my queen is cute

The 180th chapter wedding candle night

Chapter 180 The Wedding Night (Part [-])
In the room, Baili Ruoxi sat quietly on the head of the bed, waiting for Nanxian Weiyang to come in.

Suddenly Baili Ruoxi heard the sound of pushing the door, and thought: Why did you come back so soon?Those friends of his are willing to let him come back?


Baili Ruoxi only heard Tian Xiang say the word "big", and then fell silent.

"Nanxian Weiyang, is that you?" Baili Ruoxi asked.

The visitor approached Baili Ruoxi step by step. Hearing the footsteps, Baili Ruoxi felt that it was not Nanxian Weiyang.

"Who are you?" Baili Ruoxi asked without taking off the hijab.

"Is that why you hope that the person who comes is Nanxian Weiyang?" Nanxian Cangyue said coldly.

Baili Ruoxi was so frightened that she immediately took off the hijab. Under the hijab was a delicate face with exquisite makeup.

Nanxian Cangyue felt sad when she saw her appearance.

"Brother Cang Yue, why are you here?" Baili Ruoxi looked at Nan Xian Cang Yue in a panic, with a hint of precaution.

"My Ruoxi is married today, why don't I come?" He said this with deep sadness.

"But, this is a new house..." Baili Ruoxi said awkwardly, implying that you shouldn't come.

"I just came to see you." A hurt look flashed across Nan Xian Cang Yue's eyes, he was hurt by her words.

"Brother Cang Yue, don't do this, I'm getting married today, you should be happy for me." Baili Ruoxi stepped forward, looked at Nanxian Cangyue sincerely and said.

Suddenly, Nanxian Cangyue grabbed Baili Ruoxi's arm, and said a little excitedly: "Ruoxi, come with me! Let's go to a place where no one knows us, and I will give you the freedom you want!"

Baili Ruoxi was obviously startled by Nanxian Cangyue's sudden move, and panicked.

"Brother Cang Yue, let me go, it won't be good if people see you later!" Baili Ruoxi was very afraid of being seen by others. On the wedding night, when other men appeared in her room, she couldn't open her mouth ten times. Can't tell!
"Ruoxi, I love you, I don't want anything, you come with me, can we get married?" Nanxian Cangyue begged, he regretted it now, really regretted it, he could want nothing, but he couldn't lose her!

"Let go! Brother Cang Yue, we can't do it!" Baili Ruoxi struggled, and suddenly she felt dizzy and her body shook.

"Ruoxi, what's wrong with you?" Nanxian Cangyue immediately caught her, preventing her from falling, and looked at her worriedly.

Suddenly, Nanxian Cangyue heard movement outside, he quickly helped Baili Ruoxi onto the bed, and then hid behind the screen.

Someone opened the door and came in, timidly, a very wretched-looking man walked in. When he saw Tian Xiang lying down at the bottom, he was taken aback for a moment, and then walked straight towards Baili Ruoxi.

"Bold, how dare you break into the Prince's Mansion without authorization? Who are you? Aren't you afraid of death?" Baili Ruoxi asked with a ruddy complexion, looking at the man who came in.

"Haha, little beauty, I'm here to serve you today, sir!" The man rubbed his ass and laughed smugly.

"Who sent you? Where are the guards outside?" Baili Ruoxi looked at the man in disbelief. Logically, Nanxian Weiyang would definitely let the guards stay outside, but how did he get in?Where did Yemeng Yeyue go?
Too bad, brother Cang Yue must have sent everyone away when he came in just now, but fortunately, brother Cang Yue is still in the room now, and he will be fine with him around!

Thinking of this, Baili Ruoxi gradually felt relieved.

"Say, who sent you here?"

"Haha, no one sent me here, the little beauty is so beautiful, I'm so excited to see you!"

I bother!Still springing up? !It's like a sow in heat!Baili Ruoxi thought in her heart.

"Since you don't say anything, don't blame me." Baili Ruoxi threatened.

"Haha, I want to see what you are capable of, little beauty!" After finishing speaking, the man rushed towards Baili Ruoxi!

Before the man touched one of Baili Ruoxi's fingers, Nanxian Cangyue broke his leg directly from behind, and the man rolled on the ground hugging his knees in pain.

"Ouch, who plotted against the young master?!" The man uttered wild words.

"You still dare to call yourself a young master in front of this king? I think you are impatient!" Nanxian Cangyue exuded a chilling aura all over her body.

If he wasn't here, would this man have done something to his Ruoxi? !Simply unforgivable!
"My lord? are...the great prince..." The man said tremblingly, he lost his mind, how could there be an extra prince?

"Say, how do you want to die?" Nanxian Cangyue squatted in front of him, looking at him playfully, as if the death sentence was pronounced by the god of death.

"My lord, please forgive me. The little one just obeys other people's orders, otherwise you will be a woman who would not dare to touch the crown prince even if you give the villain a hundred times!" The man was so frightened that he immediately beckoned.

"Brother Cang Yue, ask who ordered him..." Baili Ruoxi panted, what's going on?How could it be so hot... and the whole body is weak...

"Tell me, who ordered you?" Nanxian Cangyue's voice was as cold as the peak of Tianshan Mountain!

"'s Aunt Ye from the General's Mansion..." the man confessed.

Baili Ruoxi was shocked when he heard the man's words!How could it be Aunt Ye, she didn't have any grudges with her?Why would she let someone hurt herself?
"Is she alone?" Nanxian Cangyue asked.

"Only...she is alone..." The man looked at Nanxian Cangyue in fear.

"Okay, now you can die!" Nanxian Cangyue mercilessly broke the man's hands and feet, the man's screams echoed in the room, and finally, Nanxian Cangyue directly twisted his Neck, no matter what, since he has thought about what he shouldn't have, then he deserves to die!
After finishing dealing with the man, Nanxian Cangyue came to Baili Ruoxi's side again, seeing her flushed face, Nanxian Cangyue had a bad idea in her heart.

"Ruoxi, you have been drugged." Nanxian Cangyue said.

Baili Ruoxi looked at Nanxian Cangyue in horror, and realized that she had been poisoned with that kind of medicine, and now there were only the two of them...

"Brother Cang Yue, hurry up, Nanxian Weiyang will be back soon..." Baili Ruoxi said in a panic.

"No, Ruoxi, I can help you get rid of the medicine." Nanxian Cangyue seemed to have made up her mind.

"Brother Cang Yue can't do it!" Baili Ruoxi directly rejected Nan Xian Cang Yue.

"Hurry up, Nanxian Weiyang will be back soon, he can help me..." Baili Ruoxi emphasized again.

"Ruoxi, trust me, I will help you, I will give you everything you want." Nanxian Cangyue said.

"No, go away! Brother Cang Yue, don't make me hate you!" Baili Ruoxi warned, with the feeling that if you dare to mess around, I will fight you.

Nanxian Cangyue was once again hurt by the disgust in Baili Ruoxi's eyes, Nanxian Cangyue is also a person with self-respect, he will not force her to do anything, let alone she is someone he likes...

 Seventh watch, meat will be eaten in the next chapter, Ayue promises!
(End of this chapter)

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