my queen is cute

Chapter 137 Between Darkness 2 and Night Dream

Chapter 137 Between An Er and Night Dream

"No, I don't blame you, I only hate myself for being blind and saving you." Ye Meng said calmly, just like talking about insignificant people and things.

What An Er hates most is her cold and calm appearance. He would rather she hate him, even beat and scold him, but she didn't, and acted as if nothing happened.

"Xiao Meng, can you stop talking to me like this?" An Er's face darkened, and he looked at Ye Meng angrily.

"Are you angry? Heh, what right do you have to be angry? I've already said that I don't blame you anymore. Why are you still entangled? Don't tell me you're born to be a bitch, so I insist that I don't forgive you, holding a knife You're only happy when it's on your neck, right?" When Ye Meng said this, she was full of sarcasm.

"If you want to kill me, I won't resist." An Er said seriously, without the slightest hint of joking.

"Why kill you? I know I can't beat you." Ye Meng said mockingly.

"You know that's not what I mean." An Er's face was so dark that it couldn't be darker.

"Then what do you mean? You brought me here just to talk nonsense with me?" Ye Meng looked directly at him, as if saying that he was boring.

"You suffered serious internal injuries, I brought you here just to heal your injuries." An Er explained with a cold face.

"Healing? You didn't give me a knife while I was unconscious, I already thank you very much!" Ye Meng satirized him unceremoniously.

"Yemeng!" An Er was pushed into a hurry by her, why couldn't she have a good talk with him, and insisted on making him angry!

"What? Turned into anger from embarrassment and wanted to kill me?" Ye Meng continued to be aggressive.

"How did you become like this? You were not like this before!" An Er roared angrily.

"Don't bring up the past with me! Ever since you chose to follow the great prince, we are no longer what we used to be, and we are destined to be hostile!" Ye Meng also shouted.

After so many years, only he can make her emotional, only he can make her lose her mind, she doesn't want to be like this, she doesn't want to be influenced by him anymore, she always thinks that after so many years, she has forgotten him, but she doesn't want to It's self-righteous, how can it be so simple to forget a person?
"I'm sorry..." An Er said, this was the first time he said sorry to her, and seeing her like this made his heart ache.

"You don't need to say sorry to me, we have nothing to do with each other anymore, please let me go." Ye Meng tried hard to control her emotions and not let herself lose control.

"Don't worry, I will let you go when you recover from your injury." An Er closed his eyes, took a deep breath and said.

"I said, I'm leaving now!" Ye Meng stared at An Er fiercely and said, she didn't want to stay with him for a moment!

"You forced me to do this." An Er said suddenly.

It was too late by the time Yemeng realized what he meant by his words, she was touched by his acupoints, and she tried to break through the acupoints with her internal force.

"Don't try to use your internal force to break through the acupoints. You have suffered a serious internal injury and cannot use your internal force for the time being." An Er saw Ye Meng's thoughts, so he reminded him kindly, but Ye Meng didn't appreciate it, and stared wide His eyes looked at An Er.

"You rest first, I'll make you some medicine." After An Er finished speaking, he left the room, and Ye Meng could only resign himself to his fate and lie on the bed to cultivate his health and rest.
Dividing line---
Baili Ruoxi and Nanxian Weiyang came to Yeyue's room. She was injured and was still in a coma. Baili Ruoxi felt very uncomfortable seeing her. After all, they did this to protect themselves.

"Brother Prince, don't punish Yeyue when she wakes up. Although I was kidnapped by Brother Cangyue, she and Yemeng have tried their best." Baili Ruoxi pleaded for her.

Nanxian Weiyang frowned when she heard that she wanted him not to punish Yeyue. According to his original rules, Yeyue would go to [Purgatory] to be punished after waking up, because she was already the second It was the last time he failed to protect his little scorpion, and this was what he couldn't bear the most.

When Baili Ruoxi saw that Nanxian Weiyang didn't answer him and frowned tightly, he knew that he didn't intend to let Yeyue go.

"Nanxian Weiyang, do you agree or not?" Baili Ruoxi was a little angry, grabbed his sleeve and shook it non-stop, as if acting coquettishly or getting angry.

"What did you call me just now?" Nanxian Weiyang narrowed her eyes and looked at her dangerously.

"Nanxian Weiyang, if you don't promise me, I won't call you brother prince anymore!" Baili Ruoxi threatened.

Nanxian Weiyang raised her eyebrows, very good, after recovering her memory, she has learned to threaten herself.

"It's okay if I promise you, tonight you have to..." Nanxian Weiyang didn't finish speaking, but stared at her little hands.

Baili Ruoxi understood what he meant in an instant, and her face turned red all of a sudden, he was definitely taking advantage of someone's danger!

"Nanxian Weiyang, you are going too far!" Baili Ruoxi said coquettishly.

"If you don't promise what I just said, you can avoid talking about it." Nanxian Weiyang said very arrogantly, just joking, who is Nanxian Weiyang, how could he do things that make him suffer?Since she dared to threaten herself just now to prevent herself from punishing Yeyue, she would naturally have to pay the corresponding price, which is fair.

"Okay, I'll just promise you..." Baili Ruoxi said soberly, speaking of shamelessness, no one can compare to Nanxian Weiyang!
"You are so obedient, I look forward to your performance tonight!" Nanxian Weiyang said with a smile, her tone full of frivolity.

"Understood." Baili Ruoxi said a little unconvinced, hum, I will turn over one day!It's not too late for the little girl to take revenge in ten years!
But the facts proved that later Nanxian Weiyang was really eaten to death by Baili Ruoxi. She told him to go east, but he would never go west. Of course, this is all for later.

At this moment, Yeyue slowly opened her eyes, seeing that Baili Ruoxi was safe and sound for the first time, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Master, my subordinates are incompetent and failed to protect the princess." Yeyue took the initiative to plead guilty, she knew that she would not be able to escape the punishment of [purgatory] this time.

Baili Ruoxi glared at Nanxian Weiyang, motioning for him to speak.

"Heal your injury first, and continue to protect the princess after you recover." Nanxian Weiyang said coldly, without any emotion.

Yeyue was surprised, so, what does the master mean, he won't send herself to [Purgatory]?Did she hear correctly? !

"Yeah, Yeyue, you should take good care of your wounds, don't worry about other things." Baili Ruoxi also said hastily.

Yeyue took a look at Baili Ruoxi, probably the princess concubine pleaded for her, so the master didn't punish herself this time.

"Master, has Yemeng been rescued?" Yeyue suddenly remembered that she had watched Yemeng being taken away by An Er before she fell into a coma.

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  Thank you [Lanlan Langer] for the reward of 588 book coins, and [Mo Xiao has been in vain] for the reward of 100 book coins, I love you, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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