair." Baili Rixi said with a serious face, and automatically skipped over her. What I just said.

Baili Ruoxi has an embarrassing look on her face, woo woo, she has too little status at home now, she can't live through this day, woo woo~
"Okay, don't worry, we will definitely take good care of Zhilan, it's getting late, we should go." Mrs. Baili looked outside and said.

Baili Rixi and Xiahou Zhilan had a good time with each other for a while, and then they got into the carriage unhurriedly and set off to Puyun Temple to offer incense.

It is said that this Puyun Temple is the largest temple in Fengyu Kingdom, and there is an endless stream of people who come to the temple to offer incense. I heard that the Bodhisattva in this temple is very effective. As long as you sincerely offer incense, your wishes will come true.

It took about an hour in the carriage before they arrived at Puyun Temple. There were already few people in the temple. Mrs. Baili couldn't help frowning. There were so many people, what if Zhilan bumped into each other?
"Mother, there are too many people." Baili Ruoxi complained.

"Zhilan, why don't we go back today, there are so many people, it won't be good if we bump into each other later." Mrs. Baili said worriedly.

"It's okay, mother, we just need to be careful. We have been in the carriage for more than an hour, so we can't come here in vain." Xiahou Zhilan said very understandingly. She knew that Mrs. Baili was worried about her stomach. Children, but it can't be because there are too many people, it can't be incensed.

Madam Baili thought about it for a long time and felt that this was the reason.

"Then you stand between us, and Ruoxi and I will protect you on both sides." Mrs. Baili said, and this is the only way to go now. She and Ruoxi are protecting her on both sides, and nothing will happen.

"En." Baili Ruoxi and Xiahou Zhilan nodded obediently.

So just like this, the three of them walked into the temple cautiously, with Baili Ruoxi and Mrs. Baili guarding beside them, helping Xiahou Zhilan block a lot of crowds, and when they entered the temple, it was much more spacious. There are so many people at the door.

"Ruoxi, I'll accompany Zhilan to unwrap the lottery, don't wander around here, wait for mother to come back, understand?" Mrs. Baili urged.

"Understood, I'm not a child anymore." Baili Ruoxi looked at Mrs. Baili dissatisfied and said.

When Mrs. Baili heard what she said, she nodded and went to the master's meditation room with Xiahou Zhilan to unwrap the lottery.

Baili Ruoxi counted the blue bricks on the ground by himself under the tree, but he was happy and at ease. When he was tired of counting, he sat down on the platform under the tree to rest.

Suddenly, she saw a familiar figure in the distance, looking very cautious, she couldn't help being curious, and sneaked up after him.

Baili Ruoxi followed that figure to a remote small courtyard, and she approached the room he entered lightly.

"Subordinates see the great prince!" An Er saw Nanxian Cangyue coming, and immediately saluted.

"Excuse me, how are you doing with what I told you to do?" Nanxian Cangyue motioned him to get up, and then asked seriously.

"Go back to the prince, the matter has been settled, and you can do it anytime." An Er said very confidently.

"Very good, this king will never forget your contribution." Nan Xian Cang Yue said with a smile, and patted An Er on the shoulder.

"The subordinates are terrified. It is the mission of the subordinates to serve the prince, and they will die!" An Er said loyally.

"Did Nanxian Weiyang notice it?" Nanxian Cangyue asked.

"They probably know that we are going to make an action, but they probably don't know what it is." An Er said honestly.

"Even if you know, it's okay, it's time, this king is going to break the face with him." Nanxian Cangyue laughed mockingly, the corners of her mouth were full of disdain.

"Master, when shall we do it?" An Er asked, as long as Nanxian Cangyue gave an order, he would go through fire and water immediately, and he would not hesitate to do so!

"Don't worry, play with them for a while longer, let them relax their vigilance, and then attack them when they are not prepared." Nanxian Cangyue said with a treacherous smile.

"Ha chirp!"

A voice came from outside the door.

"Who is it?!" Nanxian Cangyue shouted loudly!
 Guess if something will happen to Ruoxi?
(End of this chapter)

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