Chapter 178
"Hmm—" Baili Ruoxi struggled slightly, brother Cang Yue is still here, what if he suddenly wakes up?
And Nanxian Weiyang seemed to be punishing her for being misbehaving, and deepened the kiss. Gradually, she collapsed in his arms, unconsciously began to respond to his enthusiasm, and pressed her body tightly against him.

After a long kiss, Nanxian Weiyang couldn't help teasing Baili Ruoxi and said, "Why, do you want it? Don't worry, we will get married tomorrow, and your husband will satisfy you!"

When Baili Ruoxi was teased by him like this, she immediately felt ashamed, her face turned red like a boiled shrimp.

What Baili Ruoxi didn't know was that Nanxian Cangyue had already woken up when they were making out. After opening her eyes, she saw the woman she liked kissing the man she hated the most in her life. It became unacceptable to anyone, so he simply closed his eyes again, not seeing what he saw.

And Nanxian Weiyang naturally noticed that Nanxian Cangyue had woken up, so the molestation of Baili Ruoxi just now was purely for Nanxian Cangyue to see, and he wanted him to know that no one could take it away. She, she can only be his!
"Hey, I'll take care of you here. You go back home first. Tomorrow is the day we get married. You want to be a beautiful bride." Nanxian Weiyang pampered Baili Ruoxi's head , said to her softly.

"Well, then I'll go back to the mansion first, you must take good care of Brother Cang Yue." Baili Ruoxi warned with some worry.

Although Nanxian Weiyang was very unhappy in her heart, this woman still missed Nanxian Cangyue, but she could only promise her.

"Don't worry, I will definitely do what I promised you." Nanxian Weiyang solemnly promised, and Baili Ruoxi left with peace of mind.

After Baili Ruoxi left, Nanxian Weiyang came to the bedside, and at this time Nanxian Cangyue had already opened her eyes.

"I didn't expect Brother Wang to have the habit of eavesdropping on other people's conversations." Nanxian Weiyang mocked.

"Second brother, didn't you tell me that on purpose?" Nanxian Cangyue also twitched the corner of her mouth mockingly.

"I don't deny that I did it on purpose. Brother Wang, you've seen it too. Xiao Xier and I are very happy. Without your intervention, we would be even happier." Nanxian Weiyang seemed to be warning Nanxian Cangyue .

"I know she likes you, but you can't stop me from liking her." Nanxian Cangyue pointed out this fact unceremoniously.

Indeed, his heart grows on him, Nanxian Weiyang really has no ability to stop it.

"Brother, I just want you to recognize the facts. What's yours is yours, and what's not yours can't be snatched away." Nanxian Weiyang's eyes were full of complacency.

"Thank you second brother for your advice, it's not appropriate for me to stay here, let someone send me back to the palace." Nanxian Cangyue closed her eyes, and said slowly.

"Brother Wang said, I'll let An Yi and An Er take you back home." Nan Xian didn't want to beg, anyway, when the little thing asked, he said that Nan Xian Cang Yue insisted on leaving, and he stopped Can't stop it.

After all, Nanxian Weiyang let An Yi and An Er in.

"Bring your master back to the mansion so that you can recuperate." Nanxian Weiyang said.

An An secretly glanced at each other, then resolutely helped Nanxian Cangyue, and brought him back to the mansion.

Inside the palace, Baili Piaoxu was already insane because she couldn't find Nanxian Cangyue. She remembered what Nanxian Cangyue once told her, that he might want to seize the heir, has it already started?
"Miss, the prince is back!" Hongxiang stumbled into Baili Piaoxu's room to report to Baili Piaoxu.

"Really?!" Baili Piaoxu was overjoyed, and hurriedly asked Hongxiang to take her to find Nanxian Cangyue.

Baili Piaoxu came to Nanxian Cangyue's room and found that something was wrong. Nanxian Cangyue was lying on the bed at this time, looking very weak.

"What's the matter, my lord?" Baili Piaoxu looked at An An at the side and asked secretly.

"Returning to my concubine, the prince is injured, the doctor said that he needs to rest." An Yi said briefly, there are some things that cannot be told to her, besides, their plan has already failed, and it is meaningless to bring it up again.

"Injured? How did you get hurt? How did you protect the prince?!" Baili Piaoxu said angrily.

"The subordinate is incompetent." An Yi said guiltily, after all, he shot the arrow, although the person he wanted to shoot was not Nanxian Cangyue, and Nanxian Cangyue was indeed injured because of him, At this moment, An Yi's heart was full of guilt!

Baili Piaoxu looked angrily at An Yi and An Er, but she didn't have time to blame anyone, she was very worried about Nan Xian Cang Yue's injury.

"You guys go down first, I'll just stay here and take care of the prince." Baili Piaoxu said.

"Yes, this subordinate will leave." An Yi said, An Er remained silent from the beginning to the end.

Baili Piaoxu sat by the bed, looking at Nanxian Cangyue's pale face, she felt very distressed, she really loved him, how could she bear to see him lying on the bed like this.

"Ruoxi... Ruoxi..." Nanxian Cangyue was still calling Baili Ruoxi's name in a coma.

Baili Piaoxu felt even more uncomfortable. Up to now, he still had Baili Ruoxi in his heart. Where did he put himself?If he really didn't like herself at all, then why did he agree to marry herself in the first place?

Baili Piaoxu's heart gradually became distorted, and her hatred for Baili Ruoxi had reached a peak.

Baili Ruoxi, after tomorrow, let me see how you stand in front of the world? !
And Baili Ruoxi is preparing to get married at home at the moment, her heart is full of happiness, and she is looking forward to getting married tomorrow.

Mrs. Baili is now in Baili Ruoxi's room talking with her. Perhaps this is the last time that their mother and daughter have such a face-to-face and heart-to-heart talk without distance.

In the blink of an eye, the baby lump she was holding in her hand had grown so big, and she was going to get married tomorrow.

"Ruoxi, you're going to get married tomorrow, and you can't do anything arbitrarily in the future, do you understand?" Mrs. Baili taught earnestly.

"I see, mother." Baili Ruoxi's eyes were red, thinking that she would not be able to go home often in the future, and she would not be able to see her brother, sister-in-law, and father every day, and she felt very disappointed.

"Women are going to marry after all. Like your mother, you have found a good family. Although His Highness the Crown Prince is high and powerful, he is really good to you. After you marry the Crown Prince, you must be a husband and a child, and be a qualified The Crown Princess." Madam Baili continued.

"I see, mother." Baili Ruoxi seemed to have nothing else to say besides this sentence.

"I must go back to my mother's house often in the future. Even if His Highness the Crown Prince treats you badly in the future, the entire General's Mansion will always be your strong backing. Your father and elder brother will protect you even if they risk their lives!"

"I see, mother..." Baili Ruoxi burst into tears, and couldn't bear it any longer, and started to cry loudly while hugging Mrs. Baili.

"Silly boy, why are you crying? It's not like we'll never see each other again." Madam Baili's eyes were red as she spoke.

 The 5th update, there are still five updates, the next chapter will be married
(End of this chapter)

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