Rebirth doctor woman has space

Chapter 1372 Battle against the God of Plague 22

Chapter 1372 Battle against the God of Plague 22
Both Lu Fei and Ling Yuan looked at Tsing Yi in a daze, and listening to his explanation, it seemed like a myth in an instant.

When did such a powerful existence exist in this world?There is still such a high-status god?This seems to be the people of ancient times, right?Still in the world?
Moreover, Jiang Hao's status is high, but Qin Xue's status should not be underestimated by them. In other words, Qin Xue's status is even higher, because she is the biological daughter of the two great gods and inherited the blood of the two great gods. The backer behind her is even stronger than Jiang Hao, the Great Shennong. They suddenly heard that the descendants of the three great gods were in this world, how could they not be shocked.

Lu Fei moved his lips, looked at Qin Xue and said, "Could it be... Could it be that Mrs. Jiang is accepting the inheritance now?"

Although I haven't seen any scene of inheritance, I think it should be inheritance from Tsing Yi's tone of voice.

Tsing Yi nodded slightly and said, "If my guess is correct, it should be. This Fuxi Qin has the great power of the Great God Fuxi."

Ling Yuan sighed deeply, "I thought Mrs. Jiang was just an ordinary person before, but I didn't expect that she was the daughter of two great gods. I really didn't expect it!"

Tsing Yi smiled, seeing Qin Xue being gradually shrouded in light and forming a cocoon of light, she was very shocked, and also very much looking forward to what kind of transformation Qin Xue would have after accepting the inheritance.

Putting aside the situation on Qin Xue's side, the God of Plague felt that the danger was approaching, so he turned around and ran away, while Jiang Hao followed closely behind, and the two figures galloped in the black sky.

Jiang Hao kept chasing after him, attacking the God of Plague. His divine sense controlled the nine needles of the Yellow Emperor, and attacked the God of Plague from all directions.

The God of Plague turned into a cloud of black mist, and whenever the Yellow Emperor's nine needles were about to shoot, the black mist would turn into two halves, allowing the golden needle to pass through and avoid Jiang Hao's attack.

The God of Plague kept flying towards the west, and the speed continued to increase. Jiang Hao also continued to speed up, chasing after the God of Plague.

And because Jiang Hao and the God of Plague were chasing after each other, bursts of attacks and explosions were heard in the air, causing many people to look up and ask, what happened?

For the God of Plague, he doesn't care about avoiding the attention of mortals. Sometimes, he will go down to the city and use those tall buildings to hide his body.

Therefore, many people know that they saw this miraculous scene, and took some photos. However, because the speed of both sides is too fast, even if they can capture some, they can only see a black shadow or a white shadow , which made them complain and depressed for a while.

The whole world is also caught in a frenzy of discussions because of this incident, which also makes some emotional mortals think that the end of the world is coming or that aliens are coming to the earth, and some people spread their unreasonable guesses everywhere. The previous plague It is aliens who intend to live on the earth, but there are too many people on the earth, so they are poisoned to reduce the population of the earth. The figures that appear now are the vanguard. Anyway, there are all kinds of speculation on the Internet, which makes people feel a little bit float.

No one thought that such a trivial matter would be so magnified by people all over the world, and finally the rumors would be brought to the point of human destruction. This is really admirable that some people's brains are really too strong.

(End of this chapter)

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