Rebirth doctor woman has space

Chapter 1357 Battle against the God of Plague 7

Chapter 1357 Battle against the God of Plague 7
Jiang Hao's consciousness watched the middle-aged man surnamed Zheng go through the discharge procedures, and he was satisfied with his knowledge.

However, when the middle-aged man surnamed Zheng was about to leave, he saw his wife lying on the ground and threatened Qin Xue and Jiang Hao viciously, "My wife was beaten like this by you, I want to sue you, you The hospital beats people at will!"

Jiang Hao shrugged his shoulders indifferently and said, "Whoever you are, I was recording just now, and it was you who made trouble for no reason. It was your wife who insulted my wife first, otherwise I wouldn't beat your wife, but Later, your wife will come to attack us personally, I am defending myself!"

Qin Xue put her arms around Jiang Hao's arm and said, "Hao, let's go, leave them alone, if they don't want to leave, then we will ask the security to send them out!"

"Okay!" Jiang Hao nodded with a smile, and left the ward with Qin Xue.

However, instead of going to the cafeteria to eat, they went to the dean's office, and their decision had to be issued. This kind of thing had to be fast.

Also, if Qin Xue and Jiang Hao's patients did not follow the doctor's advice, they would no longer be responsible for the patient's treatment.

Regarding the decision and order of Jiang Hao and Qin Xue, the dean expressed his doubts. Afterwards, Jiang Hao explained the matter to the dean, and the dean understood.

The dean also knows that Qin Xue and Jiang Hao have high medical skills, but there are many people who come to see the doctor, so they can't take care of everyone. For the time being, I will hand it over to other doctors of traditional Chinese medicine for treatment, and if it is not possible, I will hand it over to Qin Xue and Jiang Hao.

And those who didn't follow the doctor's orders were adding labor to Qin Xue and Jiang Hao. They didn't care about their own lives, so why should they work hard to treat them? Isn't this adding trouble to themselves?

"Doctor Qin, Doctor Jiang, don't worry, I won't let this news out!" The dean immediately patted his chest and promised.

Qin Xue and Jiang Hao nodded, and Jiang Hao said again, "We will be away for a while, and the explanation you gave was that the two of us are going on our honeymoon, and we cannot be contacted!"

"Okay!" The dean nodded immediately.

Jiang Hao and Qin Xue left the dean's office together, and went to have lunch first. This incident also cast a mirror image on Jiang Hao and Qin Xue.

Although Qin Xue and Jiang Hao couldn't stop people from smoking across the country, they didn't want to see anyone smoking in this one-acre land.

Therefore, Jiang Hao and Qin Xue will also issue a notice that as long as people in this area of ​​the Holy Dragon Academy are absolutely not allowed to smoke, no matter who they are, no one is allowed to sell cigarettes.

This news could not be made public, some clapped and applauded, but also cursed, thinking it was a deprivation of human rights. However, for the poor people who Qin Xue and Jiang Hao funded, they had no money to buy cigarettes at home, let alone They bought cigarettes by themselves and smoked, even if they had smoked before, they had quit smoking, so they didn't have any discomfort with this order.

But for some people who are addicted to smoking, it is a big torture. Following the order, all the security personnel in this area start to patrol around every day. As long as there are people who do not listen to the persuasion to smoke, they can only be invited out. Here They are not welcome.

I'm going to find the God of Plague, Calvin, and the rest will be posted during the day tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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