my queen is cute

Chapter 139 Misunderstanding

Chapter 139 Misunderstanding (Part [-])

When Baili Ruoxi was distressed, someone pushed the door and entered, Baili Ruoxi subconsciously thought that it was Nanxian Weiyang who had come, and continued to bury her head in the quilt and did not come out.

"Don't talk to me, let me be alone for a while!" Baili Ruoxi said directly, expressing that she didn't want to talk to him now.

"Ruoxi, it's me."

When Baili Ruoxi heard someone's voice, she jumped out of the quilt in fright.

"Brother Cang Yue, why are you here?" Baili Ruoxi looked at Nan Xian Cang Yue in surprise, not because he was afraid that he would do something unfavorable to her, but because she felt that he would not come here to find her for no reason .

"Can't you come and sit if you have nothing to do?" Nanxian Cangyue asked with a smile.

"Of course not, I'm just curious, you are so busy every day, how come you have time to come to me?" Baili Ruoxi said truthfully.

"Nanxian Weiyang is also very busy every day, and he doesn't come to your place every day." Nanxian Cangyue said mockingly.

Hearing his words, Baili Ruoxi couldn't help but feel puzzled, how did elder brother Cang Yue know that Nanxian Weiyang came here to look for her every day?But she didn't think much about it.

"Hehe, sit down, I'll pour you tea." Baili Ruoxi laughed awkwardly, then poured him a cup of tea.

Nanxian Cangyue took advantage of the situation and sat down, took a sip from her teacup, "Sure enough, the tea from Ruoxi is better."

"The tea here is not as good as the tea in the palace, brother Cang Yue don't want to make fun of me." Baili Ruoxi said coquettishly.

"Actually, I came here today to find you something." Nanxian Cangyue said suddenly.

"What's the matter, tell me, as long as I can do it." Baili Ruoxi said very straightforwardly.

"Then if I ask you to poison Nanxian Weiyang, will you go?" Nanxian Cangyue said without any warning.

Baili Ruoxi opened her eyes wide and looked at Nanxian Cangyue with a look of surprise, before she realized it.

"Brother Cang Yue, this kind of joke can't be played casually." Baili Ruoxi looked at Nanxian Cangyue with some dissatisfaction and said.

"What if I say I'm serious?" Nanxian Cangyue asked as her eyes changed.

Baili Ruoxi was silent again, Nanxian Cangyue laughed when she saw this, "Haha, don't be nervous, I was just joking with you just now."

"Phew - I was scared to death! You are not allowed to make such jokes in the future." Baili Ruoxi looked at Nanxian Cangyue reproachfully. Really, she really thought that the purpose of his coming to find her this time was Let yourself poison Nanxian Weiyang.

"However, Brother Cang Yue, in fact, I have already thought about the answer just now, do you want to hear it?" Baili Ruoxi took the initiative to say to Nanxian Cangyue.

Nanxian Cangyue raised her eyebrows, signaling Baili Ruoxi to continue talking.

"If you really ask me to poison Nanxian Weiyang, I will go, but at the same time, I will also take the poison myself. If he dies, I will die with him." Baili Ruoxi said calmly, as if death was right. It's nothing to her.

After Nanxian Cangyue heard her words, her face gradually darkened, and her body also exuded low air pressure, making it hard to breathe.

"Do you really love Nanxian Weiyang so much?" Nanxian Cangyue asked with a dark face.

"Brother Cang Yue, I have recovered my memory."

Baili Ruoxi's words filled Nanxian Cangyue with a sense of crisis, why did she remember it so suddenly?If she didn't remember the past, maybe he still has a chance. Now that she has recovered her memory, do she still have a chance?
"So, you are even more devoted to him, aren't you?" Nanxian Cangyue asked back, smiling instead of angry.

"Brother Cang Yue, don't do this..."

Baili Ruoxi couldn't bear to see Nanxian Cangyue like this, no matter how vicious and sinister Nanxian Cangyue was in the eyes of others, to him, he was just a big brother who loved him since he was a child, no matter what He will give himself whatever he wants, and he will respond to every request.

But she has only one person and only one heart. She is very small and can only pretend to be Nanxian Weiyang alone. If she is destined to let down one person, then she chooses to let Nanxian Cangyue down, because she only wants to let him down from the beginning to the end. When her elder brother treats her, but Nanxian Weiyang, she can't do without Nanxian Weiyang.

"Then tell me, what should I do? Obviously I watched you grow up, and obviously the two of us have spent more time together, ten years, but it's not worth the eight years that Nanxian Weiyang and you have been together. Moon!" Nanxian Cangyue said with some emotion.

"This is not something that can be measured by time. Sometimes it only takes a moment to fall in love with someone, just like when I saw Nanxian Weiyang when I was a child, I already recognized him at the first sight. So, Brother Cang Yue, I'm sorry..." Baili Ruoxi looked at Nanxian Cangyue with guilt and said.

Nanxian Cangyue clenched her fists, trying to suppress her inner emotions, not letting herself get angry.

"I came here to tell you that Yemeng is safe. After she recovers from her injuries, I will ask An Er to send her back." Nanxian Cangyue said indifferently, and left after speaking, leaving only Baili Ruoxi's lonely back.

Baili Ruoxi feels very annoying now, why did she become like this?Why did Nanxian Weiyang and Brother Cang Yue have to fight to the death for the throne?Can't we live in peace?

Thinking of this, Baili Ruoxi couldn't help laughing at herself, she was too naive, Nanxian Weiyang is the crown prince, brother Cang Yue is the prince, they are both members of the royal family, how could they not fight?So what about being noble?In the end, it wasn't the result of a brotherhood...

Sometimes, there are some things that Baili Ruoxi doesn't understand, but that she doesn't want to understand. She just wants to be a simple girl, marry an ordinary man, and live an ordinary life. However, when she meets The person she loves is Nanxian Weiyang, so she is doomed to have an extraordinary life in the future. She began to hesitate and fell in love with Nanxian Weiyang. She will be his concubine, and even the queen in the future. Nanxian Weiyang is the prince, and will be the emperor in the future. , Can he really give himself what he wants?If one day he doesn't love him anymore, what will happen to him?
Today, because of Nanxian Cangyue's words, Baili Ruoxi began to doubt her relationship with Nanxian Weiyang, not because Baili Ruoxi had no confidence in Nanxian Weiyang, but because she felt that she was not good enough for Nanxian Xian Weiyang, I am not suitable for life in the harem. His princess should be a kind, virtuous, generous and gentle woman, but I only know how to cause trouble for Nanxian Weiyang, and I am used to being self-willed. She can accept those rules and regulations in the future ?

Suddenly feeling very tired, she really wanted to escape from these things, but she couldn't bear it, she was really in love with Nanxian Weiyang, once she fell in love, how could she let it go easily?

 Seeing the title and the content of these two chapters, the concubines may know that Ayue may start to abuse, haha, little abuse, little abuse, don't hit me!
(End of this chapter)

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