my queen is cute

Chapter 171 She Takes the Initiative to Kiss Him

Chapter 171 She Takes the Initiative to Kiss Him

"Auntie, did you really agree?" Baili Piaoxu asked.

"Promise, promise! Is it possible for my aunt to watch you crash to death?" Aunt Ye said very sadly.

"Auntie, don't blame me for forcing you, I have no other choice..." Baili Piaoxu cried until she lost her voice.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, leave everything to Auntie, you take good care of the baby." Aunt Ye comforted her emotions.

"Thank you, Auntie." Baili Piaoxu looked at Aunt Ye gratefully.

"Stupid boy, tell Auntie what to say thank you, as long as you live well, Auntie will be happier than anyone else." Auntie Ye said with emotion.

As a woman, what she wants is nothing more than harmony between husband and wife and happiness for her children. After all, Aunt Ye is just an ordinary woman. What she wants is simple, but the way is biased.

And Baili Ruoxi didn't know that she had been hated by Baili Piaoxu at this time, and she was waiting for marriage in the mansion with peace of mind.

Inside the Prince's Mansion –

"Master, there's been a lot of activity at the Grand Prince's place for the past few days!" Yehen reported.

"Looks like it's been a few days, pay attention at all times, and don't make any mistakes." Nanxian Weiyang said with a frown.

"Do you want to inform Major General Baili?" Ye Hen asked.

"No need, Zhilan is pregnant, let him take good care of her at home." Nanxian Weiyang said.

"Then..." Yehen wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Nanxian Weiyang.

"I know what you want to say, go and call the imperial guards." Nanxian Weiyang ordered.

"Imperial Guard?!" Ye Hen was surprised, he didn't expect his master to let him transfer the Imperial Guard.

"That's right, Father has already handed over the Guards to me." Nanxian Weiyang raised a mysterious smile.

You must know that the imperial guards have always been the elite troops owned by the emperor, and they are definitely one of the top ten. It is not difficult to guess the emperor's intention for doing this, he has already determined that the master is the next emperor!
"But my subordinates didn't have a transfer order." Yehen said.

"I'll give you the transfer order tomorrow, and today you go and gather the subordinates who were born and died with us on the battlefield all those years ago, and make them ready to be on standby at any time." Nanxian Weiyang arranged in an orderly manner.

"Your subordinate will do it now!" Yehen acted immediately after receiving the order.

Ye Fei has been watching quietly from the side, without saying a word.

"Do you know why I didn't ask you to do it?" Nanxian Weiyang seemed to know what Ye Fei was thinking.

"This subordinate doesn't know." Ye Fei said truthfully.

"Because of Wumeng." Nanxian Weiyang said slowly.

"Master, this subordinate still doesn't understand." What does this have to do with Wu Meng?
"I promised Ruoxi that I would not put you in danger." Nanxian Weiyang said seriously.

"Master, as the secret guards, the subordinates will protect the master, and will do their best for the master!" Ye Fei hastily expressed his determination.

"If you want to return to a peaceful life, I can let you go." Nan Xian Weiyang looked at Ye Fei without the slightest joking tone.

"Master, unless the subordinate dies, he will never leave the master!" Ye Fei said firmly.

"Since you insist on this, then I can't say anything more, you and Yehen can do it together." Nanxian Weiyang said, seemingly helpless.

"Yes." Ye Fei said and went with Ye Hen.

Nanxian Weiyang is now in front of the window, looking at the night sky, with endless thoughts in her heart.

Then he turned around immediately, and left the Prince's Mansion, and went to the General's Mansion. He had to get something.

"Xiao Xier..." Nanxian Weiyang patted Baili Ruoxi who was already sound asleep.

"Hmm——Nanxian Weiyang, why are you here?" Baili Ruoxi rubbed her eyes with a soft voice.

"I'm sorry to wake you up." His voice was extremely gentle, and his hand gently stroked her cheek.

"Is there something wrong?" Baili Ruoxi felt that he would not wake herself up for no reason, so there must be something wrong.

"Where's the token I gave you last time?" Nanxian Weiyang asked.

"Is it this?" Baili Ruoxi took out the token he gave him last time from his bosom.

"Well, that's it." Nanxian Weiyang fondly patted her head, it seemed that she put her own words in her heart, and she didn't even leave her body when she was sleeping.

"You came here just for this brand?" Baili Ruoxi looked at Nanxian Weiyang dissatisfied, as if asking questions.

Nanxian Weiyang nodded.

"In this case, I'll give you the sign, and you can go." Baili Ruoxi said sourly.

"What's wrong? Angry." Nanxian Weiyang smiled.

"Don't talk to me, I'm going to sleep." Baili Ruoxi said angrily.

"Fool." Nanxian Weiyang gently kissed her forehead.

Baili Ruoxi lost all temper after being kissed softly by him.

"Why are you here? It seems that something is hidden from me." Baili Ruoxi said very sensitively.

"It's nothing, don't think too much, just wait and marry me in two days." He smiled dotingly.

"I see, you've said it many times, and my ears are getting callused." Baili Ruoxi seemed to be acting like a baby, her voice was soft, making Nanxian Weiyang want to press her down and bully her fiercely. Dayton, but not today, he still has things to do.

"You have a good rest, I'm leaving first." Nanxian Weiyang said.

"Hmm." She nodded.

Just as Nanxian Weiyang turned around, Baili Ruoxi grabbed his sleeve.

Nanxian Weiyang sat by the bed again, "What's wrong?"

Baili Ruoxi didn't speak, and directly pulled him hard, Nanxian Weiyang was caught off guard and fell on her body.

Immediately afterwards, she put her arms around his neck and kissed her red lips.

Nanxian Weiyang's mind was blank, he was kissed by force?
Before he had time to react for so long, Baili Ruoxi had already let him go, looking at Nanxian Weiyang with blurred eyes.

"Little Yu'er, you are seducing me." Nanxian Weiyang said in a hoarse voice.

"I didn't, you can go now." Baili Ruoxi said.

Nanxian Weiyang looked at Baili Ruoxi playfully, the little thing, it is really shrewd to abandon me after using it!
"No, I'm at a loss, I have to get it back myself." Nanxian Weiyang blocked her mouth after saying that, she couldn't help but refuse, and then resolutely left her lips when Baili Ruoxi was in a trance.

By the time Baili Ruoxi realized it, Nanxian Weiyang had already left. She touched her lips, dazed, and finally fell asleep in this position.

The next day, Nanxian Weiyang gave the token to Ye Fei and the others.

"Take it, start to act." Nanxian Weiyang said coldly.

Everything looks so calm, but under the calm, there are turbulent waves, which are about to break out at any moment.

 There is a pinned post in the book review area, please go and have a look, it is about Thanksgiving activities, there are prizes for participation, thank you all

(End of this chapter)

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