Chapter 801

"Well, I'm not angry anymore." Xia Mengxian smiled, as if nothing happened just now.

"Ruoxi, where is the child? Can you let Xu'er and I have a look? Xu'er has always said that she, as a aunt, should prepare a gift for the child." Nanxian Cangyue put her arms around Baili Piao, whose belly was already showing. Xu said.

"Of course, but the baby is in the dormitory next door, so I'll ask someone to bring the baby here." Xia Mengxian said flatly.

Nanxian Weiyang took a look at [Baili Ruoxi], and then asked someone to bring in the baby and [Xia Mengxian].

Nanxian Cangyue was afraid that Baili Piaoxu would be tired, so she let Baili Piaoxu sit on the edge of the bed. At the moment Baili Piaoxu sat on the edge of the bed, a trace of disgust flashed in Xia Mengxian's eyes!
And this flashing expression made Nanxian Cangyue see clearly, and she began to be even more puzzled.

Soon, Baili Ruoxi walked in with the baby.

When Nanxian Cangyue and Baili Piaoxu saw [Xia Mengxian] walking in with a baby in her arms, they were all surprised!
How could Nanxian Weiyang let [Xia Mengxian] take care of the child?Isn't he afraid of her doing something?

When Baili Ruoxi came in, he saw Nanxian Cangyue and Baili Piaoxu, with happy smiles on their faces, great, Brother Cangyue and Fourth Sister are here, so can they recognize themselves?
Baili Ruoxi looked at Nanxian Cangyue with hopeful eyes, when Nanxian Cangyue met [Xia Mengxian]'s gaze, her heart suddenly jumped!what happened? [Xia Mengxian] It feels so familiar to him!
"Give the child to Ben Gong, you go out first." Xia Mengxian watched Baili Ruoxi staring at Nanxian Cangyue, feeling a little unhappy, so she was going to drive her away.

Baili Ruoxi's complexion changed after hearing Xia Mengxian's words, and she hugged the baby tightly, unwilling to give it to Xia Mengxian, she was afraid that Xia Mengxian would hurt the baby like last time!
Nanxian Cangyue and Baili Piaoxu didn't know about [Xia Mengxian]'s dumbness, so they looked at Nanxian Weiyang for no reason.

"I don't know what happened, but when I found her, she became dumb." Nanxian Weiyang explained simply.

"Xiao Xi'er, let her wait by the side. If the baby cries, only she can comfort the baby." Nanxian Weiyang said with some embarrassment. After the previous experiences, Nanxian Weiyang knew that as long as the baby In the hands of [Xiao Xi'er], the baby will definitely cry and fuss, so there is a reason to keep [Xia Mengxian] here.

Nanxian Cangyue's eyes kept on [Xia Mengxian], the more she looked at it, the more something was wrong, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

"Then you have to ask her to give me the child, I gave birth to it." Xia Mengxian said deliberately to Baili Ruoxi like this.

Sure enough, after Baili Ruoxi heard Xia Mengxian's words, she was not calm anymore. The baby was born by her in October, so why give it to her?ridiculous!

"Have you heard what the queen said? Haven't brought the baby here yet?" Nanxian Weiyang frowned, [Xiao Xi'er] was right, the baby was born by her, and no matter what, [Xia Mengxian] shouldn't hold her with.

Baili Ruoxi was unwilling, but Nanxian Weiyang had already spoken, so what could she do?What if he gets angry and doesn't let her take care of the baby?
Nanxian Weiyang, I will remember this account for you, and I will get it back one by one in the future!Baili Ruoxi gave Nanxian Weiyang a vicious look, then reluctantly gave him the baby.

Nanxian Weiyang felt very baffled, this woman acted like he robbed her child! (Amuru: Isn’t it just stealing her child ←_←)
The baby was doing well in Baili Ruoxi, smiling all the time, when Nanxian Weiyang hugged the baby, the baby's face wrinkled, as if he didn't like him as the father very much.

Nanxian Weiyang also felt it, it seemed that the baby was not as lively as yesterday, and when she saw him, she always had a sullen face.

"Show me the baby." Baili Piaoxu is pregnant now, and she also has a maternal outburst. She especially likes children when she sees them.

Nanxian Weiyang handed the child to Baili Piaoxu, and Nanxian Cangyue hugged and looked at it together.

"Cangyue, look, the child is so cute, he looks more like Ruoxi." Baili Piaoxu laughed.

Seeing the pink and tender little dumpling, Nan Xian Cang Yue felt soft in her heart.

And the little baby seemed to know that this was his aunt and uncle, and smiled generously at the two of them.

Nanxian Cangyue and Baili Piaoxu were amused when they saw that the little baby was so human.

"Look, the baby is so cute." Baili Piaoxu liked Baili Ruoxi's child very much, and it would be great if she could give birth to such a cute baby in the future.

Nanxian Cangyue hugged her tightly from behind as if she could see what she was thinking.

"In the future, our baby will be very cute." Nanxian Cangyue said while looking at Baili Piaoxu tenderly.

Baili Piaoxu glanced at Nanxian Cangyue and smiled sweetly.

Seeing how happy Nanxian Cangyue was with Baili Piaoxu in her arms, Nanxian Weiyang couldn't help but want to put his hands on [Baili Ruoxi]'s shoulder.

Baili Ruoxi realized what Nanxian Weiyang was going to do, and suddenly broke a cup, Nanxian Weiyang's hand was instantly retracted, and she looked at 【Xia Mengxian】.

"What's going on?" Nanxian Weiyang glanced at [Xia Mengxian] displeased, Baili Ruoxi pouted, and looked at Nanxian Weiyang with some dissatisfaction.

Nanxian Weiyang watched [Xia Mengxian]'s every move, and her heart suddenly stopped beating!She, her, why does her movement and expression look exactly like Xiao Xier's?Is it a deliberate imitation or... No, even if it is an imitation, it will not be so similar!

Xia Mengxian watched Baili Ruoxi's every move, no matter how uncomfortable she looked, she definitely did it on purpose!
"My lord, give me the baby, I want to hug it." As soon as Xia Mengxian said this, everyone looked at [Baili Ruoxi] in surprise.

And Baili Ruoxi smiled, let me tell you the truth, I would never call Cang Yue the Great Prince, you idiot, haha, hurry up and find out her true identity!
Xia Mengxian suddenly realized that she had made a mistake, and quickly changed her words, "Hehe, Big Brother Cang Yue, I just wanted to call you my lord suddenly to see how you react."

Nanxian Weiyang felt relieved.

But Nan Xian Cang Yue frowned, is it really just like that?But why does he feel that this is not the real reason?But, what is the reason for that?
Nanxian Cangyue was thinking, Xia Mengxian had already carried the child over.

When Baili Ruoxi saw the baby in Xia Mengxian's hands, she was very nervous!
The baby was snatched by Xia Mengxian like this, and then started crying. Everyone looked at [Baili Ruoxi] straight away, why did the baby start crying as soon as it was in her hands?
(End of this chapter)

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