my queen is cute

Chapter 166 The Cabbage Was Grown by a Pig

Chapter 166

"Have you considered our son's feelings in this way?" Baili Ruoxi couldn't help feeling funny, the two of them hadn't married yet, and he was thinking about passing the throne to his son, which was too far ahead.

"As my son, I must shoulder his responsibilities, otherwise I would have given birth to him in vain!" Nanxian Weiyang said as a matter of course.

"Then what if it's a daughter?" Baili Ruoxi was very curious, if it was a daughter, how would he treat her, let her be the queen?

"If it was a daughter, I would definitely hold her in the palm of my hand and make her the happiest little princess in Feng Yu Kingdom. I wouldn't let her do anything but let her accompany the two of us." He said with a smile, thinking that their daughter would be as cute as a little thing, his heart softened into a puddle of water.

Baili Ruoxi couldn't help curling her lips, isn't this too discriminatory?I don't know how the future son will feel when he hears his father's words?

"Then what about your throne?" Baili Ruoxi asked.

"Then let the third brother's son be the emperor, and let him guarantee that our precious daughter will have no worries about food and clothing." Nanxian Weiyang said seriously, holding his chin, he could trust the character of the third brother, and believed that his son would also It won't be any worse.

"You're thinking too far, right? The two of us haven't gotten married yet." Baili Ruoxi ruthlessly broke Nanxian Weiyang's longing.

"We will get married in ten days. According to my ability, I will try my best to let you conceive a son in two months, then the child will be born in ten months, we will have a daughter in half a year, and ten years later, I will pass the throne to our son, and then I will take you to travel around the world, oh, yes, and our daughter." Nanxian Weiyang said happily.

Baili Ruoxi couldn't help but rolled her eyes at Nanxian Weiyang, thinking a lot.

But what Baili Ruoxi didn't know was that almost all of Nanxian Weiyang's plans came true after they got married. Of course, these are things for later.

"Be good in the general's mansion these few days, don't run around, I may be a little busy recently, I won't come to see you often at the mansion, and I will send Haoyue over in the second half of the ceremony." Nanxian Weiyang confessed .

"Understood, I'm not a child, I'm already old enough." Baili Ruoxi emphasized.

"Xiao Xie'er, you are still young, you can be raised again." Nanxian Weiyang smiled even more, and patted her head lovingly.

"Get out." Baili Ruoxi's face turned black, you are so young!

"Okay, I'll go first, don't miss me too much." Nanxian Weiyang let go of her and said reluctantly.

Baili Ruoxi turned around calmly and told him with practical actions that she would not miss him too much.

Seeing Baili Ruoxi's awkward appearance, Nanxian Weiyang couldn't help smiling, the little thing is quite hypocritical now!
However, he is really leaving now, there are still things waiting for him to deal with in the house, so he can't stay any longer, it seems that someone can't wait, very well, he doesn't mind playing with him.

Nanxian Weiyang turned and left.

Seeing him leave, Baili Ruoxi couldn't help complaining, "Really, there wasn't even a parting kiss."


Nanxian Weiyang returned to the Prince's Mansion immediately after leaving, Xiahou Fengge, Baili Rixi, and Zhuge Brothers, Shangguan Xu were already waiting here.

"What happened to him?" Nanxian Weiyang asked coldly.

"I'm afraid he will make an action during this time." Baili Rixi said.

"It seems that he can't hold his breath anymore." It is obviously not the best time, but he chooses to do it at this time, which is really puzzling.Xiahou Fengge thought.

"It's not that he can't hold his breath, but he has other plans." Zhuge Cheng said.

"Oh? Brother Zhuge, do you know something?" Shangguan Xu asked.

"It is estimated that our Crown Prince is very clear about this matter." Zhuge Cheng looked at Nanxian Weiyang with deep meaning and said.

"Heh." Nanxian Weiyang shook her head, but didn't say much.

"Could it be because of Ruoxi?" Xiahou Fengge boldly guessed.

Zhuge Cheng smiled, as a tacit consent.

"It seems that the prince has many rivals in love." Zhuge Wang joked.

"I asked you to come here, not to make fun of me." Nanxian Weiyang said with a dark face.

"I said Nanxian Weiyang, could it be that Nanxian Cangyue wants to compete with you for Ruoxi?" Baili Rixi asked.

"He dares!" Nanxian Weiyang became furious whenever she thought of the relationship between Baili Ruoxi and him that was constantly being cut and turned into chaos!

"That might not be the case, after all he and Ruoxi grew up together." Xiahou Fengge interjected again.

"Shut up." Nanxian Weiyang looked at Xiahou Fengge coldly, Xiahou Fengge swallowed his saliva, but because of Nanxian Weiyang's black face, he didn't speak anymore.

"By the way, where did the Third Prince go?" Shangguan Xu asked.

"He, he is probably still at my house with my fourth sister. We are inseparable." Just as Baili Rixi finished speaking, someone appeared at the door.

"Ahem, I'm late." Nan Xian Haoyue coughed a few times in embarrassment, then sat down.

"Why, my fourth sister can't keep you? Why did you come so early." Baili Rixi's tone was full of teasing.

"It's better for us to talk about business." Nan Xian Haoyue hurriedly changed the subject.

"Well, it seems that General Baili has given birth to some good daughters, who have fascinated everyone in the royal family." Shangguan Xu couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

After being told by Shangguan Xu, everyone really only now realized that Nanxian Cangyue, Nanxian Weiyang, and Nanxian Haoyue were all related to Miss Baili's family.

"Sigh, my three younger sisters were all abducted by your Nan Xian's family, it's as if the cabbage that had been planted so hard was picked up by a pig." Baili Rixi sighed.

When everyone heard Baili Rixi's sad tone, they all laughed in unison, haha, he is so talented that he even compared Nanxian Weiyang and the others to pigs!

"My family's cabbage was also spoiled by you." Xiahou Fengge suddenly said to Baili Rixi.

Baili Rixi shut up and didn't speak.

"So, my family's cabbage was also made by you." Shangguan Xu also joined in the fun. For a while, Nanxian Weiyang, Nanxian Haoyue, Baili Rixi, Xiahou Fengge fell into silence, while Zhuge Cheng, Zhuge Wang, and Shangguan Xu looked at them playfully, the relationship is complicated enough!

"I said, why don't you two have a younger sister, otherwise I wouldn't mind being a pig." Shangguan Xu said to Zhugecheng and his two brothers sadly.

"You should ask my mother this question, why didn't she and father have another child." Zhuge Wang, who had been silently watching the show, suddenly spoke.

Ever since, these few people were discussing very serious matters, but then they went astray for some reason, and the problem has always revolved around the issue of whose sister was abducted by whom.

 I'm really sorry, Ayue is not feeling well today, so there is only one chapter today, Ayue will try to make up for it tomorrow

  In addition, today in the reader group, A Mu accidentally said a wrong sentence, which caused a scolding battle among fans, I am really sorry, I said the wrong thing, @希文@公子晚逸@ I'm sorry for the female ticket of Mr. Hanyi, the following small theater is dedicated to you:
  【Ayue】I'm sorry, I said something wrong (poor)

  【Xiwen】I told you a long time ago that I am your true love, regret it now

  [Gongzi Hanyi] My lady, I was wrong (forgive me)
  [Xiwen] Don't call me a lady!
  [Young Master Hanyi] Why? !

  【Ayue】You guys are here again... (looks helpless)
  [Xiwen] You are mine, whoever steals you from me, I will bite him to death!

  [Young Master Hanyi] Come, come, let me stretch out my hand for you to bite.


(End of this chapter)

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