Rebirth doctor woman has space

Chapter 1374 Battle against the God of Plague 24

Chapter 1374 Battle against the God of Plague 24
A black shadow and a white shadow collided with each other, and there was another powerful explosion sound,
The God of Plague fought Jiang Hao in mid-air at a height of ten meters, and the aftermath of the powerful explosion energy rushed in all directions.

The surface of the Pacific Ocean is also affected by this energy. The powerful energy seems to place a huge mountain on the surface of the Pacific Ocean. The surface of the sea seemed to be the same as the ground, forming a huge mountain pit.

The water around the pit continued to spread towards the surrounding area, and the scope was so wide that it was frightening. These waves turned into huge tsunamis and rushed towards the land.

Fortunately, the battle between Jiang Hao and God of Plague took place in a relatively off-centre place in the Pacific Ocean.

But this powerful tsunami also affected the seaside cities of Will.

The mortals who were playing around at the seaside of Will State were shocked when they saw the waves rushing towards them on the sea. High!Although it is still much less than the highest tsunami recorded in the world, it is still shocking to those who have never encountered such a high tsunami.

"The tsunami is coming! Run away!" I don't know who yelled, and in an instant, many people came back to their senses, turned around and ran away, fearing that the tsunami would engulf them as soon as it came.

Some children didn't know the reason, but they were moved back by some people. They fell very painfully, and they all burst into tears. Their parents wanted to escape, but when they thought of their children, they hurried to hug them. The children ran together, and in an instant, everyone on the entire beach quickly ran towards the shore.

Some people who were still calling for surfing wanted to go for a break, but some were so frightened that their legs gave up that they almost fell into the sea, and they turned around and fled quickly, for fear that they would be affected by the tsunami.

The speed of the tsunami was very fast, and of course the speed of people's escape was also fast, except for some people who were still in the water, as long as some people who were originally on the shore ran ashore.

"Crash!" The tsunami roared towards the shore, and the huge waves waved one after another. Even those who had already run to the shore were affected by the tsunami, and many children were affected by the waves. It was rolled into the sea, and there was a sound of shouting and crying.

No matter who is looking at this huge tsunami in horror, this is not just one tsunami, coming towards them layer by layer, some people still want to watch a good show, but seeing this huge destructive force The tsunami didn't dare to stay here any longer, and ran back directly.

The sudden tsunami made many people in Will start to panic, thinking about the rumors on the Internet that the earth was going to be destroyed.

The battle between Jiang Hao and the God of Plague was in full swing, and he had no idea that because the battle between the two had caused huge upheavals, many people in the entire Weir Kingdom had already been affected.

And this tsunami is going in all directions, so Cangmu Country, which is opposite to the Pacific Ocean of Will Country, has also been affected by the tsunami, and it is now summer, which happens to be when everyone is having fun at the beach, so this time The tsunami also attacked the seaside city of Cangmuguo, and many people were also sucked into the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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