my queen is cute

Chapter 182 The Newlyweds

Chapter 182 The Newlyweds ([-])

"I can't see that your craftsmanship is not bad." Baili Ruoxi teased.

"It's my honor to tie up hair for my princess." Nanxian Weiyang said while pinching her face.

The maids at the side all looked at Nanxian Weiyang in disbelief, is this still their highness the crown prince?So gentle!
"Don't tell me I almost forgot, now I'm a princess, I'm really not used to it." Baili Ruoxi complained softly.

"You'll get used to it slowly, let's go." Nanxian Weiyang stretched out his hand, and Baili Ruoxi put it on his hand. When he got up, he suddenly felt his legs go soft...

So he looked at Nanxian Weiyang angrily, and blamed him!I said yesterday that I don't want to come again, and he is still tossing to death, and now her legs are so weak that she can't walk, how embarrassing!

"What's wrong?" Nanxian Weiyang saw that something was wrong with Baili Ruoxi, so she asked.

"You carry me away, I can't move." Baili Ruoxi pouted, looked at Nanxian Weiyang dissatisfied and said.

Nanxian Weiyang raised the corners of her mouth high, hugged her by the waist as much as she wished for, and then strode out of the room.

When people in the room saw Nanxian Weiyang and Baili Ruoxi's intimate behavior, they were envious and jealous to death!I don't know how many good deeds the Crown Princess has done in her previous life to be so favored by His Royal Highness in this life.

Nanxian Weiyang hugged Baili Ruoxi all the way into the carriage, and after getting into the carriage, Nanxian Weiyang still held Baili Ruoxi and did not let go, letting her sit on her lap, and the two looked at each other face to face.

"How did you know that being coquettish let me hug you today?" Nanxian Weiyang asked curiously.

"Who is acting like a baby with you? My legs are really weak and I can't walk..." Baili Ruoxi said sullenly.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Baili Ruoxi said this, someone began to laugh triumphantly.

"Hahaha, it's all my fault, next time I will be gentler." Nanxian Weiyang said dotingly.

"Who told you next time... You said you wouldn't touch me for three days." Baili Ruoxi reminded.

"Crown princess, should I kindly remind you that it is three days, not three years, after three days you will know whether I am gentle or not."

Baili Ruoxi heard a strong threat from Nanxian Weiyang's words, and couldn't help but blush,
Nanxian Weiyang now thinks it would be too interesting to tease his little princess.

Along the way, Baili Ruoxi was silent. Compared to Nanxian Weiyang, the big bad wolf, she was like a little white rabbit who would fall into the big bad wolf's mouth if she was not careful, so she simply didn't I spoke.

Nanxian Weiyang, on the other hand, was aggressive, touching and kissing her all the way, very dishonest, Baili Ruoxi didn't refuse, and let him do whatever he wanted, anyway, he had sense of proportion, so he didn't have to worry so much.

"Master, we've arrived." Ye Fei said through the curtain.

"Hey, stop making trouble, the palace is here!" Baili Ruoxi patted Nanxian Weiyang's unruly hand and said angrily.

"Let him wait outside, let's continue." A certain prince said shamelessly.

"If you do this again, you will be punished and not allowed to touch me for five days!" She insisted on forcing her to use her trump card!

Sure enough, after hearing Baili Ruoxi's words, Nanxian Weiyang turned cold and took her hand back dissatisfied.

Ye Fei was waiting outside the car, not daring to press any further, he was afraid of spoiling his master's good deeds, and the master would take revenge on him.

After a while, Nanxian Weiyang and Baili Ruoxi came out of the carriage. Baili Ruoxi's lips were red and swollen, and she could tell she had done something bad. Ye Fei quickly looked away, not daring to continue looking at Baili Ruoxi.

Nanxian Weiyang's face was stinky the whole time, obviously looking dissatisfied with desire.

"Let's go, let's go to Changle Palace to pay respects to the queen mother." Baili Ruoxi urged.

"What's the hurry, anyway, the concubine had been waiting for a day yesterday, so it doesn't matter if you wait a little longer."

Baili Ruoxi looked up at Nanxian Weiyang, and couldn't help curling her lips.Yo, look at this tone of voice, this is venting his dissatisfaction with her!

"Nanxian Weiyang, I'm really angry if you do this again!" Baili Ruoxi looked at Nanxian Weiyang with a straight face, as if I would be in a hurry with you if you continue to make trouble for no reason.

Seeing that she was really going to get angry, Nanxian Weiyang stopped teasing her, and was about to hug her, but was stopped by Baili Ruoxi.

"What's the matter?" Nanxian Weiyang said impatiently.

"This is the imperial palace, I can go by myself." It would be bad if the emperor and the empress saw it later.

"I'm going to hug." Nanxian Weiyang and Baili Ruoxi got on the bar.

"Brother Prince, don't be like this..." Baili Ruoxi resolutely decided to act cute and coquettish.

"Two days." Nanxian Weiyang said suddenly.

"..." Baili Ruoxi looked at Nanxian Weiyang angrily, with an expression of how despicable you are.

And Nanxian Weiyang just stood there motionless, as if you decide whether you want it or not.

In the end, it was Baili Ruoxi who compromised first.

"I promise you, let's go!" Baili Ruoxi said, tugging at Nanxian Weiyang's arm.

Compared with Nanxian Weiyang, who has a big belly and black belly, Baili Ruoxi has been tortured to such an extent that there is not even a scum left, and she is still one foot taller than the devil!

Nanxian Weiyang was in a good mood after hearing her promise to herself, so she didn't continue to argue so much with Baili Ruoxi, and the two walked into the palace arm in arm.

Along the way, many court ladies and eunuchs passed by and saw Nanxian Weiyang and Baili Ruoxi walking into the palace hand in hand, and Ye Fei followed behind them.

Everyone said that the relationship between the prince and the princess is so good, maybe there will be a grandson of the emperor soon!
The queen received a message from Nanxian Weiyang yesterday, saying that she only came to pay her respects today, she didn't mind, as long as the two of them are loving each other, it's better than anything else.

"My son sees my mother."

"My son has seen my mother and concubine."

Baili Ruoxi and Nanxian Weiyang saluted together.

"Oh, get up, we are all a family, there is no need to perform such a big ceremony, come, Ruoxi, this is a red envelope from the queen mother." The queen smiled and handed Baili Ruoxi a red envelope.

"Empress mother, my son hasn't served tea yet." Baili Ruoxi reminded in a low voice, a little flattered.

"I don't need to serve tea or anything else. I'll just bring Yang'er to Changle Palace to see the queen." The queen said very kindly. She took Baili Ruoxi's hand and began to greet her with enthusiasm. Ruoxi was a little at a loss.

And Nanxian Weiyang was very happy to see her aunt and Baili Ruoxi getting so close. It seems that their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will get along very happily in the future.

"Ruoxi, it would be even better if you can have a child as soon as possible, and the queen mother can help you take care of the child." The queen said happily.

Baili Ruoxi lowered her head shyly, and glanced at Nanxian Weiyang.

"Mother and concubine, I will work hard." Nanxian Weiyang said with a smile, her eyes full of ambiguity.

Baili Ruoxi cursed secretly in her heart, trying hard on you, how do you talk?These words are too imaginative!
Then, the queen didn't think there was anything wrong with it, but was very relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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