my queen is cute

Chapter 190 Nanxian Cangyue's Confession

Chapter 190 Nanxian Cangyue's Confession

After crying, Baili Ruoxi went to find Nanxian Cangyue, she saw that Nanxian Cangyue's expression was very strange today, and she was a little worried about him.

He didn't go back to the palace today, but lived in the palace where he was the prince before. When Baili Ruoxi came to his place, there were very few people here, and there were hardly any palace people passing by.

She walked into his yard and saw him sitting on a stone bench, drinking wine to the moon, and suddenly felt a lot of sadness.

"Brother Cang Yue, stop drinking." Baili Ruoxi walked up to him and snatched the jug from his hand.

"Ruoxi, it's you, come and drink with me." Nanxian Cangyue was already slightly drunk, she pulled her to the side of her, and sat down beside him.

"Brother Cang Yue, what's the matter with you?" Baili Ruoxi looked at Nanxian Cangyue worriedly and asked.

"Ruoxi, do you know? Since I was a child, I felt that my father had a preference for Nanxian Weiyang, and he didn't care for me. Later, my father chose Nanxian Weiyang as the crown prince, so from then on, I have always loved my father. And Nanxian Weiyang has a grudge..." Having said this, Nanxian Cangyue took a sip of wine.

"Brother Cang Yue, don't drink anymore, you are already drunk." Baili Ruoxi persuaded.

"Later, I started to hate Nanxian Weiyang. When I was young, he would follow me behind and call me Big Brother, but he gradually stopped calling. Maybe he also felt that I hated him, so he also stayed away from me." Nan Xian Cang Yue continued talking to herself as if she didn't hear what Baili Ruoxi said.

"Later, I hated Nanxian Weiyang. Not only did the emperor treat him better than me, but even my mother and concubine did the same. I kept tripping Nanxian Weiyang, and even sent people to assassinate him. Nanxian Weiyang himself is also very good at martial arts. I can't kill him, so I can't see him. I designed to keep him away from Fengyu Kingdom and my side. I want to use other people's hands to kill him. Kill him, as long as he dies, the throne will be mine..." Nanxian Weiyang suddenly let out a bleak laugh.

"Brother Cang Yue, stop talking, I know you didn't do it on purpose." Baili Ruoxi looked anxiously at Nanxian Weiyang and said.

"Ruoxi, do you know? I approached you with a purpose in the beginning. I know that you hold a very important position in Nanxian Weiyang's heart, so I took advantage of your amnesia to make friends with you. I thought, Even if Nanxian Weiyang comes back alive from the battlefield, with you, I can still let Nanxian Weiyang be controlled by me..." Nanxian Cangyue confessed these things to Baili Ruoxi for the first time, he didn't want to live so tired , he wanted to take it easy.

"Brother Cang Yue, no, how could it be?!" Baili Ruoxi looked at Nan Xian Cang Yue in disbelief, and he actually said that he has been using her?
"However, I have calculated thousands of times, but I didn't calculate that I would lose my own heart. Every time I stay with you, I feel very relaxed. I think you are the purest and kindest person I have ever met. Girl, at some point, I fell in love with you to the point where I couldn't extricate myself..." Nanxian Cangyue looked into Baili Ruoxi's eyes and said sincerely.

"Brother Cang Yue, don't do this, I'm already married to Nanxian Weiyang." Baili Ruoxi couldn't bear to look directly into Nanxian Cangyue's eyes, so she had to turn her head away.

"Yes, you are already married, you are Nanxian Weiyang's princess, you are no longer my Ruoxi, I personally pushed you to Nanxian Weiyang's side, Ruoxi, if Nanxian Weiyang never Will you fall in love with me when you come back from the battlefield?" Nan Xian Cang Yue looked at her eagerly and asked.

"Brother Cang Yue, some things are not if. I have already made a choice in this life. I also hope that you can let go of the obsession in your heart and get along well with Nanxian Weiyang." Baili Ruoxi said seriously.

"Ruoxi, I hope you are happy, come and have a drink with me, let's bid farewell to the past tonight, after tonight, you will be my sister-in-law, and I will still be your elder brother Cangyue, as long as you want. "Nan Xian Cang Yue plucked up her courage and finally said this sentence.

"Okay." Baili Ruoxi didn't refuse him any more, picked up the wine glass, Nanxian Cangyue offered her a glass of wine, and the two toasted together.

"Brother Cang Yue, I also hope that you can be happy." Baili Ruoxi looked at Nanxian Weiyang sincerely and said.

Nanxian Cangyue gave a wry smile, then drank it down in one gulp, and Baili Ruoxi followed Nanxian Cangyue's example and finished the wine in the cup.

Baili Ruoxi felt dizzy after drinking, and said goodbye to Nanxian Cangyue after a few words.

Nanxian Weiyang has been waiting for her to come back at the door. In the distance, when he saw her staggering towards her, he was so frightened that he immediately flew to his side with light kung fu.

"Have you been drinking?" Nanxian Weiyang frowned when she smelled the alcohol on her body.

"Nanxian Weiyang, don't frown, I don't like to see you frowning." Baili Ruoxi held his face in both hands, and smoothed his frowning brows with fingertips.

Nanxian Weiyang was touched by her softness in her heart, and her voice became much softer.

"If you don't know how to drink, you still have to drink. You are not allowed to drink in the future." Nanxian Weiyang squeezed her flushed face slightly and said.

"Well, I won't drink it. I won't drink it in the future." Baili Ruoxi nodded obediently.She is drunk now, and her actions and words are all subconscious.

"Let's go, let's go back." Nanxian Weiyang picked her up and walked towards the room.

After arriving inside the house, Nanxian Weiyang found that Baili Ruoxi had fallen asleep at some point.

He shook his head helplessly, helped her take off her shoes and coat, put her on the bed, and looked at her tenderly.

"If only you could be so obedient after waking up." Nanxian Weiyang said as if sighing.

Then he shook his head again, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, which had a deep meaning.

When Baili Ruoxi woke up the next day, she felt dizzy and extremely uncomfortable.

"Are you awake? Come, finish drinking the hangover soup." Nanxian Weiyang walked in with a bowl of hangover soup.

Baili Ruoxi took the bowl from him and drank it down.

"Thank you." Baili Ruoxi said.

"Feeling better?" Nanxian Weiyang asked.

"Well, much better." Baili Ruoxi replied softly.

"It's good that it's much better, wash up quickly, and then we'll visit Emperor Father." Nanxian Weiyang smiled, her face full of doting.

"Okay." Baili Ruoxi nodded.

After they washed up, they ran into Nanxian Cangyue as soon as they stepped out of Weiyang Palace.

"Ruoxi." Nanxian Cangyue greeted her.

"Brother Cang Yue." Baili Ruoxi also responded enthusiastically.

Seeing the two of them greeting each other so familiarly, Nanxian Weiyang felt a little bit pissed.

Little girl, you are always submissive to me, why does it look like a different person when you see Nanxian Cangyue? !
"Brother Wang, why did you pass by my Weiyang Palace? Could it be a coincidence?" Nanxian Weiyang said sarcastically.

"It's not a coincidence, but I'm here specially waiting for you." Nanxian Cangyue said calmly, and then hooked the corners of her lips.

Nanxian Weiyang thought to herself, what are you trying to do?
 Thank you for the 100 book coins rewarded by [Deep Love, Qian Nai Ku He], the 388 book coins rewarded by [Foul Demon King Tsundere], and the 388 book coins rewarded by [Faded Memories]. I love you, the following is what I promised yesterday I have a small theater for [真中らあら] sister.

  small theater:
  [Nanxian Weiyang] I heard that recently you arranged a bitter role for me? (A certain Yang raises an eyebrow and looks at the author)
  【Ayue】Who is it?I do not know how. (look innocent)
  【真中らああ】It seems like you are so big... (Sister Mazhong said weakly.)
  【Ayue】How is it possible?I don't know anything! ! (A certain author looks surprised)
  [Nanxian Weiyang] (looks at a certain author playfully) Pretend, continue to pretend.

  【Ayue】Ahem, it’s only a dozen chapters, it’ll be over soon... (An author touched his head and smiled embarrassingly)
  【真中らあら】What? !A dozen chapters? !Oh my god! !Please don't be cruel, woo woo~~

  【Ayue】Haha, little abuse, little abuse. (A certain author said duplicity)

  【Nanxian Weiyang】Come here, drag Ayue down and cut him off!

  【真中らあら】His Royal Highness, I have a knife here, so I can just kill her with one knife!
  【Ayue】How can it be purple...

(End of this chapter)

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